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New Adam Lambert Picture! (West Hollywood)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, October 08, 2013


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the jewelry! Bring it on.

Anonymous said...

Adam has said many times he doesn't enjoy being alone. I wonder if that has something to do with him ALWAYS being out and about at the clubs. Hate to think of him as being lonely. You can have all kinds of people around you and still feel alone. Hope he finds someone to anchor him.

Anonymous said...

Oh all these tank tops are giving me a heart attack. Keep wearing them Adam!

Anonymous said...

I see Adam's going out a lot because he's a talker and he doesn't feel comfortable talking to himself at home.

Anonymous said...

All the tank tops are making me HAPPY!

Anonymous said...

8:31 AM
Couldn't he call his friends to his home or visit them elsewhere than in clubs and bars? Just asking. Not knowing anything. He looks great.

Anonymous said...

@8:37 AM
I learned a lesson from my teenage son. He spent so much time in the principals office and being late for school, I finally asked him why he even went to school. He said "Because that's where my friends hang out".

Going out affords Adam to be with more friends and make new ones.

Anonymous said...

He is just looking to get drunk and find a guy for the night

Anonymous said...

8:48 AM
I think he looks tired. But the photo is not clear. But this is at least the third night in row he is out (I'm not sure if we have pics from Thursday too; then it would be fourth), so I understand if he is a bit tired.

He wears now tank tops. Yeah! Looking good.

Anonymous said...

His custom jewelry might be for his Glee role!

Adam was raised in SoCal. Most SoCal people are social outgoing because of our nice weather year round. I understand some people who live in cold dark places are mostly introverted lonely type of people.

Just be happy you get to see pics. of Adam!

Anonymous said...

@8:31 AM

I am pretty sure Adam does not ever have to be at home alone, if he does not choose to be. You really don't know how much time he spends anywhere, or with who, now do you? Do not believe all the rumors you hear; even pictures can be deceiving. Any mature adult would know this.

By the way, most young people, and some older people enjoy going out. Especially someone in Adam's profession; fun and networking sometimes all come together. Hope he is enjoying life; he is such a wonderful young man.

Anonymous said...

I for one am loving the tank tops! Adam looks extremely gorgeous in them! Have fun Adam!>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

9:13 AM
"I understand some people who live in cold dark places are mostly introverted lonely type of people."

How many people from "cold dark places" do you know personally so that you can generalize so freely that they are mostly introverted lonely type of people?

Thanks to Heinrich Göbel and Thomas Alva Edison also people living in cold, dark places can go out when it is cold and dark. And they have clubs and bars and lights and restaurants and warm houses, wow. But of course there are some who are so introvert that they just want to be home and sit in front of a fire.

Anonymous said...

Looks like he's proud of his new bod:) Now to get a tank pic of just him & all his glory;)

Anonymous said...

@9:13 AM
You are making nothing into a mountain.

Anonymous said...

Every little comment Adam makes gets taken to another level.

I don't remember him saying he doesn't like to be alone several times let alone once. Link to the interviews please.

Anonymous said...

There are statistically more suicides in cold dark climates.
Short daylight hours seem to affect people.

Anonymous said...

10:08 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't there quite many suicides (statistically) made also in Japan? That is not cold and dark country. People there are (just generalizing myself) also quite introvert. And they have light and warmth. Right?

Anonymous said...

Adam is rockin' the tank tops. love the no stache for a change look

Anonymous said...

@ 8:40...JAK here...I had a deja vu moment reading your post about your g'son was quite similar. He and the headmaster of his school became good buddies since he was sent to his office was always a mistake for a teacher to ask my boy for his opinion, cause he'd give it....unfortunately what the teacher really wanted him to do was parrot back the teacher's way!

He and the headmaster would chat and play scrabble till class was over. At graduation when Jamie was next in line, the headmaster said, "and now it's my pleasure to give this diploma to Jamie, a shy introverted boy, ( the auditorium all laughed) and yet, one who always gets in the last word". Jamie walked stage left and turned and said "you bet" and jumped down the last 4 steps.

The blessing was though he only thought of school as his social connection, he was a sponge and all the schoolwork seeped into his brain.

Anonymous said...

Short daylight hours seem to affect people. This is true. The condition is called: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). I live in the Northeast part of US and was diagnosed with this disorder several winters ago, because it led to depression. I hate that it is getting dark earlier each day. However, there are many people that go out to clubs, bars and restaurants because the cold and darkness is no big deal to them..they are fortunate.
BTW, I love Adam in tank tops, shirts, tees, or anything he wears..just love Adam period!!

Anonymous said...

could a gay man bang the bi out of someone? just askin'

Anonymous said...

Oh Adam. I dare you to get any sexier.

Anonymous said...

Just like all heterosexuals that want to go to bars etc., it's the same for gay folks. I'm sure Adam has a certain criteria in possible relationship material, like everyone else. It's probably harder to find someone not out to be seen with you for all the wrong reasons, if you're a celebrity. The clubs have a certain atmosphere and clientele, plus it's never said if he gets 1 drink in multiple places and leaves. The impulse to say he's in a lot of bars may not even be whats happening, only what pics seem to portray.

Anonymous said...

While I don't understand why Sauli never post pics of Adam in return for Adam liking most everything of Sauli, it's clear Adam likes everything other artists do. That's a nice way to be and it costs him nothing. Shame others aren't as nice where Adam is concerned, although since IHeart many were excited over his talent and performance. I think many of today's artists lack morals and common sense, but somehow they sell their product. It should work that way for Adam too.