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New Fan Captured Video of Adam Lambert + Queen Performing at iHeartRadio!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, October 6, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, October 06, 2013


Anonymous said...

JAK here....Everytime I watch this whole performance all the way thru, I get a little inward giggle when Adam turns at the end of WWTLF after "the look" and strides away......for those who remember John Wayne in films, that's his "walk".
He always appeared to be walking in heels....Macho guy that he was.

Anonymous said...

Love my glam rocker! <3

Anonymous said...

That was fantastic! I just love the different angles/views of the performance. Adam is one sexy man!!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

JAK, Just like the last scene in The Searchers. PUre John Wayne. Adam has that swagger, for sure! The IHR performance was epic.


Anonymous said...

Is anyone watching the 4 hours of Queen bios? Pretty interesting.

Anonymous said...

To me, that look, as Adam walks away after singing WWTLF says, "see what you've been missing" or "what do you have to say now". He must have been so satisfied, so confident that he had just blown the roof off the stage with that song. It made me love Adam even more and just reinforced the reasons I am mesmerized by this man.

Anonymous said...

What are the 4 hours of Queen bios you are referring to in your comment at 4:38PM? Could you provide some info about this? I would like to watch this.

Anonymous said...

I just finished watching "Freddie Mercury - The Great Pretender." Freddie was shy in real life unlike Adam the ultimate people person. I enjoyed the program very much although I have seen it before. Love hearing Freddie sing. He was so great. It was wonderful to hear Brian and Roger talk about Freddie. Legends all! Thank God Queen is still alive with Adam for us to enjoy! I hope to hear much more Queen + Adam in the future1

Anonymous said...

@5:21PM I recorded this documentary few months ago. But I could watch just twice. This movie breaks my heart every time. Yes, Freddie was very shy person. Adam is absolute opposite. However, they would make a great team:)
Hope Queen+Adam will have US tour.

Anonymous said...

That look says "Take that Bitches"

Anonymous said...

Adam sure knows how to finish a song--a theatrical, indelible, riveting ending--the equivalent of the defiant feel of his first performance of "A Change is Gonna Come", but without the mask of feathers and makeup. Fabulous!!!

Anonymous said...

eff that was good!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry if I offend Queen fans who are also Adam fans. I'm not raised during Queen era. So never fall into loving their music other than hearing their regular songs played at sport events and etc. I bought their music because of Adam and love their music. But for me Adam really make their songs his own. I really don't like Freddie Mercury's voice. I think Adam's voice is tons better than his. That's just my feeling cause I was never exposed to their music before. Let me tell you that I'm not the only one not knowing much about Queen music. There are people like me too. If Queen wants to revive their music among young crowds, their best bet is to have bunch of North American concerts with Adam only. When Adam did the European tour last year, I checked their facebook page often sometimes after the concert and they had post about sales of their music was really high. Probably Queen Ext. contributed to sales as well but I know most of the sales was because of six Queenbert concerts. I hope there will be more Queenbert shows in the future and if they decide to do anything in US, I'll be the first to buy tickets and bring my friends.

As for his IH appearance, I am with you all that they should have shown Adam's performance of WWTLF and never had FUN to join them. It could've been another MTV EMA moment for Adam here in his homeland. But still I'm greatful that he got tons of coverage for both nights.

Anonymous said...

@6:49 PM
I like your post. I never thought the way you said, but it makes sense. If Queen wants new fans they need to tour and make new albums with Adam.
I'm going to stay out of 24/7 until tomorrow so I can hold on to your sensible words the rest of this day.

Anonymous said...

6:49 PM. You are not with me. I think the Adam fans are insensitive and greedy who wish away FUN. iHeartRadio planned this festival, paid for it and had the right to choose the performances they wanted and put them in their TV line up wherever they wanted.

Of course Adam was the best thing on the whole damn show, right up there with Elton John, Roger And Brian, but other people have talent too and their fans too. I think there are selfish Glamberts who would trample people to try to advance Adam. Do you think Adam would do so? I don't, he is gracious and generous to
all other performers . Those type of fans reflect badly on Adam. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

8:02 ok I will grow up if you will stop trolling.

Anonymous said...

@8:02pm...this is @6:49pm...thanks for your comment! I did say that I'm thankful that Adam got two nights of great coverage at IH. Still wanted Adam to have the surprise like MTV EMA moment at IH here in US. It isn't greed. It is just wish upon the stars good things for Adam.

Anonymous said...

@6:49 again and my above comment @10:16

9:20 isn't my comment. It's our regular you know who, who is pretending as me.