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NEW PICTURE: Adam Lambert and his new rumored Boyfriend

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, October 6, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, October 06, 2013

VIA elilieb:

What do I do when my video gets 200K views in one day? I go have fun. And there's no one better to do that with than this guy


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Anonymous said...

I don't think the resident troll is a she... Js

Anonymous said...

Adam and Eli together?! Not gonna happen! Eli is too 'lame' for Adam, or too tame and just another wgwg... :(

Anonymous said...

4:18 PM

You visibly are some poor retard guy who needs her unrealistic fantasies, so keep them with your miserable life.

Anonymous said...

He jus had a big opportunity 4.01 and he blew it out of the water. The reviews were unreal. Just the beginning for this 31 year old. Proves he will have quite a solo career after Queen. People raving about Ad talent. Your just throwing crap out there makes no sense at all. We are suppose to be all upset and buy this stuff. It's absolute bull. You said someone could not respond were responding to BS. Any troll can come on a site a throw any thing out there to try and up set people. They do this right after a big triumph like Adam just had. Then there Glee you act like that's nothing very popular with young people and it will help Adam more, sorry Charlie! Adam is a millionaire you ever read Forbes several times over! So don't worry about him worry about your mental health because your nuts I mean seriously nuts!

Anonymous said...

Adam is so freaking delicious especially his freckles!!...

For the people who always bashing my Rock God, well what more can u add with your idiotic comments that we don't know about???? He! He! I'm always in the mood when the TROLLS get itchy all the time!!!! There's no cure for your disease!!!!


Anonymous said...

Just look at that Featured Picture (Sexy Version) to the right of this comment. Sigh...breath-taking and tons of heart eyes! He looks so yummy and beautiful. Sure that training is showing. Better start my regiment tomorrow with an hour exercise and good eating while to Adam's music.

Anonymous said...

Girls fight! Girls fight!

Anonymous said...

5:45 where?

Anonymous said...

@5:50 PM Sauli's fans vr Adam&Eli friendship. Troll were invited
Feel sorry for Sauli cause some of his fans are such jerks

Anonymous said...

That's because there is a crazy ass troll posting in it. Adam a millionaire maybe he can loan the troll a couple of bucks to get therapy!

Anonymous said...

That crazy troll is definitely a Sauli's fan. I've read other Sauli's fans comments and they are very civilized and loving. Maybe couple with different opinions but still loving. Showing Sauli's ray of sunshine. But good lord this one with a foul mouth and all the negative thorns throwing at Glamberts is just so nasty. Hope Sauli's fans can help her somehow. She was on twitter creating all different types of accounts and getting busted by Glamberts to get blocked and disabled. But here nobody can do anything about it and Admin. doesn't monitor the comments either. So sad!

Anonymous said...

Adam a millionaire maybe Adam can loan the troll a couple bucks for therapy! Needs it bad.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 4:32. This thread needs to be retired.

Anonymous said...

@6:07PM #2 Then go earn it. Learn a craft or something to get yourself a good job. This behavior isn't healthy for your own self. You can get old and wrinkly if you continue with this type of behavior. It's not healthy. If you are Sauli's fan follow his direction in life and improve yourself. Find help! Get help! Peace!

Anonymous said...

Why should Adam pay for a troll mental sickness. She isn't even fan of Adam? There are organizations I'm sure that can help her out. She needs a straight jacket. Cuckoo cray!

Anonymous said...

I this this isn't very smart to say that Adam is a millionaire. May be he has some money. But he doesn't have millions!

Anonymous said...

don't get the fascination with the letters I, A and E at the end of each name.

Anonymous said...

if Lambert is living among the Sinatra family he is doing pretty darn good for himself. Penny change won't get you that.

Anonymous said...

trolls are wiggidy wiggidy wiggidy whack.

Anonymous said...

It is October, as Adam has also stated, and Halloween is coming. I eagerly wait to see the Halloween costumes of Adam and Eli. And the RC-pics of them. I think they decided to send this photo to show they are bf's, because there will be many photos from the Halloween.

I like Eli but I think he is a bit bland but I don't know much about him, so he can surprise me.

Anonymous said...

Are people really stupid in life or just being funny?
Bashing adam to make sauli look good is so so so immature!
I love adam lambert,his voice and every other things..very soon this cheap publicity sauli's friends and finnish pEeps are giving him will grow old..cause peeps are bored already

Anonymous said...

Are people this stupid in life or they are just trying to be funny?
Seriously? Bashing adam to make sauli good? Well you sauli crays can join tommy crays because adam lambert isn't going anywhere.
Note to sauli's friends and finnish peeps( the immature ones) adam and sauli has moved on..please try to do same

daydreamin said...

I sit and sit and sit on my hands:/ Not the site it once was...

Anonymous said...

Glad it was busy all day and could miss the posts on this thread but so glad I didn't miss that picture. Adam looks fantastic! What a gorgeous man.


Anonymous said...

Please don't make generalizations or/and hurtful comments on any nationality. There are trolls and crazy posters from all over the world in the blogosphere. And emotions run high when love and passion are involved. Adam has fans from all over the world, but so does Sauli (the numbers are of course smaller than Adams). People project their own feelings, loves and disappointments in love & life in general... that's why it gets so tangled... Plus most here are giving all the power to a few trolls & crays!

Anonymous said...

I want to correct:

Sauli said he would not be where he is if he had not MET Adam, NOT because Adam helped him...

If think he means, meeting Adám and being with him, created him options, and he took them.

Anonymous said...

Always happy to see Adam happy. Sauli is a great guy. Bridger is a great guy. Eli is a great guy. Lovely, hot, beautiful gay guys near Adam. Sauli was Adam´s muse and we got amazing Trespassing full of love songs because of that. An artist needs his muse. Whoever Adam´s next muse is he is more than welcome!! I´m here for Adam. Greetings from Finland

Anonymous said...

Why can't we all just love each other? xDD

Glamberts always need someone else to blame

Anonymous said...

Oh wow people. A pic was taken of two friends celebrating and now they are bf???? Every man that Adam has had a pic with you all seem to label him! I have followed Adam since he walked into that audition on idol and think he is an amazing artist. But i will say, i really don't like the way he is behaving lately. He seems to party so much more and all the pics that come out he looks high and wasted. Just look how red his eyes are. I would love for him to find a bf so that maybe he will settle down some. Eli seems sweet, cute and really talented. I hope they are bf. lets not forget how smokin hot Adam looks lately too!

Anonymous said...

Which is it?
High and wasted or smokin hot???

Making rather daring asumptions based on some pics and red eyes...Please stop!
Smokin hot, that he is always!

Anonymous said...

I doubt this is Adam's new b.f., just because they had one photo taken together. I also don't think Adam is with Sauli any more. That said, you never know what the future holds.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't call this a happy couple picture. Adam looks as 'happy' as he did with Bridger earlier this year. It looks like he is planning a murder and poor Eli, he's just smiling shyly by his side. Weird.

Anonymous said...

at 4:57 PM

My thoughts exactly. Eli is too nice and ordinary, lacking the edge that makes a man interesting.

Anonymous said...

Why denigrate either Adam or Sauli? As A said the breakup was career based. A we now know had major 19 Entertainment issues, RCA/SONY issues, unknown to any of us. Can no one imagine the pressure, while your partner is snagging projects, and you are trying to stop the career bleeding? Adam worked like 2 dogs at radio promos and getting his work out there, but few sales. Sauli was taking off with his projects, which all knew he wanted to do. I like both men, but when so much conjecture ensues over a few club pics or anyone that you are seen with, it's not fair. Guys that may have been inclined to consider A as a partner, may be scared off by this. Not everyone wants to be dragged by the muck. Sauli takes few pics, but is in every print mag in Finland, but doesn't suffer from the everyone in the pic is a potential lover/partner. At least his privacy/ability to have a private life is respected. At least for one of them the work project/career excuse seems to be true. I want Adam to make music, but fail to see how losing your record co., and having basically 3 gigs in 2013-Glee, Queen and NYE represent a booming career. Has anyone considered how all the rumors/conjecture can provide detrimental to portraying Adam as a serious artist? Yes, both men have the right to go out and enjoy leisure time, but fans want music news from Adam. Adam likes every pic of Sauli which is published, but note said pics are of Sauli working. I'm glad things are good for him and wish it was the same for Adam. Pics keep him in the public eye, but don't seem to be pushing the great awesome publiciy gained from Iheart. When the music comes out, lets support Adam by passing some cash over the counter and be true fans. This can be a make or break time for Adam and Sauli and somehow I'm more concerned for Adam than Sauli. Sure I'd like to see them together but I'd like to see both careers going like gangbusters. Portraying Adam as someone with multiple partners in all the pics, is just not right. All the snide remarks/rumors are wrong on so many levels.

Anonymous said...

Hear, hear!
Right on!

Anonymous said...

Sauli worked before and after meeting Adam. Fail to see how if he had his celebrity status already how much was due to Adam. He declined jobs til the right vehicle (s) came along. Is seen with very few men unless fan/work related. With Tutka Roadshow, Best Friend show and DOi, can't be much find a man time left over. Adam was a bigger star, however lost record deal and 19 Entertainment. The object is to progress, not regress. Looks like while Adam was in NY partying his partner was nailing down jobs right and left. Have not seen Adam look at anyone yet how he looked like Sauli. Haven't seen Sauli post pic/word one about Adam. Moved on just like Adam said, it was about careers/work. When your booming career stutters badly, it has to grate that your partner is sitting home lining em up. Just being honest, Adam wants to do his own music/tour etc., but it's kinda hard with no record company support. Just hoping Adam has it all together by 2014, new year, new start. When Adam looks entranced/in love with person next to him, I will believe he's got someone new.But with all the rudeness/criticism of people seen with Adam, it's got to be hard to want to put yourself thru that.

Anonymous said...

So ok then. ELI HAS JUST TWEETED, HE DOESN'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND. Adam is NOT his boyfriend. Once again, stop making and spreading rumours !!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think Eli and Adam would be a good match. Even though they're both driven and ambitious, I think they're too different. Even though Adam talks about strategy, he is more ruled by his heart than his head. Eli, to me seems very calculating, and I believe he is using Adam to advance his career. Why I think so is all in his eyes and his statements in his interview.
I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think I'm too far off. I just don't like Eli, an irrational thought, maybe, but my love for Adam makes me very protective of him.

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