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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 10, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, October 10, 2013


Anonymous said...

What a cute guy and the guy with the cap is not bad.

Anonymous said...

XFactor USA S3 contestant. Is Adam doing something for XF? Mentoring?

Anonymous said...

Two really nice looking men. What a great pic.

Anonymous said...

Looking at Adam's hair color, I'd say this pic was taken when this guy was on Xfactor (season 3).

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth and I'm not real sure how it works but if you go into the picture's properties it sez it's created today. 10/10/2013

Anonymous said...

Pretty boys! Would Adam change his hair color in the midst of doing Glee? Looks like a new pic to me, but I've been wrong before.


Anonymous said...

I noticed other day Adam had a steak there. I think sometime he puts a rinse on it makes it come out a bit darker color. I saw in picture that little streak. He had it before. Think this is recent!

Anonymous said...

Maybe visited set he is working with Demi on Glee!

Anonymous said...

Lol TBT means he is posting an old picture

Anonymous said...

Way OT - Did anyone see the article on Roger Taylor's Facebook page today where he discussed the making of the Freddie biopic?

He said they had a new actor in mind to play Freddie Mercury and hinted that it could be OUR Adam but they were still working out the decision. Unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

Sheesh! Loving the Featured Pic.

Adam's eyes look green.

Anonymous said...

If its got lol in front of it I never listen anymore take nothing with that in front if it seriously!

Anonymous said...

7:05 again. Actually that article appears on Brian May's Facebook page. The comments are interesting.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I don't believe that Adam would play the role of Freddie Mercury in a biopic of him. He really hasn't had any major acting roles and I thought he wants to work on his solo music career. To be so closely associated with Freddie if he had this role, might just not give Adam the recognition he wants for his own music. It will be interesting to see if this rumor is true.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I don't believe that Adam would play the role of Freddie Mercury in a biopic of him. He really hasn't had any major acting roles and I thought he wants to work on his solo music career. To be so closely associated with Freddie if he had this role, might just not give Adam the recognition he wants for his own music. It will be interesting to see if this rumor is true.

Anonymous said...

Lol of course adam is not going to play Freddie. That article mixed a couple of quotes up

Anonymous said...

I can't think of anything that qualifies Adam to play Freddie Mercury in a biopic.

Anonymous said...

Just saw a short clip of Adam and a scene from Glee in the Nov. episode where he is introduced. Looks like the eye makeup and some of the glitz are back. It will be interesting to see exactly what Adam's role is and in how many episodes he will actually appear. We know he does a great job with covers, but I want to hear his amazing voice on some new music of his own. I realize it does take a long time to put a new album together, but it seems like it's been ages since we first heard Trespassing and there is nothing definite out there about a third album release.

Anonymous said...

That's not a pic from today. Adam's hair is much shorter on the sides now.

Anonymous said...

#TBT truth be told.

Anonymous said...

#TBT truth be told.

Anonymous said...

it's throwback thursday people. good god. TBT

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping that we will start hearing about his third album after glee. Really, really hoping.

Anonymous said...

No way will Adam play Freddie. He has virtually no acting experience.

Anonymous said...

@12:42 AM You need an attitude adjustment.

Anonymous said...

That's the guy who sang a cover of Stay and Adam admired him on twitter. I remember because it was the time Adam was "misbehaving" (jan or feb) and the break up was not yet official. Adam had dm'd him, but he was so starstruck or clueless he told about it on twitter..