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Quote of The Day

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, October 21, 2013

Posted at : Monday, October 21, 2013

Brian May on Adam Lambert:

"He's a wonderful singer and interpreter. He's a great entertainer and he's a great guy to work with. It's on the cards that we might do some stuff together. We're looking at what's possible." - Brian May (In New Interview)


Anonymous said...

I never get tired of hearing what Dr. Brian has to say about Adam. ♥

Anonymous said...

This makes me so excited; and I just can't hide it; to quote an oldie song. Can't wait; hope it happens sooner rather than later; but I will take whatever I can get.

Anonymous said...

That's real exciting news. Hope it happens.

Anonymous said...

Brian also said that some offers are coming in, but they have to wade thru them, to see what might work for Queen and Adam.

Anonymous said...

That word "offers" is so exciting! Means that their is real interest in Queenbert. Love the love that Bri and Rog have to Adam. It's true friendship and respect.


Anonymous said...

Mutual admiration, respect between Adam and Queen is a beautiful thing.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see if this interest in Queenbert actually translates into some concerts/shows here in the US. Performing together again is good for both Queen and Adam. They have such a respect and admiration for each other and we saw this on stage at the iheart radio show in Vegas recently.

Anonymous said...

JAK here......I love the energy that Brian and Roger have, they play as well as they ever did and seem to enjoy it as much, I think it's great they keep the band going....Roger's son Rufus is great on the drums and the keyboardist and bass player are exceptional.....Adam adds a spark to the fire they've kept going for decades.......

I coerced my daughter and son in law to watch the video of the iHeartRadio performance and he called to say it was great.........I said "does this mean you're going to stop teasing me about Adam? " He said "Oh no, it's too much fun!"

Oh well, I got two dedicated rockers to admit Adam could rock the room. My daughter said "Mom, I told you if he sang rock I'd be a fan!" I hope his next album is more rock, I think it would sell quite well.

Anonymous said...

JAK my family and friends have a good time teasing me about Adam and I have to admit I enjoy it. I can tell you are the same way.

Jadam said...

Wouldn't some new recordings from Adam and Queen be great. Concerts also Even tho I know it would never reach New Zealand I would be happy for you guys in US and Adam.

Anonymous said...

I said all along they would get offers, how could they not they were spectacular. They'll do what best for them, both Adam and Queen. It will be fantastic for Adam career on many levels.especially if perform in US. I really , really felt that were getting offers probably still are. Very, very excited for him as I always have been. Sue

Anonymous said...

ACT (Australia) Marriage Equality
Same-Sex Marriage Bill passed! Joy, oh joy!

Anonymous said...

@ 9:26 PM.....JAK here....yes, my family are great teasers , we enjoy it so much we set ourselves up to be teased....mostly mild ribbing, but occasionally a deep cutting comeback to which we reply in admiration......"ooooo good one!"

I know it's not everybody's 'cup of tea', but we love it and sarcasm, irony, acerbic wit and quick quips abound at any family get together or daily just between my husband and I.

My interest in Adam has launched a thousand opportunities to needle me and they do and I applaud the winning digs!

Anonymous said...

I want Adam to sing on Queens album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

They plan to use Freddie's tracks, I doubt Adam would think the idea of sharing an album with Freddie would be advantageous. Plus, Queen fanatics would have conniption fits.