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Super Gorgeous Fan Art of Adam Lambert Riding a Unicorn

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, October 20, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, October 20, 2013

Photo credit: @RedBessRead/ Steve Read


Anonymous said...

Haven't we seen this before? Didn't Buzzworthy show it or something like that?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, not a favorite of mine.

Anonymous said...

unicorns are corny

Anonymous said...

I love it!

Anonymous said...

Yes, we've seen this before.

Anonymous said...

Why does this unicorn look like a horse?
Mythological unicorns looked like goats!

Anonymous said...

7:34, LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh, no, mythological creature massively misrepresented in toys, tshirts, etc.

Anonymous said...

You people just can't take anything lightly!

Stop talking "we've seen, we this and that" - you are not WE, you are not in the know who here has seen this pic or heard some "old to you" news of Adam, so please state your comments as your own, thank you!

I think pics like this are hilarious and well done.

Wonder what happens when the photoshopped (fake) pic of Adam with a woman shows up here... hah ha!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I've seen it before & I LOVE it. :-D

Anonymous said...

Unicorns were never depicted as goats in mythology. They were always horse. Other mythological creatures have been goats (Pan,maybe?), but not unicorns.

1:35, I agree that it's hard for some here to just have FUN sometimes, without picking things apart and over-analying. This is just a very fun whimsical picture nothing else. HAVE FUN with it! Remember that this site has new-comers, too, who haven't seen all the Adam stuff that we have seen. As Adam says, it's not always that deep. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

To whomever might be interested.....the medieval tapestry Lady with a Unicorn has a creature the size of a goat, comparable to the lion also on tapestry. The horned creature has a beard like a billy's probably the oldest famous depiction of the unicorn.......I'm sure that is what the above comment @ 8:38 refers to........JAK
I personally don't recall unicorns
They were a little before my time.