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Twin Adam Lamberts Strike Again

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, October 4, 2013

Posted at : Friday, October 04, 2013



Anonymous said...

Definitely looks like he 'plumped' up those gorgeous lips. So not necessary .

Anonymous said...

Troll already. Posting this pic again, looks like you want to cause trouble again. Officially last time I'm ready comments.

Anonymous said...

Who keeps posting this picture; old news.

Anonymous said...

the one in the fur is the evil twin.

Anonymous said...

I'm done with twin Adam pics. thpffft

Anne Marie said...

I think the pic of Adam with the fur, is his version of duck lips. He hasn't had anything done to his lips.

Anonymous said...

@9:47 AM,

Adam does not have to pump up anything. He is just gorgeous all over; and then some!

Your "thing" seems to be tear down Adam; then pretend to compliment him. No one is fooled by your tactless self.

Talk about not necessary; crawl back in hole.

Anonymous said...

No lip work done. Just luscious natural lips as always. Enough.

Anonymous said...

our gangsta boy!

Anonymous said...

JAK here......I understand Adam has been dating the guy on the right side of the photo!! He's an underwear model and there are nude pictures of him all over youtube. Someone said he's a porn's going to ruin Adam's career if he keeps hanging out with this guy....I hear he sells drugs too!
Sound familiar?.....I'm so sick of those comments.....what possesses people to want to say such things, does it make them feel important, clever?.....I've been reading previous threads obviously......

It boggles my mind. It has to be purely spite, whether their facts are true or not, they are only shared to hurt.
It's puzzling.

Yes, he makes a devastatingly handsome mob boss!! : )

Anonymous said...

Thanks JAK, I never heard any of that before. I'm sorry to hear it, but I'm still a glambert.

Anonymous said...

Adam's eyes are just so gorgeous. The shape of his eyes is just one of a kind and rare. Some middle-easterns have this shape of eyes. They call it almond shape. Blue eyes and almond shape eyes together is just WOW. Someone wrote if he was my boyfriend I would just look at him all day. So true!

Anonymous said...

@JAK the person wrote that he/she was bored and wanted to be entertained at expense of belittling others. So that's all it was really!

Anonymous said...

So you think someone posting a fact like the guy is an underwear model is done to hurt someone? Lol granny. Some people are just interested in knowing who adam is hanging out with. Sorry y'all are so scandalized.

Anonymous said...

the right man would pinch the butt cheeks of the left man. Can't trust anyone with a Cheshire grin.

Anonymous said...

I like the one with the curly thumb.

Curly thumbs

Anonymous said...

The interest to know who Adam is hanging out with should be left to Adam cause that's personal and he is the only one who sees and knows the whole thing. Not us by looking at a second snap shot of a pic. and draw things that aren't really true or the whole fact. Adam only owe us his music if only that. That's all!

Happy Friday and weekend to all!

Anonymous said...

Granny......ah, that's my favorite title, thanks for reminding me I hold that enviable position. Fortune has smiled on me!

I don't mind at all the info about someone being a model....I was the same time I was a Sunday School teacher.......but why "share" porn films, drugs, etc. that's just to be shitty......and that's my opinion!......JAK

Anonymous said...

I don't think people only share those things. I see all the same topics discussed on another adam fan site but no one is bothered by the facts, or calling each other troll, or lecturing g them to mind their own business. Cause they aren't a bunch of clueless grannies who would really rather not know what adam is really like.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a boyfriend. Someone asked Godfre and he confirmed he is Adam's boyfriend. :)

Anonymous said...

In the past entertainers were only known for their art of music and acts. Today with power of social media their everyday lives is under microscope and sometimes things are inferred not in true or fact fashion. Pictures or videos of celebs. gets circulated on internet and everyone in their own eyes sees and interpret things in a different way that doesn't reflect through essence of the celebs.

As fans that Adam multiple times said that he loves us, we have to support and have his back not to stab him on his back every time he takes pictures with someone. We have taken his love for us for granted and that's why he isn't communicating with us on twitter as often as he used to. Adam doesn't discriminate anyone and he is always loving towards others. He hasn't harmed anyone. Why do we do this to him?

Anonymous said...

Godfre has not had any interviews involving Adam. That's another lie from a troll.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam Levine dated and married an underwear model.

Anonymous said...

How dumb would we have to be to not know what Adam is really like? Grannies have life experience and maturity to know that people of all sexual orientations, sexual experiences and even sexual occupations can be people of value.

Clueless, hardly......we didn't get to be grannies by being shy about sex! Adam does not shock me but commenters who enjoy crying "he's drunk, he's smoking weed, he's using drugs" do not appear to me to a fan of Adams.....and again, that's my opinion.
BTW...I don't recall ever calling anyone a troll, I don't like the term!......JAK

Anonymous said...

@12:40PM You really need to get rid of your prejudice. I saw fans talking about this

Anonymous said...

@12:32 PM When and where did he say that my dear troll?

Anonymous said...

at 10:59 AM

The smirking druggie guy with his equally unpleasant looking buddies looked like a nasty piece of work and judging by his IG pics and so called body art he really is one. It is sad that Adam hangs out with these kinds of guys. I do not expect him to be perfect but I find it difficult to understand how he or anyone with a good heart and nice personality would like to socialize with that lot.

Anonymous said...

@12:46 PM Is that a real or fake account?

Anonymous said...

@12:52PM I don't know.

Anonymous said...

But I don't think Adam would confirm anything anymore, so don't go asking him.

Anonymous said...

@12:46PM We all have weirdos in our circle of family and tend to be civilized and socialize with them.

I really don't know much about Benjamin. He seems like a street smart guy who isn't afraid of anything and anybody. He also is into arts and he owns his own gallery in downtown LA. That's all the info I know about Benjamin. If he is a bad apple in Adam's crowd then Adam isn't a little boy not to be able to see through people. He knows how to take care of himself and he has loving family and close friends to tell him things. Not us anon. fans that Adam doesn't have any idea who we are. That's why his personal life should be left to him and not us to judge.

Anonymous said...

@11:09 AM

Are you being sarcastic? My understanding was; JAK@10:59 AM, was just repeating what some trolls or troll was saying on other threads; not saying that it was true; but how cruel and misleading all the stories were.

Sounds as if you are saying you believe this trash; but still love Adam. Sounds like you are not Adam's fan. Wonder who is spreading these awful lies, any idea?

Anonymous said...

Is looking unpleasant a crime ? What do you look like ?

Anonymous said...

1:02 she is perpetually sad.

Anonymous said...

The guy who said he is with adam is just messing with idiots leaving comments on his account. Lol he is a friend of markus.

glitzylady said...

Re the "Adam's boyfriend" thing. I saw that earlier... I suspect we should be very wary of believing it. But then again, who knows? The guy in question is really gorgeous btw. (I was VERY impressed..............). But until we actually have some real confirmation, one way or the other, I tend to believe that someone is pulling our collective legs...

As Adam has said "Rumors are pesky little things...."...

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:04 PM
Exactly what I'm thinking......

glitzylady said...

AANNNND...If he was ACTUALLY Adam's boyfriend, he wouldn't be saying a word. Adam is very very private these days (to which I say "Good for him..") and anyone he would choose to be with wouldn't be disclosing anything to some silly fans.......


Anonymous said...

Horrible look here. Adam please go back to then natural style you've been showing us.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking this time around Adam let's the other half do the talking. For a change.

Anonymous said...

Could be BS or then not but at least this guy is ready to share everything. Could be interesting to see.

Anonymous said...

Adam has been sharing before so why not again. It depends who he is seeing. Sauli and Drake were more private. Brad not so much.

Anonymous said...

1:15 PM True but that was before Idol...

Anonymous said...

Is this guy Adam's type? He seems to be as long as Adam and is very muscular.

Anonymous said...

wow the troll on here today is out doing herself.

Anonymous said...

hey would y'all give IIHY some hits and make it 39 million already.

Anonymous said...

So he really says in his Instagram that he is Adam's boyfriend. Not a fake account..

BS or not?

Anonymous said...

1:25 I hope BS. This guy is bad news but then again it may attract Adam.

Anonymous said...

at 1:08 PM

I don't think that the nudie model guy is Adam's or anyone else's boyfriend or sweetheart. Just a fuckbuddy or a dealer if anything.

at 1:02 PM

Lol the comment about looking unpleasant. It certainly is not a crime but then again no one was referring to his actual facial features.

Anonymous said...

@12:32 PM,

Don't you know by now, that we believe nothing said about Adam Lambert; unless the information comes from Adam's beautiful mouth?

Adam is not friends with everyone he is in a picture with. He is a beautiful single man; in a town full of men who probably would love to be with him. But, all these pictures and inuendos that Adam goes with every man he is seen with; is just plain crazy and immature. Any thinking person and real fan of Adam's knows better.

For future reference; just because someone says he is Adam's boyfriend, doesn't mean he is!

When Adam has a real boyfriend, people will know sooner or later; and it always comes from Adam himself, no one else; Adam is the only person I will ever believe, period!

Anonymous said...

Admin should be posting new stuff soon so be ready and be the first to carry all this nonsense trash to the newest comment section.

Anonymous said...

Definitely he found his playground and messing with Adam's fans. Why wasn't he with Adam shopping yesterday if he is Adam's bf? I see the guy in yellow more of Adam's type than Benjamin yesterday when Adam was shopping in BH. He took pictures with Adam at BB too. Benjamin is having fun with Adam's fandom. Maybe trying to gain some fans for himself to sell his arts. Hahaha...street smart and from his name I assume he is Jewish too. Smart guy and he isn't afraid of anything or anyone. BTW I'm Jewish. So no prejudice on my part saying Benjamin is Jewish and a smart one may I add to it.

Anonymous said...

@1:08 PM

Who's fuckbuddy, yours? Is this who you are getting your drugs from; since you seem to know so much about him.

Really classy you are; no you are not classy, just kidding, you are just the opposite potty mouth.

Anonymous said...

I think this dude is arrogant enough to lie just for a fun of it but who knows...

Anonymous said...

We've got trolls and we've got people judging people they've never met from their IG accounts. Not sure which type is worst. But glitzy is here to handle it all.

Anonymous said...

@1:34 PM I didn't know before that it's smart to promote drugs.

Anonymous said...

Troll after troll crawling around here saying this guy, or that guy is claiming that he is Adam's boyfriend, who cares. Just because they say it or post it does not mean it is true. So many trolls posting and then answering themselves; because they know that no sane person will agree with them. Please, Adam's fans cannot be deceived by the likes of you!

Anonymous said...

@1:40PM JayZ did it too!

glitzylady said...

Ooops! NO the guy I was thinking it was.... Definitely a big NO! (The guy that I saw pics of posted by someone on twitter was very "worthy" :)))) My opinion anyway.... But again just totally messing with fans.....

Nope, nope, nope......................

Anonymous said...

And still the trolls get responded to.

Anonymous said...

And still the trolls get responded to.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, don't you think he looks a bit like young De Niro?

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

And crazy people. We've got crazy people too.

Anonymous said...

Are we having fun yet?
When is grade school out today?

Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady He is definitely messing with fans and he isn't afraid to do it. He has this on his IG "Art should comfort the disturb and disturb the comfortable". From this I don't doubt he is pulling Adam's fans' legs for the fun of it.

Anonymous said...

1:42 PM Glitzylady I was wondering but you didn't speak of this Benjamin?

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:38 PM
Thanks. I suspect your comment is perhaps a teeeeensy bit sarcastic??? I'm just another fan with an opinion. But whatever...

@Anon 1:44 PM (#2)
I see what you mean, but not my type :)) The other guy I was thinking of was quite gorgeous/on a par with Adam, so was thinking...okaaaaaaay....this could work :) False alarm

@Anon 1:44 PM (#1)
There has been a discussion about this elsewhere. Not everyone who is commenting about it is a troll. Lighten up please. Thanks. (I REALLLLLY hate that phrase by the way......sorry.)

Anonymous said...

He is trolling with the trolls that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

But Adam is with Bridger, but Adam is with Sauli, but Adam is with Tommy, but Adam is with whatever guy he was last in a photo with. Roll eyes.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:47 PM
I would assume that's the case. And he's probably having a REALLY good laugh about it too.

I'm off to "real life" now :)))))))))))

Anonymous said...

Glitzy, I never said everybody getting responded to is a troll. But there are trolls here. Why so defensive of trolls? Lighten up if a troll gets called a troll.

Anonymous said...

Control freaks are having a meltdown.

Anonymous said...

Have you got family or friends that are really nice and sweet? At least most of us know people like that. Well, do they hang around and enjoy spending time with bad eggs and potheads or do they try to keep some distance instead? Just wondering what Adam's motivation is...

Anonymous said...

Well it's good that Adam doesn't have a boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

@2:00PM you mean the trolls, right? He is playing with the trolls and having fun with them. I doubt Adam will date anyone who puts up their intimate picture and blabbers on IG that he is dating Adam. Where was he yesterday when Adam was shopping in BH?

Anonymous said...

@2:03 I was thinking that it would be disturbing for Adam's boyfriend to hear that he has another boyfriend even if it was just a bad joke.

Anonymous said...

Glitzy, thank you for sharing your wisdom with us again.

2:00, I don't judge people by their instagram accounts. I've had my picture taken with a friend's stoner brother multiple times. Does that make me bad by association?

Anonymous said...

He didn't plump up his lips, he is making duck face!

Anonymous said...

11:09, JAK is pointing out that those are not facts, but rumors.
Read the entire comment before commenting.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

at 2:09 PM

It depends, were you smirking and smoking pot too?

Anonymous said...

It's pity that Adam isn't any more having twitter parties. When was the last time?

Anonymous said...

I don't see these kind of stuff on any other fansites except here. What a shame to call yourself fans of Adam? I doubt you are!?

Anonymous said...

@12:43-post #1

So what If Adam Levine married an underwear model? This is an Adam Lambert fan site; why do we care. Unless you are marrying one yourself, and I don't care. The two Adams are not clones. If an acquaintance of yours, or a co-worker married a teacher; should you?

Anonymous said...

2:27, it's because there isn't any type of moderation here and it is a shame to see this garbage on a fan site for Adam.

While typing that comment I had the thought that I'm just contributing to the problem by even commenting here anymore. It keeps the site alive to spew hate against Adam. Maybe time to move on to another site and put this one out of it's misery.

Anonymous said...

2:29, you don't get jokes, do you?

Anonymous said...

@2:17 PM -

With all due respect; I think that person @11:09 AM
knew and understood what JAK was saying; they twisted it up on purpose. They are no Adam fan in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

you think it's spewing hate to say adam is friends with an underwear model? to say he is holding hands with a guy whose instagram account is full of pictures of drugs and references to drug use? Those are just facts.

Adam just followed the druggie on twitter by the way. Haha

Anonymous said...

@2:33PM Maybe we can bring it to Shoshanna's attention and Adam's management to give warning to site owner to moderate the comment section. I mean for goodness sake it's using Adam's name after all. It's not like TMZ or Yahoo or others. It says Adam Lambert 24/7.

Jadam NZ said...

Do you really wonder why Adam doesn't have twitter partys? Could it be because everything he says is misconstrued and taken out of context. Probably not worth it. I cant believe the twaddle I hear just on this site. The usual great commenters excluded of course.

Anonymous said...

2:38 PM, you are very right. Excellent idea!

Anonymous said...

@2:36 PM I had to check that and it's true that he followed this guy on twitter. Well well... This is getting really interesting.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:36 PM I thought it sounded like they were not a JAK fan.

Anonymous said...

I was responding to the first
2:36 PM

Anonymous said...

Boy George follows him too. They might like his art work and his really over the top character.

glitzylady said...

I'm really tempted to just delete my comments here. Too much nastiness. It all started out about beautiful Adam and ended up with the usual troll discussion. So tired of that. Lightheartedness ends up with meanspiritedness. Not so much fun here anymore. See you all later. Maybe.

Anonymous said...

2:00 PM, #3

My question of the day to you, is what is your motivation, in trying to smear our beautiful Adam?

Let me try and get this through to your brain cell; Adam cannot control the enviroment in the establishments that he attends. If this were the case that people could do that. There would probably be no more Grammy or any other award shows. Just because people are dressed in finery and are famous stars; does not mean that there are not people on drugs and everything else among them. I doubt if people would stop going to these places because of it.

All a person can do is handle their own lives and they don't have to walk around with a holier than thou attitude. Adam is a very beautiful tolerant person; but he is no fool; and can, and does take care of himself. Please grow up and stop sounding so pathetic.

Anonymous said...

@2:36 PM-#2 & @2:44 PM,

Is the same troll answering and agreeing with he or she's self.

Adam follows a lot of people on twitter; so what if this is true.
And because you say his acquaintanc is into drugs, so what? Are you upset because Adam does not follow you on twitter or other social media?

@2:44 yes, getting very interesting on how you are trying to fool people?

Why don't you, troll one, or troll two; go take a time out. No one believes you. Even if true, so what? Are you going to arrest people. You better be careful, if some one finds out who you are; you could be sued for deflamation of character? Good luck, not!

Anonymous said...

Benjamin is a hoot and OT. His dog looks like mine. Cute! He definitely is a character. Doubt Adam will hook up with him. His last BFs have feminine attitude. Ben is more mucho with huge muscles and great gun. Sure he'll stir up the fandom if he is Adam's bf.

Anonymous said...

3 15
God you idiot always posting stupid stuff and always wrong. I posted one but not both of those. When are you going to get it though your head that many different people post here? You are nuts!

I am not the least bit upset his acquaintance uses drugs, I don't care that adam uses drugs. It's you people who get upset that people mention it that are the problem.

Anonymous said...

Why does it sound like glitzylady only has trouble with people being called trolls and not all the horrible things that are said?Seems to me the horrible things are worse than whatever label is given to the person who said it. The ugly and inflammatory comments need to be stopped and that seems to ultimately be up to Admin to stop. But does she want to stop it?

Anonymous said...

Why does it sound like glitzylady only has trouble with people being called trolls and not all the horrible things that are said?Seems to me the horrible things are worse than whatever label is given to the person who said it. The ugly and inflammatory comments need to be stopped and that seems to ultimately be up to Admin to stop. But does she want to stop it?

glitzylady said...

You don't know me very well then do you?

Anonymous said...

If you don't use a tag how can we know who to respond to?
It's easy, free and s. i. m. p. l. e .

Anonymous said...

instead of sticky buns, we have curly thumbs.

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

if Adam likes the fem types he should test drive the real thing for a change.

Anonymous said...

@3:34 PM,

Wow, did someone strike a chord with you idiot? Even if you posted even one of the posts mentioned; that would be nothing to brag about; so there are two scumbags thinking the same thoughts. Also, let me be quite clear; you don't know a damn thing about what Adam does in his private life away from the night life and pap; except what he wants to reveal.

It would probably be eaiser for you to start talking about people you actually know. But, I guess it would be too frighting for you to live in your own reality. So why not just make up stuff about people you will never have the good fortunate of knowing?

May peace be with you!

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady/4:02 PM

The person @3:45 PM,
is either being sarcastic or getting you mixed up with someone else. Anybody that reads posts on these sites know that you are one of Adam's biggest supportors. Don't worry, no one believes them.

You sound like a beautiful spirit.
Do not be disheartened by trolls.

Have a great evening!

Anonymous said...

And Tommy posted an old adommy pic. That's enough proof for me that Adam has someone. Tommy is very competetive.

Anonymous said...

But all she does is complain about people being called trolls, not about what people are saying.

Anonymous said...

But all she does is complain about people being called trolls, not about what people are saying.

Anonymous said...


I am not saying that you are a troll, I agree with some of what you say about the terrible things being said on this site about Adam; but, not the part about glitzylady approving of the trolls.
I think she is just trying to bring sanity to the site.

Anonymous said...

LOL at calling someone names and then signing it peace be with you.

Anonymous said...

It is ok to wish people peace that seem to be in great turmoil concerning Adam's private life. Maybe it will calm them down! Peace, and out.

Anonymous said...

I read another rumor on twitter from European fans that when Sauli comes back to LA in November they will get back together.

Anonymous said...

@5:18 If the rumor is from the same person who also met Tommy's uncle, it's not true. Sauli will go back to LA though.

Anonymous said...

"Art should comfort the disturbED and dusturb the comfortable" - LOL, maybe we should all go and take an art class??

Or find this Art...He sounds like an interesting guy, Artie I mean...

ADMIN, isn't your thesis on "Blogosphere Craziness, Aren't We There Yet?" soon ready?!? So maybe we could finally have some moderate moderation on this blog?!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes definitely Art is such a comforting trade.

Anonymous said...

does a troll have a trolloscopy????

Anonymous said...

who would win in a sword fight between these two?

Anonymous said...

Art should make you think and feel
......and if it doesn't......
Then, sadly, it's not truly real........JAK

Anonymous said...

@JAK. Reflecting on that thinking and inner feeling gives one comfort. Some sort of out of physical body reflection or experience. Connection of mind with ones soul instead of connection of mind with ones body.

Anonymous said...

5:35, LOL, what if this is a sociology experiment? I love this idea.

Anonymous said...

Could it be that Adam is trying to get some street credit for his new album by hooking up with drug users and crass nude models?

Being a sweetheart and a lovable fancy pants may not be the best image if you are trying to become a rock star. The tattoo sleeve is one of the signs that he is moving into new directions. Whether his elderly but passionate fanbase will like this is another thing altogether but hey, maybe he can get some new ones who don't care that much what he does.

Anonymous said...

I love @glitzylady!

Anonymous said...

This ageless AND passionate is onboard as long as Adam keeps singing and performing!

I want to say this though:
Being an Adam fan was so much more about love, fun and amazement about the way this Bird of Paradise made us FEEL with his VOICE and THE TOTAL PACKAGE. The effect of Adam was so positive and you constantly heard and saw how he literally changed people's lives (or at least was a huge instigator or catalyst in these changes), and for so many (myself included) he with his voice and "AURA" (all long time true fans know what that entails, trying to keep this short-ish...) was a huge, life altering, even life saving experience. There's nothing delusional or rose coloured, that's the power of music, one in a billion talent and charisma combined.

I thank Universe (and AmIdol for bringing Adam to my neck of the woods) THIS ALL happened before the huge and uncontrolled growth (like cancer!) of the negative sides of social media, Twitter becoming "the source of truth", increasing number of all kinds of bullies, nellies, really's? and 'creatures of the night' finding this site and making a nest here...

So here we are.
Where is the JOYOUS feel of shared love, fun and energy? A few loyal, sane, talented fans still here trying to keep this a place a nice place for all (and get bullied for that)... A few 'constantly present saboteurs having fun' and bringing out the worst in regular, 'normal' posters, too. This is called fun nowadays? Warped minds being snarky & jerky, trying to be sarcastic (not succeeding, it's a form of art, requires talent!) - and that's supposed be fun?!!

Used to come here feeling nagged and leaving this place tired, but happy... (tired due to late hours, lol). Nowadays I come here not so nagged, but leaving this site feeling tired and drained...and that's NOT ADAM'S FAULT!!!

Anonymous said...

I would like to hear Adam's confirmation that they are boyfriends with Benjamin or not. Until then it's just a bad joke I hope.

Anonymous said...

@5:18 PM I read that also but it's just a rumour of a fan who talked with some guy whose name he didn't say. It just talk. That guy whoever he was could just be joking. Adam and Sauli has their own lives. What Sauli has said that he goes back to L.A. after DOI is over. He loves L.A. and want to live there at least part of the year.

Anonymous said...

Well I have checked out this so called new bf and all I can say is be careful Adam because he likes to take lots of pics. I know you have been very private with your other BF's but this one might want to take some just for sake of "Art". On the other hand, he really is soooo far away from your usual "type" too masculine me thinks, maybe Adam just finds him edgy and intriguing. But, beware thats all I can say. That photo was taken in a very dark place and who knows if Adam was aware of it being taken. Hands shot one day and what will he film next for the sake of his so called "Art". Also, do you think this is the type of guy that Adam would introduce to Mom???

Anonymous said...

LOL that every guy within 30 ft of Adam gets vetted better than the CIA would do. And judged better than your grandma and minister together could do.

Anonymous said...

Phew! Many of the comments on this topic are way over the top bizarre! O^O If someone intrigued re Adam were to read this topic, they'd leave confused and disturbed by what has been posted and probably (and understandably) never return.

Anonymous said...

Adam twins .... love 'em both. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't like these twin pics which seem to be popular just now. It's just me, me me and me. Boring.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if professors of abnormal psychology ask their students to monitor this site? If not, they are missing a really good proving ground....JAK

jt said...

Maybe we grannies are being too protective but this comes from our experiences of living and doing things that were not too smart but being you ng thought we knew best. For the person who makes the comments about us we have lived and experienced more than your small brain will ever comprehend!!!

Anonymous said...

@6:30 AM/JAK

Ha, ha, ha; almost spilled my coffee! Oh my dear God; so true and clever of you! Started my day off with a bang.

Surprised to see this still here.

Always enjoy your wonderful, sensible posts. A calming force on this sometimes crazy, crazy site.

Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

CORRECTION: 7:05 Here/my post is for 6:39 AM/@JAK- sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

at 3:18 AM

I've been thinking about that too, as a celebrity you have to be extra careful with your boyfriends/fuckbuddies. It is a small miracle that no one has leaked any nudie pics of Adam if it really is true that has had lots of partners and is as sexual as people claim he is. Furthermore, he is extremely careful not to show too much skin and that might give some people ideas to do the opposite.

It is sooo easy to lose control under the influence and a guy like Godfre would be more than happy to publish pictures of him or someone else giving Adam the business.

jt said...

7:07. Amen so agree. Maybe in the gay community they have their own code of ethics and don't tell. Hope so for Adams sake. Come to think of it with all the gay entertainers out there I've never seen or heard about photos or videos showing up.

jt said...

7:07. Amen so agree. Maybe in the gay community they have their own code of ethics and don't tell. Hope so for Adams sake. Come to think of it with all the gay entertainers out there I've never seen or heard about photos or videos showing up.

Anonymous said...

@3:18 AM & 7:07 AM

Well, are you two fuck buddies? As you stated with such "class", regarding the fabulous Mr. Adam M. Lambert; or, are you just one and the same big old "fuck head"?

You sure know a lot about being under the influence and losing control; and the shady side of the street.

You just keep on posting; trying to smear Adam; get into your fuck heads; it is NOT WORKING! Do you guys ever sleep?


Anonymous said...

@7:36 AM/jt

Please, homophobic much?


Anonymous said...

@2:14 Yes, they are just friends. It bugs me that the rumor came from Tommy camp. The times I've been upset in this fandom is always linked to Tommy for some reason. I wish they would grow up and stop the jealous backstabbing.

Anonymous said...

What happened to OOFTA?

Anonymous said...

Glamberts complimented the fan who made this, but check her twitter. She is a one of the top Adommycrays in China. A pain in the ass. Adam' s bf needs to be a thug. I like.

Anonymous said...

Bye thread!

Anonymous said...

8:09, Adam or his mom probably made him delete it, which is hypocritical in my book.

Anonymous said...

Adam's mom made somebody delete something? LOLOLOL.

Anonymous said...

Adam has many moms. They make Adam look like a pathetic wimp who needs their help everytime he make a mistake.

Anonymous said...

* or when the moms think Adam made a mistake.

Anonymous said...

@8:09 So the hand wiht hand pic have been deleted. Maybe Adam got nervous after that yes I'm Adam's boyfriend answer. Also is that guy straight?

Anonymous said...

@1:05, Tommy got nervous and he posted the Adommy pic. After that the hands pic was deleted. The usual pattern in this fandom. Will happen again.

Anonymous said...

@1:40 PM What Tommy has got to do with Adam's boyfriend?

Anonymous said...

@1:45 you tell me, but him still posting the adommy pics is just ridiculous. He can't keep his fans that way. I think half of them did look the other way.

Anonymous said...

confused and disturbed is a good thing. who would row the canoe between these two if needed?

Anonymous said...

The above are all reasons why I am not on twitter or on Facebook. Incessant chatter breeds contempt. Unfortunately there is no law that says only nice people can use these two mediums. So you find yourself talking with psychos and bitter haters in amongst the sensible ones.
Rather than to separate the wheat from the chaff I just ignore them both. It works for me and I'm not constantly tilting at windmills with strangers.

Anonymous said...

@7:54pm. I have to disagree with some of things you wrote. At least on Twitter and Facebook you have great technical options and supports to block and report bullies and the bullies are disappeared for good. You can design how you want to read certain information to get up to the minute information. In this site since there is no moderation or ways to block bullies, unfortunately most of us have to read through bullies comments without options of deleting, editing, and blocking those who get enjoyment of running down others with lies and foul mouth. I wish we could use our Facebook account to write comments instead of anon. Also there was a way to edit our comments.

Anonymous said...

never really see bullying here. Just straight up opinions. Alot of people pick every little word apart and twist it into what they think it should say/mean. I guess sometimes when truthful statements are made it can hurt the sensitive. I really think Adam Lambert would find it all entertaining and would probably jump in for the great debate.

Anonymous said...

chaffed knees?

Anonymous said...

So now he is partying with Raja, I guess there will be some drag pics coming up. Really guys, Adam is so repetitive, hasn't he got any interesting hobbies whatsoever?

I can't help but wonder - what kind of person doesn't get bored with all that clubbing? If that's all there is? It sure looks the same, with the same kind of people, every single time.

Anonymous said...

@1:10 AM At least Raja is @ good friend who is holding his back unlike that dude Benjamin.

Anonymous said...

1:10 AM.....JAK here.....Adam's life only SEEMS repetitive, because inside and outside clubs is where people with cameras hang out. Seldom is Adam photographed at his weaving classes, or when it's bowling team night or in the bleachers at the local demolition derby. Those people are dedicated to their interest, a celebrity in their midst doesn't faze them.

Thankfully the Cherry family show occasional photos of Adam with his circle of long time friends, Alisan, her baby, Carmit, her baby, Lee, Scarlett and his godson Riff. Plus we see him with Neil and Eber and Leila.
When I think on it....we really have been fortunate to share his movie nights, lunch at sidewalk cafes, grocery shopping, jogging....that reminds me I really wish we'd get some photos of him and his trainer, that guy's good!

Adam seems to have a life chock full of varied activities, good for him.

Anonymous said...

Please folks ... No 'age' cracks....such as "the poor old thing doesn't know you can take photos with your iPhone".....I'm aware of that, I have one and I do....JAK

Jadam said...

You go JAK great points. Loved your footnote.