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VERY SAD GLEE PROMO: Farewell To Finn Promo

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, October 5, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, October 05, 2013


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No sound! Why?

Anonymous said...

@1:00 move the cursor to the right (on the right side of the speaker)

Anonymous said...

very touching

Anonymous said...

So Sad - beautiful song and voice.

Anonymous said...

JAK here...When I first heard they were going to do a tribute show to Cory I was a little taken aback.
Then very quickly I realized it was an opportunity to reach their target audience and hopefully not being preachy, which turns so many young people off...they could show the loss your loved ones feel when your ill advised actions takes you from them.

The grief and fallout create ripples in a wide circle.....JAK

Anonymous said...

To 1:00 Thanks. I now have sound again. If it where not for this site and so many helpful Glamberts I would be lost. You all are heaven sent. ;))

Anonymous said...

I am in instant tears knowing that their emotions do not have to be faked. These are real emotions that they have to keep under control in order to film the tribute. How very, very sad.


Anonymous said...

Drugs especially heroin is such a deadly matter. That's why it is simply is not a laughing matter for these offensive people to come on this site and spread that kind of lie about Adam it's criminal and should not be allowed. A little picture of two hands makes demented mines explode with lies. I have to take certain prescription drugs that are not easy to take. No one should take anything unnecessary especially awful street drugs.i am so sorry this happened to CM. it destroyed his life and hurt so
Many others that cared for him. They will survive he did not so sad! Sue

Anonymous said...

No one has ever said adam took heroin. Adam himself has talked about taking drugs which you conveniently ignore. Being an over defensive, ignorant person does not make you a better fan.

Anonymous said...

I will deff be watching this ep and everyone thereafter.

Anonymous said...

4:09 Sue is being her authentic self. Yes there are a few of them still around.

Anonymous said...

4.09 I said nothing about Adam and heroin CM died if an heroin over dose. Adam said something about taking some drugs several years back. He also if you paid attention said he is on a totally different place now. Accusing someone blindly of something you have no real evidence of make you not only an awful fan but an awful person. Until you have real proof of what you say it is criminal to do so. I say you protest to much sound like your guilty of doing just that ignorantly accusing Adam of something you know nothing about! Sign you post! Sue

Anonymous said...

4.26 thank You! Sue

Anonymous said...

Tough act for Adam to appear in the episode following this sad tribute episode but I am sure he can do it...

Am sure he can make me smile again through my tears... sigh... a gleekish Glambert.. Axel...

Anonymous said...

Thankfully there is a few weeks break between the farewell and next episode - some sports thingy in US ???? - so things will have settled somewhat by the time the episode with Adam comes to air.

funbunn40 said...

A talented life was lost as well as a man loved by Family, Lea and Glee family. I think it's fitting to memorialize Finn and bring home the reality that drugs can touch anyone and it's an insidious, painful disease, not a moral deficit. If it touches just one person and inspires them to not let drugs destroy their life, then it was well served to air this episode. Adam will be a great comfort and positive force for Lea and the cast. He has such an intuitive, compassionate nature that I think will surround them with positive energy. I hope so..

Anonymous said...

It is a disease not a moral deficit . If anybody seriously thinks someone has a drug problem you let them get help with the people care like their family. If your in the position to help you try and help. What you do not do is get on some celebrity post and make unfounded comments about a celebrity you follow or sometimes follow in a not so honest manner. Like I said I take prescription drugs have side affects I have to take them and its no Picnic. Adam will be a comfort to Lea and others when there I am sure he a kind human being. It is good there will be a bit of a break in between Adam on Glee from the CM tribute show. Sue

Anonymous said...

Just a note to some people who are not familiar with the "sports thing" that will be on instead of Glee for 3 weeks, it is the World series of Baseball. There will be a lot of people watching it, it's pretty big here in the US. Then yey Glee will be back.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info baseball is a sport only shown on "pay tv" in Australia (along with English/European football/soccer, equestrian events, etc even ATP/WTA tennis))and is way down the list of sports of interest to most and gets little if any publicity on free-to-air tv hence my ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Trivia, the green note on the locker is signed Zach and Brooke,which are the names of the 2 dance choreographers of GLee... Axel.

Anonymous said...

"Ill advised actions" is a rather cruel and ignorant description of addiction.

Anonymous said...

Actually sue is right. A couple of threads ago, a few people accused adam of being on hard drugs. Perhaps you should check your facts before you start slamming her. And it does make her a fan, because she knows Adam is better than that.

Anonymous said...

@4:09pm. We like to see and smell the rose intead of sticking rose thorns into our flesh. That's what you constantly tell us do with your repeated same comments threads after threads and we won't fall for it. Deal with it and if you can't, just for your own sanity follow the person you are fan of. Obviously with your comments, to throw Adam under the bus in order to feel good about whoever you are fan of, you show that you don't like Adam from spreading rumors and lies. Enough is enough. We are happy for the person you are fan of that he is doing great. We wish you the same greatness in your endeavors in life. Move on to positive things to see good things come in your way. Love ~ A devoted Adam Lambert fan for life

Anonymous said...


On those long threads it wasn't few people accusing Adam of drug use. It was one person commenting over an over and replying to her own comments to make it like a lot of fans feel the same way as she does. Obviously not a fan of Adam.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 11.50 I just noticed that post. I do not believe any post made me angrier than that post. I no you realize which I talked about I did not even post because it was so ate up with character attacks no one could fight it I am not that strong. It was beyond ridiculous the whole post! Again thank you! I just read your post I missed it I guess! Sue

Anonymous said...

If all that hell was caused by one person the other day, some body needed to throw a net over that person. That was a seriously disturbed human being. So anyone does not get wrong idea the prescription drugs I was referring to was blood thinners and heart medicine. They do cause side problems thought I should explain people get wrong idea easy. There trying to get me in shape to perhaps operate on that snapped wire in two threes months. Good night or rather good morning ! Sue

Anonymous said...

Too bad they can't fix your brain Sue.

Anonymous said...

And so it begins.

Anonymous said...

ill advised. Definition - acting without prior deliberation or counsel .

@ 11:31 AM - you find those words cruel and ignorant?
I thought JAK was being carefully tactful. TX

HK fan said...

very sad...sure it will be a tearjerker, but I can't say I will miss Finn on Glee, thought he was a bit of a weak character.

I've always wanted to know why it is called a World series when only teams from 1 country take part??

Anonymous said...

I know, that's always been a mystery to me,
Perhaps because at one time we were the only country in the world that played baseball? ..... JAK

@ TX....thanks...I thought I was too!

HK fan said...

aren't you still the only country in the world that plays it????? (at least seriously)

Anonymous said...

HK fan -Japanese are crazy about baseball and have many teams. America gets players from Japan and Latin American countries as well. Both countries take the sport quite seriously.

11:31 Cory Montieth had to take drugs the first time...which is "ill advised." Just remember the longest journey begins with the first step.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:36 PM....well, thank you....exactly what I was thinking, for a second I thought I had written the above comment and forgotten about it! At my age it could happen!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Montieth gave Lambert the stare down during Elvis week on American Idol. Montieth didn't look impressed just sitting several seats away from Lambert. I bet he wasn't an easy person to get along with by the looks of it.