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New (Old) Genie Adam Pictures!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

Gallows humor.

Anonymous said...

How are Adam and Bridger going?

Anonymous said...

Adam knows how to have fun. I envy, my life is not as exciting.

Anonymous said...

@8:50 AM

Well on Helen a few weeks ago this month; Adam announced that he was single so I guess that Adam and Bridger and all the other made up boyfriends are going the way of the rumor mill as usual.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Chris Coffer just tweet the other day that he and Adam had been shooting a pole dancing episode for Glee?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam is the world's best and sexiest pole dancer! We all knew that!

Anonymous said...

Another example on twitter of praise for Adam from another performer:

Justin Hawkins ‏@JustinHawkins 24 Nov
@AlexanderMorner so happy, I firmly believe in the talent of @adamlambert

Anonymous said...

Cool picture,albeit an old one,i like bridger physique..nice!
See, the pairing of adam with lots of random guys is so hilarious, i swear we will all be surprised when we finally know THE one, because (my guess) i feel adam knows about all the drama about his relationships coming from his fans ( few genuine concerns, majority nosey and guillible) he might be private about it,and when it eventually comes out..we all (me inclusive) be like..' WhAt Adam?'*oh he's in love...*

Anonymous said...

he's taking it in all kinds of positions isn't he? get down boy

Anonymous said...

Looks like Adam is more interested in making love with the pole than with Bridger.

Anonymous said...

Iam from europe and i ask you from USA friends do you really think that adam and bridger are a couple? Somehow I don`t find the "light" between them, mybe you who are close you find it out? Sorry my bad english just love Adam!

Anonymous said...

My memory must be way off, but when Adam was wearing that costume I could have sworn his tights were a kind of red. I remember I did not like them, with the gold lame "lamp", don't know what else to call it. I wasn't aware that he went to two parties wearing this.

Anonymous said...

Some here may think Adam and Bridger are a couple, but I don't think most of us do. I know I don't. Adam said recently that he is single. That's what I believe!

Anonymous said...

@12:10 PM They don't look like a couple who is in love but they may have fun together.

Anonymous said...

I bet Adam is having real good fun with this bridger guy but def not a couple, I think we would know for sure already if Adam would be in love with him! There's a part of me still hoping that when Sauli comes back to LA next week, we will get lovely pictures once again <3 and if sauli does get to LA right away after next weekend that tells there's something waiting for him there!

Anonymous said...

Repeat, repeat; Adam said on Ellen a couple of weeks ago that he is single. If you can't or don't want to believe Adam; Houston, you've got a problem!

Anonymous said...

We have just arrived in Fantasy Island. You can now unfasten your seat belts.

Anonymous said...

Halloween all over again; as Thanksgiving nears. So thankful to have Adam and his beautiful voice and wonderful spirit in my life. What a truly joyful human being.

Anonymous said...

@12:57 PM

He may have been to three or four parties. Adam is very popular and goes to a lot of places that his fans no nothing about.

Anonymous said...

Adam truly is a fun loving guy :D and I think has fun with lots of different guys also! That's only a normal thing to do, but it's not like loving somebody, and Adam knows it too and possibly misses that!

Anonymous said...

Nice guest; private party pictures; wonder if they got Adam's premission to show them?

Anonymous said...

The wonderfl thing now; Adam seems so happy and wrapped up in work. I am so glad he got the Glee acting job. It seems to be so much fun, and he seems to be meeting a lot of new people and gaining so many new fans. This man is moving on up.

HK fan said...

He only went to one party dressed like this, and the leggings were always match his body paint.

Anonymous said...

licking the wood. omg omg omg

Anonymous said...

As posted above, Adam made it very clear on Ellen that he was single, and Ellen even repeated it.

Anonymous said...

@2:03 PM

I am pretty sure everyone wants that special someone in their life; but, and Adam is probably no exception. But, it will happen when the time is right and the right person comes along. Adam is a young man and has his whole life ahead of him. Since we really don't know that much about his very private life. In the meantime, Adam seems to be enjoying his life to the fullest. So happy for him. So many good things happening; I feel the 2014 is going to be quite a year for our BB. This year has been pretty great too. He deserves it all.

Anne Marie said...

It will be 2 weeks before Sauli comes home. After the Finale this week, there is supposed to be a gala event for charity, with all the skaters involved. I understand the DOI winner gets a cruise. Nice prize, for Sauli, better than a car.

Anne Marie said...

I meant if Sauli and Nea win.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for thanksgiving Glee. Will be put if town but should be back to see it. It looks like a doozy.

Anonymous said...

Hmm..lots are begining to show their guillible tendencies here..*what a mess*.
Nice picture, adam having fun...moving on

Anonymous said...

I bet it's the same people posting about Sauli again. It would be great if they posted about Adam occasionally but they seem to be living in a Sauli bubble where everything about Sauli is beautiful and Adam and Sauli are an item again.

DREAM ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@9:55, well i hope BB is private with his new relationship, all these comments about reunion with exes (pardon my english) makes me wonder if these people havent gone through a break up before,or maybe they were so lucky, smell the coffee, sh*t happens, life happens, what will be will be.
Back to the featured picture, i LIKE the picture,its a only a picture

Anonymous said...

11:04, some were obviously living vicariously through Adam's relationship while wearing fairy tale goggles and they can't accept reality now. Way too invested in a relationship they weren't involved in. Not sure if they have never been in a relationship themselves or are unwilling to leave their bad relationships.

Anonymous said...

There are more pics of this same 'series' with more people in them than just Adam and this B character. Maybe it was someone's photo shoot project, artsy fartsy... Lol.

Anonymous said...

Finnish here, I don't understand why you should even be friends with your ex if you don't have children together. I have never looked back if I broke up with someone. Not good for new relationship if the ex is still hanging around. I'm sure Sauli is fine with Adam dating other guys.

Anonymous said...

This is a fandom playground. There's nothing wrong in dreaming and fantasizing 'the impossible dream'...and everybody should be entitled to their own dreams & fantasies. Nobody should mock those. Dreams and fantasies are fun and give energy to deal with RL...

Most fans' dreams and fantasies about Adam include "scenarios" that will happen NEVAH in a billion years, lol. Actually those who dream and fantasize of Adam & Sauli getting back together one day have a whole lot(ta love and) realistically better chances of getting their dream come true...even for a moment. He he.

All I'm saying is let people have their own dreams & fantasies on a fan site. Loosen and lighten up, have fun - Adam has said it from the get go: "I'm here for your entertainment!"

Adam is a fairy tale to us all... :))))))))

Anonymous said...

@ 1:45 AM....I like your comment . Adam is an unreal reality. A 'Once upon a time' character....we don't truly 'know' him. As in all fairy tales I wish for him a 'happily ever after'.

And now that it has been mentioned, I actually can't imagine what a break up entails. I never had a break up or an ex. I found my Mr.Right, my one and only when I was 19 so I've never been thru romantic heartache. It must be awful......JAK

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:45
that is a sensible statement BUT you should realise that while you see it as fun and a joke, some folks are so crazy that take all these stuff literarily,
when i first came to these site, an obviously sick person wrote lies about adam sleeping with random ppl in his bathroom during shower, until some on called his crap out and told him not to transfer all he read from fan fictions to reality; my point; some people do not know when to stop, and playing with two guys emotions isn't fair,do u honestly think the guys new partners wont face hate from these overbearing fans?
We can have fun, but not at others expense.
Peace out.

Anonymous said...

Of course there is heartache after breakup or even hate when someone leaves you, but eventually you get over it and no hard feelings afterwards.

Anonymous said...

@2:47 Finnish here again, as far as I know Sauliberts don't hate anyone. They are not spreading lies either.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha...hard truth which is sometimes hard to swallow.
Brings memories of when my parents separated, we (kids) threaten, cajole,beg, blackmailed them.we saw meanings into every cordial thing done to each other. Thank God,they stood their my father is so fulfilled with my step mum ,and my mum is so happy with her life.we (kids) have better relationships with them!
All ends well

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:54
speak for yourself ma'am (my guess) besides i did not mention any 'bert'... I am a Glambert and believe me i dont have time for that little fandoms peeps keeps coming up with

Anonymous said...

2:54am, Thanks for your post, I think the same way. I myself have all kinds of dreams of whom ever I want to all the time and I still know what´s real life what´s not. Luckily I´m not obsessed with anything, just having fun. I could write a book some day...:). Adam is one sexy Genie:))))!

Anonymous said...

4:12am i know, right? Folks should realise that not everyone is interested in the little, stupid (pardon me) 'berts' they keep creating. Totally here for adam lambert and his music,hence i am a Glambert, not saulbert (ridiculous), tommybert ( downright annoying) etc. Okay, i liked kradam, yeah good times.

Anonymous said...

You just ruined and blew your post with that last line, lol.

Anonymous said...

@JAK 2:37
Thank you for your kind words (sorry, took too long to come back, this thread has gone to sleep already, I assume...)
Congratulations on your long loving relationship, that is getting rarer & rarer nowadays. Like fairy tales, too...rare & should be cherished and valued.
I grew up thinking romantic heartache is part of growing up... that you're bound to 'suffer' a break up or two and it will hurt a lot but you'll survive... And so I have. :)))

Continued happiness to you and your Mr.Right!

Anon 1:45

Anonymous said...

@Anon 2:47
Thank you for reading my post. Maybe you could read it again?
I was talking about fandom (in general) and this site (as an example) and what I think fans here should be allowed to do without other fans judging or ridiculing their hopes and dreams. Fantasize, dream and have fun. Laugh and flail together. Not laugh and joke at anybody's expense.

Was talking about most fans, you were talking about the few 'odd balls' that exist and dwell in every fandom.

Have a fun day, Adam's so worth it!

Maybe I should add a note under all my posts: not incl. trolls, haters, lunatics and such... :)))

Anonymous said...

1:45am, I liked your words about the fairy tail, dreams and fantasies. Nice to know there is likeminded people here. Have a wonderful day today!:))))