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Adam Lambert in Fontainebleau "Girl tries to kiss Adam Lambert"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 8, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 08, 2013


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Next time try for a leg-lock first

Anonymous said...

Adam got out of there pretty fast.

Anonymous said...

Had that happened, half the audience would have crawled up on stage.

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, ha to all the above post; you guys are so funny and cute in your love for our sexy man.

Anonymous said...

Adam looked to be kind of a tease there. Bad boy!

Anonymous said...

Well whatdaya expect when that gorgeous face leans down into ya and your lips are only inches away from him? She couldn't help herself and I don't blame her !


Anonymous said...

He was lucky that she was not one of those overly aggressive women, who would have hugged him right off the stage. If that had happen, Lord have mercy on his body and soul!

Anonymous said...

Poor Adam ... A narrow escape. If he had kissed her then everyone else in the audience would have shouted...
Me Too!............... JAK : )

Anonymous said...

"Poor Adam" my foot. LOL!

Anonymous said...

He knew exactly what he was doing; keep them wantng for more!
Big teaser.

Anonymous said...

who wldnt try to kiss Adam! You go girl!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it worked they are wanting more. Least I sure am! Sue

Anonymous said...

he was high steppin' out of there wasn't he??? shhhhhissssh no beauty queens in his locality.

Anonymous said...

you guys are to funny I love it

Anonymous said...

Let this be a lesson. If he ever gets this close to your face, go for the kiss without hesitation.
Somebody will be able to get it in before he can react someday.

Anonymous said...

1:33pm ... I believe someone already went for it. Remember Kerri from MTV after interviewing Adam, they were in a funny conversation and she grabbed his face and gave him a kiss on the lips then raised her fists in victory. It was very cute and funny. Adam found it very funny, too.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@JAK Me too !!! Axel.

Anonymous said...

Glambert stampede! We would all be jailed for trying to kiss our man!
Of course, we could plead insanity.
The judge would understand.


Anonymous said...

Sure can't blame the girl for trying! Adam has the most beautiful mouth!

Anonymous said...

Hell I don't blame her one bit she was probably even younger than him. Sue

Anonymous said...

She looks attractive but sadly the wrong sex for Adam.

daydreamin said...

Anyone know during which song this happened?