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Adam Lambert & Markus Molinari with friends enjoy a fun filled night at Bootsy Bellows in WeHo

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

Good, it's been a while.
I hope this is current.

glitzylady said...

It was from last night... :))

Anonymous said...

Did anyone hear the comment of the guy standing outside at the end of the clip? He recognized Adam but his friends didn't so he said, "Adam Lambert, you know the AMA fiasco Adam Lambert?"

Will it ever be forgotten?

Anonymous said...

That's current enough for me. lol

Anonymous said...

Was Chris Colfer with him? Watching this video on my iphone. Not much clear.

glitzylady said...

I heard that comment and chose to ignore it..

Anonymous said...

Oh noooooo!!! Where's Sauli??? Shouldn't they be attached at the hip since (according to many here) they are obviously back together?? They would never be going to different clubs or without each other!!! Oh my. What could this mean????

Anonymous said...

In case no one noticed there are usually a few jerks outside those clubs like those who called him Mam he just laugh at them. Sometime their drunk as well. Sue

Anonymous said...

Wonder if the VMA fiasco Miley C. Was there?

Anonymous said...

No it's the Adam Lambert that fronts Queen and who on Glee. Still in 2009 are we. This is 2013 he done plenty in last five years. Sue

Anonymous said...

@10:16 AM
Sauli was out with Ade and friends. Yes, what could this mean??? LOL

Anonymous said...

10:16 AM
Nice try! Adam was having fun with his friends and Sauli was having fun with his friends (for instance Ade McGormack, there is at least one photo of them).

As most of the people in yesterday's thread said it's nice that they are friends. But they have their own friends too.

So, to answer your question: This means that they both have friends, also some other than each other.

Anonymous said...

9:55 AM
No, the third guy is Markus' "right hand" I suppose. Some Hutch or smth? I don't remember his name. He is seen very often with Markus and Adam.

Anonymous said...

10:42 AM
Could it mean that they split again and Adam is with Markus, again, and Sauli is with Ade, again? lol

glitzylady said...

Here's a pic with Adam, Markus, and Luke Nero.. at Bootsy Bellows last night, from Luke Nero's Instagram page... (I suppose that's who was walking in with Adam and Markus...)..

51 minutes ago
"The Coven" @mdmolinari @adamlambert @evita_la #adamlambert

Anonymous said...

@10:16 AM
Lets discuss. If you really wanna know: Sauli was out with Ade and friends. Maybe Adam and Sauli have a veeery elastic rubber band between their hips, so that they are not actually separated even when they seem to be separated, lol.

So, this means nothing! "sigh"

glitzylady said...

On second thought..and look..nope, not Luke Nero walking in with them...

Here's a pic of the 3 walking in..double click for the large version. I don't remember the name of the guy but have definitely seen him before...

Anonymous said...

That's Markus's friend Nick Hutchinson walking into the restaurant with them.

Anonymous said...

Where did his happy smile go?

Anonymous said...

11:10, same place it always goes when the paps are following him. Most of the time it turns into ducklips for the paps.

Anonymous said...

The picture of Sauli with Ade is an old one. If Adam was with Sauli, I really don't think Adam would arrive with him with papps there. Before Sauli left for Finland , he posted a picture of his two female room mates he was staying with. Haven't heard that anything has changed. But we will see. Sauli has so many Finish friends in LA that he will be catching up with. Ade is just a friend.

Anonymous said...

That guy can't get into the club and he dared to put somebody else about something that happened four years ago. What a moron. Go do something with your life maybe someday they'll let you in.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:06 AM
Thanks :)) I knew someone would come up with the right name....

Anonymous said...

11:31 AM
Sorry, but it is not an old one. Ade might be just a friend but he seems to be a very close friend (there are lots of pics of them before Sauli left LA).

Nice to see Adam out with Markus and Nick. They look so classy, all three of them. That guy out of the Bootsy Bellows was really rude. Shame on him!

Anonymous said...

@ll:41 AM

I agree with you 100%; was just going to type just about the same thing. Consider the source, and so what? Evidently he and his friends have no idea who Adam really is today; or care. Jealous people everywhere!

Anonymous said...

Sue, @10:35 AM

Amen to that. Tell it like it Tis! Jerk has selective memory.
That is why he can't get in with Prince Adam!

Anonymous said...

@10:42 AM

Are you for real? Surely you are jesting! If not, come into reality immediately.

Anonymous said...

Even if you dont like the explanation the guy in line gave I would say the paps following Adam must have made them think something else must have been going on in the intervening years.

Anonymous said...

11:10 AM

Maybe he saving it for his friends when they get inside. I very seldom see Adam smiling happily for the paps; he is usually trying to get the hell away from them in the nicest way he can; without encouraging them too much.

Anonymous said...

@11:31 AM

How do you know all this personal stuff about Sauli, are you a personal friend or relative?

Anonymous said...

@12:16 PM

Right, that just goes to prove he was jealous and upset that he could not get in, and wanted to say what he thought was the worse possible thing. No big thing.

Adam is so far above all that crap. Adam is an International Super Star. They had better recognize!

Anonymous said...

International Super Star might be pushing it a bit. He could have said oh some pop star. At least he didn't say some guy from Idol ;)

Anonymous said...

No it's not pushing it and I am not the one who said it. He is an international star. Well he not just some guy from idol their plenty of just some guys from idol. Adam is no where near that. How about the best male singer that ever came out of Idol yes that's the one he should have used but who cares about a couple of guys hanging around a famous club that had no shot of getting in. They were just lookie Lou's.
Adam just walked in with lots of Adam Adam. Sue

The Dark Side said...

Too much attention on negatives. Adam and Sauli are friends and that seems to be what most people know. The guy outside BB isn't worth a comment. I can't imagine wasting my time standing outside a club I would never get inside star watching. But to each his own. Adam looking sharp.

Anonymous said...

11:10 AM

It`s gone at the same time as Sauli left...

Anonymous said...

Sue @12:55 PM -
In your response to @12:39 PM

Thanks sue; I am the who posted
@12:30 PM. I just came back on the site and was getting ready to respond to @12:39, that I would not take back one word I posted. But, no need now; I could not have said it better than you did.

I am one of the one's who always have your back, when I feel you are being disrespected; because I think you are such a great lady, and one of Adam's most devoted fans. Although, you don't need anybody defending you; you do a great job doing that for yourself. Sorry, sometimes I just can't help myself.

I see this time you answered for me without even knowing it; you were just telling the truth about our BB Adam; as you always do. Cheers to you!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Adam looks so GREAT!

After reading the comments here
I went back and listened to the statement that young man made about who Adam is, didn't even catch it the first time. To me, he didn't sound malicious when he said it. Yes, it's too bad that's his frame of reference for Adam, but I suspect that will change in the future. More work ahead, but Adam is becoming a well know entity and every day he comes closer to ...


hee hee hee ...
xo laura

Anonymous said...

Who cares what jerks (probably without jobs, etc.) say outside a bar? Adam meanwhile has accomplished a zillion great things in the last 5 years and he is also probably laughing all the way to the bank with his over $10,000,000. Those jerks only wish they had Adam's talent.

Anonymous said...

@4:20pm WOW...where did you get that figure? That's huge. Maybe a speculation. But really he deserves more than that. Fingers crossed album 3 will blow everyone's mind with tons of dough for our deserving rock star.

OT I saw a video of Jordin Spark talking about her label RCA putting her upcoming album on back burner for almost five years. That's a long time. I'm curious why she didn't part away from this label?

Anonymous said...

I just saw the video; and the only word that is even clear that the young man is saying is AMA's; it sure does not sound like he is saying fiasco. Not clear at all. Also, did not sound hateful to me; just 3 young men and someone probably ask who is that. I think he was trying to say something to make them remember, since they probably don't follow Adam.

This was nothing in my opinion; at least he recognized him. Who knows, they may have all gone home and googled Adam out of curiousity; and boom, 3 or 4 new fans. Adam is, after all is said and done; a star!

Anonymous said...

2.35 I just came back here and saw your post. Thanks for taking up for me I know some did the other day. I can't thank you enough. As I said I'll do the same for you without even knowing it I guess I did. Hey if I see stuff like that I am not letting it slide.
Again thank you I dozed off I had not slept in so long just came back hope you see this. Have a nice night. Anytime I can ill have your back as well. Sue

Anonymous said...

Since the voice was fairly clear, is it possible that the response came from one of the papparozi who was peeved because Adam did not pause for his pictures or questions?

Anonymous said...

@5:09 PM

I listened to the vid as loud as I could with earphones and I heard the word "AMA-fiasco" and the sentence just like someone described.

But he was just one jerk outside the club.

Anonymous said...

So there may be someone new in Adam's life, Nick or is he Markus's boyfriend or a casual friend of both Adam and Markus?

daydreamin said...

He def said "AMA fiasco". At least he knew who Adam was so my guess is he has seen at least some of his activities since then. It's too bad he had to go there instead of his amazing accomplishments in the past 5 years.

Anonymous said...

Ok stupid that this guy has to remind his friends who adam is and to remind with this ama thing :/ but for me it didn´t actually sound rude at all, it looked like the guy was lookin adam like the star that he is and was like wow that´s adam lambert :)

glitzylady said...

Casual friend of both as I recall....