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Adam Lambert rep confirms Glee role is only as guest due to busy 2014

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, December 12, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 12, 2013


Anonymous said...

Define Busy, Shosh

Anonymous said...

He himself has already said many things on the table project for next year. He said 2014 gonna be wild. I don't think they need to spell it out any further.

Anonymous said...

Hope it's breathlessly busy, just the way it should be.

Anonymous said...

Why should Shoshana have to spell everything out; she is probably tired of getting questioned every five minutes. Let her do her job; she seems to be more accomodating to fans than most management companies even take the time to do. When things come out that the fans need to know; I am sure we will be informed; meanwhile we should just be patient and help to promote Adam in any way that we can.

Anonymous said...

That what is said both Adam and SS have said new music in 2014 there no reason to keep questioning. Adam has also said it. I have a big feeling 2014 and 2015 will be good years for Adam.
There also be other things as well. It's pretty rude question what she said that way. The solid news is new music next year most likely some kind of Queen tour and more.

Anonymous said...

get off her *ss people.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Adam's role on Glee has opened the door to many other opportunities and projects for him in 2014. We will just have to wait and see what they are.