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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 29, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 29, 2013


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Adam :) Well deserved! He is very appreciated outside the US. And he appreciates it :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations sweetheart; these are you just rewards!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS, Adam; you so deserve this and much, much more.
2014, the year of the Glambert!
Adam, all your hard work is finally paying off. There will be so much more to come!

Anonymous said...

Adam is very appreciated in the United States by his loyal and growing fan base here. He also appreciates it very much!

Anonymous said...

12:23 pm

It didn´t take long for someone to jump when I posted that Adam is very appreciated outside the US. My goodness.. No need to be so jealous! Sure he has fans in the States, but the fact is that he has been rewarded abroad many times. Haven´t seen that in the States. Why don´t you just let Adam have that appreciation and stop acting like it´s something taken away from you.

Anonymous said...

everyday on this and I am sure his fans in Hun\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Thanks to all for voting for Adam. I think this was the poll everyone could vote only once.

Anonymous said...

who is the full time monitor on these threads lately? Makes me not want to post anything she is so crabby.

Anonymous said...

And yet you did it anyway

Anonymous said...

1:13 thanks for so quickly proving my point.

Anonymous said...

1:26 pm

Gonna post, not gonna post.Hard decisions in life :D

Anonymous said...

Voted many times congrats Adamyou so deserved these awards.Many more coming your way I just know it.--------------blueeyes

Anonymous said...

Well said. Totes agree.
Wake up, US!

Anonymous said...

Wow whoever slammed 12:23: We can't help that Adam was born and raised in the USA. We can't help that his parents encouraged him in music. We can't help that he was a contestant on American Idol. We can't help that he is magic on or off the stage. We can't help that we love his voice. We can't help that we would feel the same way if he had been born in Outer Mongolia. Hope that makes you feel better but we can't help that either.

Anonymous said...

It's great to read that Adam is so recognized and appreciated by his fans outside the US. They certainly know talent when they hear it.

Anonymous said...

The "wake up US" meme is stupid. Adam was on American Idol. He is currently on Glee, an American show. The list of US shows and accomplishments goes on and on. It really demeans Adam, not the US, to say wake up.

Especially ridiculous considering this is some fan generated award out of Hungary that anybody in the world could vote in. Would Adam have won it without his US fans voting too?

Anonymous said...

So happy Adam has wonderful fans worldwide. He is loved everywhere!

Anonymous said...

2:15 pm and a little for 2:48 too

You´re right. There is nothing you can do about those things. And you cannot help the fact that Asian and European market is way better for Adam than it has been in the US. I sincerely hope that it changes, because Adam deserves it. His success in Asia and Europe has very little to do with US in general for crying out loud! It has to do with Adam and his hard work and appreciation for his international fans who buy his music. And by the way... if anybody can vote for Adam´s success abroad, I think the thanks first goes to Asian and European people, not to leave Australia out.

Anonymous said...

The mainstream US will never get Adam, he's way too much for them.

Way too good a VOICE for the mainstream (mostly country and whatnot) market! Way too GOOD & TALENTED as a singer, LIVE performer in every way! Way too BEAUTIFUL & GOOD LOOKING! Way too DIFFERENT, SPECIAL & 'OUTTHERE'! Way too openly GAY!

And last but not least: Way too INTERNATIONAL! He makes people happy everywhere, he gets along famously where ever he is. He has traveled and lived abroad and he's always ready to broaden his horizons, so unlike mainstream US...