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Adam Lambert Winstar Poster from VIP Package

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, December 30, 2013

Posted at : Monday, December 30, 2013


Anonymous said...

WOW! How nice!

Anonymous said...

who's that? oh right it's Adam.

Anonymous said...

wow again !! that is soooo cool. NYE is tomorrow already, everybody have a good time!!

Anonymous said...

We're in Dallas, heading for Thackerville tomorrow. Any get togethers before or after the concert???????

Anonymous said...

I live in North Dakota, If you haven't experience cold and snow were sitting at -10 below, and wind chill -22 below. Now that's cold. It is going to get colder tomorrow night and new years. Will be staying in, and staying warm. You can always fine something to do. There is always things to organize. My goal for the new year is to organize one thing everyday. That would be 365 things that got organized in a year. Your house will start looking good. You can listen to Adam Lambert on CD while you do this.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy lucky Glamberts!
More videos - YAY!
Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

She does, however, look mature enough to know what she's getting into

glitzylady said...

@Anon 5:27 PM
Since I know both of them, I can say that Best Wishes are in order. They are both nice, caring people and are devoted to each other...

Anonymous said...

@4:48 P.M.

Is that you Martha Stewart?
Bless your heart. Hop on a plane and come to Florida, it's bright and sunny, we're going to a beach picnic with a bonfire and fireworks over the Gulf New Years Eve.......JAK :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised Admin finally deleted something.

Anonymous said...

So they are Mr and Mrs Lambertlust.

Anonymous said...

Yes we certainly are :) her name is @MRSLAMBERTLUST on twitter.

Anonymous said...

If they are married why are we supposed to send cash?

Anonymous said...

Hey North Dakota!
That's my normal winter weather, not this year though. So keep warm!

I love your organizing plan for 2014, and have similar plan myself, calling it "One pile per day", lol.
So let's get organized with Adam's wonderful voice and stay in touch?!
Happy New Year!!!