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Adam Lambert's Last 5 Instagram Posts

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 7, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, December 07, 2013


Anonymous said...

19,000 likes for his last ig already.

Anonymous said...

cool and I still can't see any of them :( :( :(

Anonymous said...

Adam looked so Hot in Miami! Sue

Anonymous said...

1;14 it is because Admin is embedding them as instagrams. She needs to go to the source code and get this type of address:

You can c/p that address and see the tux pic. You will have to ask Admin to take the extra step to embed the photos like that so everyone can see them.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to like his pictures on his IG.

Anonymous said...

@3:31 PM

Thanks, I see that I am not the only one that can't see them; I have the same proble as 1:14. How do we get in touch with the Admin to request such a step. I am not the most savy computer person. Thanks, appreciate you great response.

Anonymous said...

sorry, 4:36 PM Here,
should be same problem/correction.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, I am 4:38, not 4:36. I think sleep is taking over. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

4:38, the only address I have is but I believe some of the tagged users have another address if they are willing to share.

Anonymous said...

Adam Official posts instagram pics both ways, first in the instagram format and again in a D/L format. Works for everyone. I assume that would work here, too. I'm not trying to make things harder for Admin., but it would be nice to see these insta pix more easily.

Anonymous said...

Slow news day.