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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 5, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 05, 2013


Anonymous said...

All beautiful, of course, but that one on the left has that look in his eye. Swoon-a-licious. He sure does love that necklace.


Anonymous said...

The third picture wow,that's eye sex right there thud!

Anonymous said...

swirly chest hair gets to me every time.

Anonymous said...

He loves that necklace so much he didn't take it off all night lol!

Anonymous said...

The fourth picture could totally be his brother, Neil. Powerful resemblance. I wonder if Neil can sing?

Anonymous said...

Not liking any of them, his face is too handsome to be covered by facial hair.

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

Adam is looking very sexy in these pics. We are getting to see a bit more of his chest hair also. Keep these pictures coming.

Anonymous said...

The only one where he looks sober is on the right, in all the other ones he looks a bit drunk/tired...jmo and I'm not disapproving or anything. Would love to party with him myself, :)))
Love him always.

Anonymous said...

I gotta go for the 'eyebrow'......that's the response I get from my spouse everytime I mention is usually accompanied by a heavy sigh and he mutters "again?"..... JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK again......this is not fair at all since he shushes me several times a day now that they are constantly showing Charlize Theron's J'adore commercial.....each time he watches her stalking by in her gold gown, he says "she's got your old body!" And I reply...."I wish she'd give it back, this one is wearing out!"...... Men are so shallow!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha!!! @JAK .... love your reply.

The pics are good but Adam looks far more handsome and sexy without facial hair and yes, his facial hair makes him look more like Neil who, the last time I saw a pic of him, also had facial hair.

Anonymous said...

Adam is gorgeous period.