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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 7, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, December 07, 2013


Anonymous said...

Very cute cutie pie.

I'm lovin' the Featured picture.

Anonymous said...

That cute adorable baby grew up to be Mr. Wonderful, beautiful man.

Anonymous said...

What a little doll!

Anonymous said...

That baby grew up to be that man in the picture below. Lovely, baby lovely man. I can honestly say to Adam, you were a beautiful baby; and BB look at you now; wow!

Anonymous said...

It's kind of funny that he has his picture taken with a football.

Anonymous said...

I had the exact same football picture taken when one of my son's was a baby. It's a standard shot.
The important thing is that Adam grew up being what he wanted to be. It just so happened that my son grew up wanting to play and watch football. The main thing is to allow your child to become his true self. That's all a parent can hope and wish for their child.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it was a ♫musical football♪♪.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful baby Adam was and so alert, the expression in his eyes.And he grew up to become such a handsome, talentd man!

Anonymous said...

wow!so cute<3<3

Anonymous said...

ADORABLE is the current Featured Picture!!!!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Baby Adam, fascinated by the camera
Focused on him...his eyes and smile
Say a thousand words, perhaps wondering
What's that thing so big and shining
His baby smile indicates intelligence
Wonderment and exploration
His little, inquisitive mind with determination
To match his latent talents of distinction
10:44 a birth time of significance
His birth date 29(11) 1(Jan) 1982(11)
I see 5 1's...a fair indication
Of what is to become of Baby Adam
With an all-round balance of nature and nurture
Where does Adam's adventure rupture
I sense a promising, foreseeable future
Of fireworks and thunderous applause
His third album soars, over-awes
As an actor...well, that too is factored in, for sure
Because much too often, he shoots a surprise
And floors us with a perfect rapturous 9 lwl!


Anonymous said...

Whoa, my timeslot is 11 and its total (1+1+4+5) also 11. My poem is the 11th comment. And I mentioned 11 twice in my poem...It's a multiple Bingo! lol!


Anonymous said...

Above time: (3+8) 11 is still chasing me and 5 as well (1+2+3+8=14) / 5; which I mentioned in my poem and is also Adam's life number (total of his birth date). lwl!


Anonymous said...

Is it actually a football? A baseball? or just a big ball (for a baby)? Please enlighten me as I'm not an American. Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't a camera shy....

He is simply playful and dorky indeed!!:)

Just love the man:)


Anonymous said...

I can't believe he'll be 32 soon. He started to pursue his dream as a solo artist on summer of 2008 at age of 26. Almost Six years of hard work and still continues. I'm happy to be his fan.

Anonymous said...

4:19AM, it is a toy sized football. It is pretty common to give babies and little kids these much smaller footballs. They are often softer than real footballs too.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful baby that grew up to be a gift to the world,well to me anyway and I know all of us fans!

Anonymous said...

Numerology just doesn't add up for me.