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"AMAZING song to run to"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 7, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, December 07, 2013


Anonymous said...

That was such a spectacular performance of MTN just so good. Have listened to it so many times and not just to give it views I love it.
I sure hope he gets another solo performance on Glee. But a duet with Lea and or Demo is great also.

Anonymous said...

That was Demi not Demo. Hope I corrected that right for the that one person post police. Sue

Anonymous said...

BRAVO! indeed..supurb, beyond mere words...

Anonymous said...

This Dave guy is some unknown reality tv guy. Why is this news?

Anonymous said...

@3:21 PM It's actually more newsy than most of the stuff here on 24/7. lol

Anonymous said...

Amazing song to run to, walk to, cook to, make love to. It's an all-purpose song.


Anonymous said...

It's great for dusting!.....JAK

MiMi said...

I could watch it all day.

Anonymous said...

@3:21 PM

It is news, because this is an Adam fan site. The Admin. felt it was important enough to add.
Some people feel like Adam is not a singer to be taken seriously because he came from a reality show. We all know that is a big lie; he is one of the best singers, and entertainers out there and his experiences reach far beyond Idol.

Sometimes a person tries to get recognition the best way that they can, you have to start somewhere; everybody did.

Just because someone, like this gentlemen comes from a reality show, if that is the case; does not mean he is not as important as the next so called TV actor, or singer.

At least he recognizes Adam's great talent and was classy enough to acknowledge him through twitter to let others know how he felf. That is more than I can say for some of these so called "non reality show actors" and entertainers; even after Adam was classy enough to praise many of them.

As an Adam fan, I find that looking down on others because they are not "big stars", really hard to tolerate.

Anonymous said...

@5:47 PM
You're overreacting

Anonymous said...

Every time one sees, Marry The Night, again feels the passion of his voice and the frantic movement of Adam in the scene! Awesome! HH

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

JAK dusting is about my speed too. lol.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 5.47 there is nothing funny about looking down on people. This guys opinion is just as important as anyone else's is.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Nasty, nasty, so unGlambert.

Anonymous said...

Who was looking down on anybody? It was just pointed out that it was a random tweet and kind of weird to include as news.

Anonymous said...

A lot of fans on twitter re-tweet people who say nice things about Adam. Why not this guy? If casual fans get a lot of re-tweets on a singer they might decide to pay more attention to him. Converting one fan at a time.

Anonymous said...

Thank you soooooo much @7:49