Skinpress Demo Rss


Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 8, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 08, 2013


Anonymous said...

It's the right thing to do! ^_^

Anonymous said...

Perfect subject for delightful dollmaker

Anonymous said...

She does such a good job with all her dolls.

Anonymous said...

Okay, that does it! Where can I get one? Right now one entire side of my living room is taken up with Christmas tree and dolls, but I don't have one of these. . . . JAK

Anonymous said...

I want one or two of those so bad.
That is one adorable precious Christmas tree.
Such a talented Glambert the dolls are so cute and she decorated that tree so stylishly with the dolls.
So many talented Glamberts except me. So proud of them. Adam sure makes a cute doll and a diva of a puppet Green and all. Sue

Anonymous said...

OT....just a quick 'seasonal story'. JAK here...
My grandson was guiding the giant candy cane balloon at Universal's version of the Macy's parade in Orlando yesterday. At one point they lower the balloon and little kids run out and hug the balloon then they raise it again.
One little guy about 2 years old didn't get there quick enough and he started crying "" and raised his arms to the ascending balloon. My g'son and his crew lowered it again and the little one got to hug it and kiss it and then they raised it and he waved goodbye and blew kisses!

Now let's hear an awwwwwwww!

For 10 years now my boy has been working part time or full time in various theme parks....he loves to interact with kids....every day has special moments like this. He must have inherited my preschool and kindergarten genes!

Anonymous said...

Aww JAK very sweet . Sue

Anonymous said...

What an incredibly talented doll maker this Glambert is. I hope Adam gets to see this. There is just so much artsy talent in this fandom and let's not forget the Glamberts that are so talented with their poems and verses. Proud to be a Glambert for over five years from the first day of "MAMA"!

Anonymous said...

I want one of these dolls for Christmas. Santa?

OT Carrie Underwood is sure getting slammed for her performance in Sound of Music Live. Sad. :(

Anonymous said...

Great talent. You could sell heaps of doll Glambert because now everyone wants one!

Anonymous said...

Love those dolls and really want one! @JAK - loved your story. Making a little child happy - the sweetest gift!


Anonymous said...

I got to say I did not want to say anything but I watched 6 minutes of the SOM her acting? I am sorry but Adam is Sir Laurence O. Jr. In comparison. I am sure her singing was great but that's it.

Anonymous said...

She brilliant i did not notice the clothes on those dolls brilliantly done. The clothes are fantastic the Red furry coat the purple shirt. So well done love it. Sue

tess4ADAM said...

OK! I want one with the red furry coat .. one of Starchild ... guess that's enough to start with ... will finish my order later ... lwl .. Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)