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E Online Interview: Adam Lambert's Glee Future "All Up in the Air"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, December 10, 2013


glitzylady said...

When I listened to this interview earlier, I got the distinct feeling that at this point anything is possible.. And perhaps we'll be seeing Adam occasionally on Glee next season as well... We'll see.......Sounds good to me!!!

Anonymous said...

sounds good to me too Glitzylady and he sounds positive and happy about whatever happens.

Anonymous said...

I think GLEE brought Demi and Adam on board for better ratings and unfortunately after passing of Cory the high ratings for the show didn't happen. Plus in this season the show has taken a lot of breaks. That also causes a lot of shows viewers to look some where else to be entertain. Adam's next two episodes will air the end of February on Tuesday nights. I assume it will be after Idol. Hopefully with appearance on Idol, some big chunk of Idol fans will watch Glee because of Adam.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Adam do some guest shots into next year too. Fox is going to promote another show on Thursdays after AI and I forget the name of it.

Anonymous said...

So cute; "I'm having a great time poping in here and there". I hope Adam does get more work from his episodes on Glee. He would be so good in whatever he chooses to do.

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that Adam being on Glee has helped the ratings. It was said that without him the ratings would have been lower. But, one person can't save a show by themselves. Circumstances were very difficult; as was said above.

I think that Ryan knows that Adam is bringing in new fans; why his time has been extended I believe.

Anonymous said...

Did FOX move AI time slot to Tuesdays and Wednesdays or kept it the way it was for the past couple of seasons on Wednesday and Thursdays?

daydreamin said...

I'm thinkin' 4.5 Million views of Marry the Night (and climbing as we speak) is only helping Adam stay on Glee longer. He did say in one of the interviews today that they have already filmed several episodes for when the show returns starting in Feb. We know they all love him.

Anonymous said...

There's no way to know if the ratings would have been even lower without Adam but seeing as the ratings are the lowest they have been I think its fair to say Adam didn't bring in much.

Anonymous said...

@1:02am I don't think Adam or Demi are responsible to bring any ratings for the show. The show itself has lost its peak ratings. Even Ricky Martin didn't help with the rating or Kate Hudson. The show's story lines are sort of boring. So it's unfair to blame anyone of the guest stars.

Carrie Underwood did a crapy job with SOM. Yet the three hours show garnered close to twenty million viewers. Because it was something new on TV and everyone tuned in to watch the show. CU is a great country singer but not a great actress.

Anonymous said...

I think Glee will give Adam many different opportunities on TV. I think Adam should have his choice of TV shows because of the talent he has displayed on the show. The field should be wide open for Adam!
As far as Glee's ratings go, the high school theme was getting very boring and repetitive. It was tanking before Adam got on the show. The NY group is a more interesting storyline and I think Ryan Murphy needs to focus on this aspect of the show.


Anonymous said...

On the E on line article someone made a nasty remark and signed it Sue no that was not me. That may been their name. On the other hand they may have targeted me so just saying its not me. I read after Adam was on his first episode people saying they loved Demi and Adam. They went on to say the high school plot is the problem with the show its overstayed its time. They love the New York Plot. I believe they are moving many there next year and most likely that will help ratings. I also heard them complain the new ones they hired for the high school plot were not working and their afraid they will take some of the wrong people to NY. That's not me saying that for me Glee is Adam beyond that I care nothing about it. I cont. to tape it to help the show. Sue

Anonymous said...

Also it make sense that when Demi and Adam are on it if you take their fans out of the equation and many are only watching for them the ratings would be lower. Sue

Anonymous said...

LOL Sue. There are many girls called Sue (an even one boy if we believe Johnny Cash) so you have no worries.

Anonymous said...

Actually my real name and most people call me this is Susie. My husband calls me Susie. Sue

Anonymous said...

Sue if you are so paranoid that you have to come here and say you are not the Sue on some other site, you need to get off the internet.

Anonymous said...

Oh take an anti nasty pill you will feel better. What a silly comment. I am not paranoid I simply said it was not me.
Let me tell you something what wrong with the Internet is not me its hateful people such as yourself. Cowards that attack people and are to much of a coward to sign. If people like you got off the Internet it would be a far better place 6.10. There are far to many cowards on the Internet that say ugly things and sign nothing. At least I sign.

Anonymous said...

Oh 6.23 Was SUE ME!!!!

Anonymous said...

Even the smallest, seemingly unimportant roles can ead to big new opoortunities. Adam's MTN made a big impact for him even though the ratings for the show were not high. Glee still has millions of viewers and it is a "known" show even to those who don't watch it. It's a show that people know about regardless. I think it has helped Adam a lot to be on Glee. It's added to his resume. I agree with glitz that I wouldn't be surprised if Adam "popped" in on Glee now and then, even next season. Starchild has made his mark, and even the long-time Glee fans seem to love him. Glee helps Adam maintain a higher media profile. Hope his Glee role last a while!


Anonymous said...

Sue, you said they may have targeted you by using the name Sue on a DIFFERENT website. If that's not paranoid I don't know what is.

Anonymous said...

7.09 I cannot call your name like you do mine people like you refuse to sign very paranoid what are you afraid of. If I am paranoid it is because many people such as yourself who never sign have accused me many times of posting comments I never posted they target people who sign. People who do not sign such as yourself target people who sign like your doing to me so I rest my cast about it. You have proved my point. Thank you Sue

Anonymous said...

I love Adam on Glee he adds a lot to that show. It surely will help Adam. Sue

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LOL? Very smart comment how did you think of it.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how much Adam's appearances on Glee have helped the show with ratings, but it certainly gives us Adam fans another opportunity to see him perform. You really don't see Demi that much in the plot line either. If his role on the show opens the door for him for other roles, good for him. He seems to be enjoying himelf with the cast members and the production crew only has nice things to say about him also.

Anonymous said...

This is just my opinion, but I caught up with Glee this year after not watching it for a while, and I think the scenes in the high school have finally jumped the shark. I don't know why they didn't follow the few members of the cast they had slated to seek musical careers in NY and move completely away from the high school altogether. They are even repeating some of the same plots that have already been used in the past. I think it would be refreshing to just stay in the NY scene, with or without Adam, and find new and unusual story lines to couple with musical theater, auditions, struggles of new artists, etc. Diana

Anonymous said...

Diana @ 1:02 you're really good at the cut and paste thingy.