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"Feelin it in the Deep South"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 30, 2013

Posted at : Monday, December 30, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam Honey, this pic has me feelin' it in the deep south, too.

Anonymous said...

eat some pan cornbread and dirty grits.

Anonymous said...

Just got a chance to review all the videos of the Biloxi concert... what a night! Adam was a party all to himself! And I loved "Lay Me Down" live. What a treat for all the fans there! Adam's love of music and performing is absolutely contagious ... the fans there got a special treat!

And always, being his same fun and goofy self with the audience. What's not to love?

xo laura

HK fan said...

my thoughts exactly:)

Anonymous said...

That top pic, you can't see his eyes, you can't hear his voice. But man o man, he is as seductive as he's ever been.

Anonymous said...

Incredible photos.

Anonymous said...

He he, mine too!
Good one.