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FIRST PICTURES: Adam Lambert's New Year's Eve Concert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Anonymous said...

Perfect jacket for NYE.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for these pics!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam looked New Year's Eve Great. Always dresses just right; so classey. Loved the new Jimmy Hendricks cover; so, so sexy! Looked like large joyous crowd; lots of men and women it seemed to me.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Thank you very much for the pictures God he looks handsome.
That Jacket is beautiful on a beautiful man enhances the Jacket. Sue

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the pics. Adam was awesome. Thank you for the Ustream @lambertlust

Anonymous said...

Cannot wait for the videos; but I guess I will have too. Happy New years everyone!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Adamnye; your Ustream made my day. Audio was great. You are a wonderful Glambert.

Anonymous said...

Shout out - Happy New Year, Adam. Thank you for all you do. Will see you February 08. ♥

Anonymous said...

I watched @Adamnye's Ustream also, picture blacked out on a few, but so glad to get what we could. Thank you so much; was kinda like being there. Cannot wait for video's to show. I could have watched Adam all night!Missed LMDD; but someone tweeted it was fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Well 2013's gone....missed the heck out of our Adam. AND now to 2014 and NOT missing out on our Adam! The year of the snake left us Adamless.....but no more!

Anonymous said...

Darn Adam looked totally amazing. Full of class! He always wins our hearts and always will.

glitzylady said...

Adam did an AMAZING cover of Jimi Hendrix "Red Room" that was unbelievable! I watched the live stream and I nearly came unglued when he sang that song. So sexy.. Blues and Rock are what he should be doing next. His voice and his personality are made for that...

A recording of the livestream specifically including Red Room.. from @Lambertlust who braved the tough security and gave us a really great picture and sound.. A few gaps here and there, but all in amazing!!


Anonymous said...

There was quite a bit if Adam this year but here's to much more. He was amazing at I Heart and Glee. MTN was a master piece.
Here's to a year of lots of Adam New Music, Queen tour and Adam tour 2014 , 2015. Just hope it's a spectacular year for Adam. He deserves the very best ! Hope we get vids with tight security.
Adam always wants them to let his fans take pictures and vids. Correction there was quite a bit of Adam not if Adam. Sue

glitzylady said...

Adam got after security at one point.. :)) and I know we'll get vids.. Go to the link I posted above and you can hear and watch all of the livelstream from @Lambertlust

glitzylady said...

Okay, for those who would LOVE to listen to a good quality recording... "RED HOUSE" soundcloud by @Scorpiobert

**maybe be downloaded into your music library

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the glam look, beautiful man!

Anonymous said...

It's Red House not Red Room.

Adam's singing was great. Guitar playing needs some work.

glitzylady said... may have noticed I corrected it in the sound cloud link I posted.. later on :)) Was VERY excited after hearing it...

Either way it was F-ing AMAZING...

Red House...

glitzylady said...

And I thought the guitar playing was fine.. but whatever.....

Anonymous said...

Hard for even good guitar players to live up to Hendrix's guitar playing.

Anonymous said...

GREAT CONCERT!!! ADAM WAS SO GOOD and HANDSOME!!! I was there didn't want it to end .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam has got to reocrd some killer rock and blues! That Hendrix song was made for him. His vocals were killer! This looked like a great show! Hope to see lots of great vids. Glad eaveryone had a great time.


Anonymous said...

I thought the band sounded just fine to. Nothing at all bad about that guitar playing. Adam goes without saying was F-----g amazing. Vocals off the chart as usual! Sue

Anonymous said...

He also looked just right and very handsome. Very, very handsome! Loved the Jacket and shirt. Sue

Anonymous said...

@8:21 and @8:44
you need to broaden your horizons!
think internationally, too!
there was much more to 2013 than IHeart and Glee!
WAG tour, China plus all the awards & accolades and concerts & performances etc!
Adam is a World Star!

Anonymous said...

I'm just blown away by Adam's performance of Red House...I thought I hated blues but after this and Adam's interpretation, facial expressions, emotions and killer vocals, I could listen all day long. Gimme more!l
