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LATEST PICTURE: Adam Lambert at Evita Nightclub

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

Now THAT'S a picture! HA.

Smokin' hot Adam and Pretty David. I never knew a FULL beard could go with glamorous make-up, but there it is. So many colorful characters on the planet. Glad there's room for us all.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Adam ... Please don't even think it! Every thread would be over 200 in protest......from me alone!!!!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam has such a beautiful head of hair; oh my, and those eyes, eyebrows, nose, chin, cheeks; what a perfect face. Just adoreable, even when poker facing it!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Very, very interesting.

Anonymous said...

In solidarity we women should stop waxing tweezing threading our upper lip hairline.

Do you think we can do it? I don't think I can do that.

Anonymous said...

Oh my lawdy! I'm with JAK ....don't you dare look like that, Adam .... lol

Anonymous said...

Adam's new boyfriend? I'm glad he finally found somebody to love and we all can calm down. But that facial hair - no Adam, not for you - think twice!

Anonymous said...

Compared to these latest news and pics I'll take the newest pic/thread with Sauli & Danielle any time!

Anonymous said...

It seems there's going to be a lot of news in 2014 and probably lots of pics too ..... YAY!! :-D

Anonymous said...

Seems Adam wore the same 'mask' in many pics from this 'sulky' and 'modeling'... :)))

Anonymous said...

@ are in the dental world I believe...He had the same 'mouth' and sunken cheeks some months ago and he was wearing a kind of dental appliance that you could see in one of the pictures. Do people occasionally wear a retainer or something? The lips seem to be closed over a corrective device.......JAK

Anonymous said...

I thought glitzylady was a doctor not a dentist.

Anonymous said...

she is neither a doctor nor a dentist

Anonymous said...

Why don't we let her answer.