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Filed Under () by Admin on Sunday, December 29, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 29, 2013


Anonymous said...

Deserves a bigger...much bigger band

Anonymous said...

Lets just enjoy the pictures and the evening not start in on the band. Heard Tommy sounded great!

HK fan said...

singing Lay Me Down now...

sounds great...even on a crappy livestream.

HK fan said...

more pics

HK fan said...

Lay me down sounded better live than on the album....

Anonymous said...

I wanna hear him sing LMD!!!!


HK fan said...

new fan

David Roberson ‏@H077y300d 2m
My brother took me to see @adamlambert tonight at the Hard Rock Casino in Biloxi and now I want all his music. He got da feva in Biloxi!

Anonymous said...

The band and Adam sounded awesome tonight!!!!OMG Lay ME DOWN is better live.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear it turned out so well. Live stream was great when I could hear Adam's voice over the band. It probably sounded more clearer in person. I hope we can get clear youtubes. So happy for Adam & fans that were there. The audience seemed to be having a ball.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Adam gave 110% to his audience tonight. I watched the live stream ( big thank you to @Butterknife0204) and the sound was great! Adam 's vocals sounded perfect as he sang 15 songs +. Encores.

It seemed like an energetic crowd with lots of dancing, screaming and flailing, also a younger crowd so hopefully some new fans.

I'm waiting for some Talcvids hopefully?


Anonymous said...

Correction, that should be 17 songs + 2 encores.