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More Pictures From Yesterday

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 8, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 08, 2013


Anonymous said...

Looks like Danielle's carrying a pizza....yummy.


Anonymous said...

Could it be that there's some kind of welcome-party for Sauli.. Sauli is good friends with Danielle too ?! Just guessing.. :)

Anonymous said...

That's not the way to carry a pizza box unless you want the cheese, etc sliding all over the place. Can't Adam and Danielle just go out grocery shopping without speculating about a party for Sauli. We all have to eat and Whole Foods seems to be the place Adam has often shopped before.

Anonymous said...

That better not be a pizza Danielle is carrying sideways.

9:48 could it just have been Adam stocking up on food for the week for his own meals, no crazy speculations?

Anonymous said...

Like I said just guessing because I think Sauli planned to go back to LA pretty much after the last show wich was filmed wednesday. And forgot to say Adam looks soooo cute ;)

Anonymous said...

Adam has to eat, but a pizza suggests for more than one person. Hope he has a gathering for Sauli, to celebrate his winning on DOI, and also Sauli's TV program which ran the same nights as DOI.May be Adam isn't buying the pizza at all, might be for Danielle. :))

Anonymous said...

Love it when he is with his bestie. Looks like his brother neil here.

Anonymous said...

Be nice if Danielle and Adam were there to pick up Sauli at the airport.

Anonymous said...

The pizza is most likely shrink-wrapped inside the box. No worry.

Anonymous said...

What a relief to see these pics. I thought a day would go by when Adam would not be photographed.

Anonymous said...

They are saying on another site, that Sauli came home yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Wrong way to hold a pizza. Ha Ha on the speculation. Guy's gotta eat. Maybe a couple of friends over. Who knows which friends.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is not going back to LA because of Adam. They don't have the same interests and that's why they broke up.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping this article would be here I tried to access it on Adam's google page but my computer security kicked in big time. Thanks admin.

Anonymous said...

OMG how giant of a leap do you have to take to get from Adam at a grocery store to a party for Sauli?? Adam does need to eat regardless of what continent Sauli is on.

That must be some tough crust if Danielle is carrying the box like that regardless of shrink wrapping. Better be frozen.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Danielle the Godmother to the Cherry's son Riff? I know that Adam is the Godfather. They are such long time cute besties!

Anonymous said...

@10:45 AM

Anonymous said...

@10:54 AM No to Danielle, Carmit is Riff's Godmother.

Anonymous said...

:D hahah i know we can get a little bit grazy with these speculations but maybe you forgive us :) Adam allways says glamberts are grazy but he loves all of them!

Anonymous said...

Nobody says Sauli is in LA because of Adam! But they are still close so why not throw a party for him

Anonymous said...

when did Adam say Glamberts are grazy!

Anonymous said...

Sauli is in Finland. I doubt he will go back to LA before January.

Anonymous said...

Adam has had quite a few accomplishments lately that could use a celebration as well. Such as six nominations for Hungarian awards among other things.
He has a big red carpet charity event tonight as well as filming Glee and working on music.
Quite sure he will spend some quality time with his friend Sauli. None of us need tell him how to treat his friends he done a great job of that for years.
None of have any idea why they broke up other than what they said to much time apart which seems to be true. Sue

Anonymous said...


Alisan porter is riffs godmother

Sauli himself blogged this morning that he arrived back in la on Saturday

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah I'm sure adam is throwing a party about some random Hungarian award. Lmao

Anonymous said...

11:04 AM
Sauli just sent a pic blog where he thanked his "DOI gang" and Finnish people and told that he arrived in LA on Saturday (= yesterday, 7th of Dec).

10:35 AM
We all know Sauli is not in LA because of Adam. But as someone said they are still friends and may party together.

But I suppose (I don't know for sure) that his new room mate picked him from the airport. And Adam and Danielle ate that pizza together, lol.

Anonymous said...

Adam lives in his own Hollywood bubble. Adam is not interested in other cultures than his own. There are americans who are interested in other cultures, especially if they happen to be in relationship with a non american.

Anonymous said...

There nothing random about the Hungarian awards and he has plenty of other accomplishments this year other than those awards. Looking forward to much next year.
He had quite a nice year.

Anonymous said...

11.17 that is a total crock. Adam loves other cultures he loves to travel to different countries.
He is a very smart interesting man that lives in no bubble no Hollywood bubble.
He loves learning about different cultures and as said so many times. That comment was ridiculous to say the least. He does not live in a Hollywood bubble anymore than Sauli lives in Finland's bubble.

Anonymous said...

Adam only goes to gay bars and sometimes shopping when he is traveling.

Anonymous said...

11.15 or lol or someone else just like him or her. Take sure boring snarky comments somewhere else getting so old. Adam has always been popular in Hungary. Just read several articles about Adam being nominated for those awards.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that looks like Danielle. Teeth are wrong.

Anonymous said...

11.41 yes that where he met Sauli in a Gay bar. When he was doing the GNT. This was a post about Adam grocery shopping nothing at all to do with Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Some of you are certifiably crazy.

Anonymous said...

When Adam travels guess what he is mostly working and making a living so he can go grocery shopping.
Then the paparazzi can take pictures and the Sauli people can take over a post that was only about Adam.

Anonymous said...

Did Markus, Adam's single and ready to mingle buddy, really move to France? Explains why no pics from Bootsy's for a while.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yea that's the only reason no pics from BB. Adam has tons of friends not just that guy.
Adam been shooting Glee for this and next year among many other things.

Anonymous said...

@11:48 I'll have to disappoint you. Psychological tests have proven that I am sane and even one doctors report describes me as a no-nonsense lady. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam sure is interested on different cultures, that is such a stupid thing to say. When he was with Sauli, they example made finnish food and listened to finnish artists, just like Adam showed Sauli american way of life and things

Anonymous said...

@ 12:06 Who had you tested?

Anonymous said...

Cannot wait for the Trevor pictures and videos tonight.
Adam some Glee people and friends in LA tonight that's the news of today.
As you told us before to read what the post is about please do the Same it's about Adam spotted out buying groceries that's it nothing else.

Anonymous said...

Whatever, but I think Adam would be more compliant with someone who is also from anglo-american culture.

Anonymous said...

@12:14 Public health psychology test, IQ test included. European or British standards.

Anonymous said...

Adam also was nominated for two china awards against big names. These awards are like people choice awards they are in no way random awards.
By saying they are random awards your making fun of other cultures.
you fall in love with who you fall in love with regardless of cultures. That just silly.

Anonymous said...

12:06 if you think Adam went shopping to throw a dinner party for Sauli last night I vehemently disagree with those who did your testing.

Anonymous said...

Danielle looks like she's put on a few pounds lately. No pizza for her...salad, no dressing, or she'll look like me.

Two Ton Tilly

Anonymous said...

@12:52 I don't think so and I didn't say that. I'm @10:35 and @12:06.

Anonymous said...

@12:52 PM I can easily believe that Adam would have a dinner party for Sauli escpecially with Danielle who is also a good friend of Sauli.

Anonymous said...

11:51, if you check Markus's twitter you will know exactly where he has been and it's not France.

Anonymous said...

1:06 what happens when we get pics of Adam picking up lunch at a restaurant again, does that mean he is getting it for Sauli too? Or when we get a pic of Adam at a club or restaurant does that mean Sauli must be with him too? Or out shopping, he must be getting gifts for Sauli. This speculation is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

So I can easily believe the dinner party but what I cannot believe is that Sauli would be in a red carpet tonight with Adam. No way!

Anonymous said...

Oh god sue stop with your idiotic lists. You have some major mental issues

Anonymous said...

@1:12 PM Things will settle down. It's just now when Sauli just arrived to L.A. when fans are speculating.

Anonymous said...

I bet Adam would like Sauli to help him with the moving though, in case he is moving out from his apartment. Adam has tons of friends in LA..

Anonymous said...

1 12
No, your comment is ridiculous.

But I don't think it's crazy to think adam and danielle and sauli got together last night. Sauli says they talk almost every day. That strikes me as unusual for people who have supposedly moved on a long time ago. We saw adam and sauli together at least two times later in the summer before sauli went back to Finland, and adam obviously kept up with his dancing on ice activities there.

Anonymous said...

11:13 AM

Thanks, for the correct information; I knew it was not carmit; I get Alisan and Danielle
mixed up sometimes; both very pretty; and Adam seems very fond of both of his dear friends. Adam has so many great friends that love and adore him.

Anonymous said...

BB doesen't always go to just gay bars or clubs..He goes to lots of different ones..Will there be a live stream on the red carpet for the Trevor Project??( and/or for the show??)If on tv,which network or cable channel?

Anonymous said...

maybe Stori and Lambert have bestie hang out nights. Cuddling, movies, pizzas, board games etc... nothing wrong with a little bestie time and great conversation.

Anonymous said...

maybe Stori and Lambert have bestie hang out nights. Cuddling, movies, pizzas, board games etc... nothing wrong with a little bestie time and great conversation.

Anonymous said...

11:17 AM

Hogwash! Is that cultural enough for you?

Anonymous said...

@11:41 AM

Are you for real? Have you hired a private eye to stalk him? Only way you would know his every move.

I guess that is another Adam, that is at all these other interesting places and events; and acting on Glee.

I think you should fire your private eye; PI way off base; just like you.

Anonymous said...

People are not speculating that everything Adam does is about Sauli but right now we are speculating because we know Sauli got to LA same day that those pictures about Adam and Danielle shopping, and they are all good friends so I don't think theres anything grazy to assume they going to get together, since they havent seen each other for months.

Anonymous said...

@11:44 AM

Wow, up in the mouth are we? Now I have heard it all; just when I thought it could not get any stranger on here!

Anonymous said...

Just don't understant this Sauli hate that comes to surface too often here! I loved to see Adam happy with him and loved that after they broke up they still friends, why would you not like that ??

Anonymous said...

@11:48 AM

I have to agree with you 100%. Sad but true.

Anonymous said...

@12:26 PM

He might want someone from
Afro-American culture; or Asian-American culture; or Latino American culture; or non-American culture.

Since Adam is not a racist, and thank God the choice will never be your hands; I am sure he could care less who you think he should pick.

Anonymous said...

@1:12 PM

Please stop it; you are making me laugh so hard; my poor stomach can't take it. But, thanks for the nice laugh anyway. You are just too clever with words!

Anonymous said...

@1:15 PM

I beg your pardon, that list was not Sue; it was me. Learn to give credit where credit is due; can you just do something as simple as that? Now who looks idiotic?

Anonymous said...

@2:21 PM Here;

My post is for poster/ @1:15 AM #1

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam, Sauli and Danielle saw each other last night and I´m sure Sauli is really happy back in LA again. It is terribly cold now in Finland in the north even -30´C! Adam and Danielle look good together!!:))

Anonymous said...

1:15 It makes me uncomfortable when people single out others (Sue, in this case) and pick on them for having the courage to sign their name to their posts and the courage to defend the person who is the very subject of the Adam Lambert fan site.

Sue: Keep on going, girl! I love your passion!

Anonymous said...

It is possible that Danielle and Sauli will be at the concert tonight, possibly with some of other friends of Adam's. The video Adam sent to Sauli supporting him on DOI, was on Finland TV.

Anonymous said...

One of the reasons that there was speculation of a dinner party for Sauli, was the pizza, it is one of Sauli's favorite things to eat.

Anonymous said...

It is obvious just mentioning Sauli's name is enough to set fires burning!
This site needs Sauli, if
Just so sad there are a couple of totally 'out of touch with reality' in both camps... and by camp I mean those who are Adam fans not accepting/liking Sauli and Sauli fans who are so bitter towards Adam for letting Sauli/them down...

On a happier note, YAY for Sauli coming back home! Let's try to keep this thread (and the whole site) friendly and civil. Both of these wonderful guys deserve better!!!

Sorry for many mistakes, my phone keeps throwing me out from this comment box... :(((

Anonymous said...

Well I don't care what anyone on here thinks, I sincerely hope they get back together. They have had 3 months apart, and have found no one else they want to spend serious time with. AND they have a lot in common, which some of you have chosen to ignore. I expect to see more of them together in the near future.

Anonymous said...

I love to see Adam strutting his stuff! He and Danielle look so beautiful together! Great friends!


glitzylady said...

I don't mind the comments about Adam & Sauli etc.. we all have our thoughts about them... and what will be will be...or not. They're good friends and I have no doubts we'll see them hanging out together at some point, in some capacity..... Who knows what the future may bring. Friends can hang out with friends and not have any hidden meaning other than enjoying each other's company...


I think the comment about Danielle's weight (above) was a bit insensitive. She's beautiful lady... and beautifully curvy. Not everyone in Hollywood is waif thin. Or should be.... I love that she and Adam have time to spend time together, just doing regular, every day, "normal" things, like grocery shopping. Only difference is, not everyone's "normal" includes being photographed by the paparazzi :)) No big deal though. Just another day in LA...

Anonymous said...

Too bad we can't just enjoy suprise pics of Adam looking adorable in a beanie without the cray thinking Sauli arriving the same day had something to do with Adam eating food. Makes as much sense as Danielle carrying pizza on it's side. Roll eyes.

daydreamin said...

Thank you anon 2:58! It's unfortunate that some of us get singled out because we have the courage to sign our tags. This way everyone gets to know us, good or bad. When one doesn't sign with a tag, we can't get to know YOU. One can say whatever they want and not be identified except by that one post. Where is the fairness in that?

Come on admin. Please enforce tags!

Anonymous said...

ANOTHER thread ruined by the Sauli cray crays.

Anonymous said...

I thought Sauli now finally got his own fan site, Saulicorner. Right? His fans can go there and talk about him. Some of us are tired of reading negative comments about Adam on this fan site which bears his name by Sauli's fans. Have some respect. The thread topic definitely isn't about Sauli.

Anonymous said...

daydreamin , to me I have noticed using the tag is no guarantee of a polite post. Most of the anons are polite people. Usually I completely ignore the nasty posts, but there is always one poster who picks the first negative post and starts answering it and giving it full attention and one´s valuable time of day. That person is surely going to get attention too,which is not nice to read. I don´t defend either one of them. I see more negativity in this end of the thread backlashing Sauli-fans though they are nice and polite posters here. Have a nice Adam day today! Kindred

Anonymous said...

As a long time Adam fan whose been on this site almost from the start I have to say this about this thread and almost all threads where Sauli is mentioned:
--- please stop the name calling
--- please don't call anybody cray cray
--- please don't try to put the blame on Sauli or Sauli's fans, most of whome I'm sure are as decent and as devoted fans as are most of Glamberts
--- those Glamberts/Adam fans who for some reason (beyond my comprehension) cannot hold their ill feelings re Sauli or Sauli fans, please practice some self control, you are fans of a very well known and internationally loved singer & performer, you/we can afford to be more gracious than what's shown on this site
--- the aggravating comments here are produced by a few 'misfits' and their goal is to do just that: aggravate - please, don't rush to react, stay clear!!!
--- and finally if you insist calling people cray crays, there are those among Adam fans, too and clearly also on this site!

I wish both, Adam and Sauli, these truly life & people loving, wonderful, talented guys so much happiness & success in everything they themselves - as separate individuals - find important and worth reaching for!

Anonymous said...

5:30am, Thankey, I appreciate your post. :)Kindred

Anonymous said...

This thread topic obviously wasn't about Sauli. It is pictures of Adam going to the supermarket. To see it being over taken by fans of Sauli makes it crazy. I am happy that he is doing fine with his endeavor but you have to have respect that this is Adam's fan site and most of his fans only care to support Adam.

Anonymous said...

People were wondering what adam and danielle were shopping for and it led to talking about sauli just arriving that same day. I doubt adam and danielle do regular food shopping together unless they are now roommates.

By the way the next morning sauli posted a photo of himself in the gym at Adams condo. So I think it is quite likely the speculation that they were getting together with sauli was true

Anonymous said...

Good post!

Besides any speculations regarding Adam on this site should be equally tolerated - cause that's what fans on a fan site mostly do, SPECULATE (unless we are gushing about Adam's fab looks, outfits and music). This was not about Sauli, it was about their possible get-together-party with friends. Nothing heavy, unthinkable or unrealistic!