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New (Old) Picture of Adam Lambert backstage at Mike Ruiz photoshoot

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 6, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 06, 2013


Anonymous said...

I can't believe I'm saying I don't like something about Adam, but I do not like his hair slicked down against his head.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the pics from this shoot?

Anonymous said...

What a handsome beautiful picture of Adam; quite a change with the slick back hair. Beautiful eyes. Adam has so many different looks; he would be a perfect model.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The makeup here looks a little much on his cheeks,esp.Yes,the pix from that shoot were pretty least no melvin.BB looks so much younger clean shaven..can't get used to the facial hair,esp if the mustache is heavy...he looks like a different guy.I like to see all his beautiful face!!

Anonymous said...

That's the shoot make up! And the shoot hair. Adam's never had that do otherwise. And at the time of this shoot nobody spoke of Melvin, he he. Way before Melvin's time.

Adamluv said...

Like the guys T shirt. BTW, Mike Ruiz just turned 49 and there's a gorgeous picture of him over at the backlot. He is 1 handsome older guy! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

49 is older? Dear me.....I'm an antique !!!!..... : )))

Anonymous said...

When did 49 become old.


Anonymous said...

at anom.@ 4:57pm..I'm right above you.I know it was the shoot makeup..and yes,I know he'd never wear his hair slicked back like that.Also,he always was clean shaven then;hope he outgrows the melvin soon.It was a very dramatic shoot..and at the time,we didn't care much..we had other nice pix also with better hair styles.(Wasn't Mike Ruiz also in The A-list,NYC??)They keep rerunning the episodes to death(on logo channel)It was interesting,but the reruns are played way too much.They are 2-3 yrs old.I haven't watched all the ones from other cities,tho.BB likes 1 girl,5 gays,doesn't he?He's been mentioned on there a few times.

Anonymous said...

Guys, Adam is a man. Men have beards and mustaches. Adam can't look cute all his life. It's time for handsome.

Anonymous said...

Handsome doesn't mean Melvin. Adam is much more handsome without Melvin.

Anonymous said...

This photo looks airbrushed such that Adam's face looks quite unreal.

jt said...

Since this shoot he has lost a lot of weight especially on his face. Now his face is more sculptured. I loved his look from AI but he looks more mature now. I still love his looks no matter what. By the way,if you go on gay blogs they love his facial hair so many say it looks hot!!! So he hasn't grown his mustache for us ladies. Expect to see many more looks as years go by, oh yes Adam will always be different and keep us on our toes as we watch this cameleon!!!

Anonymous said...

2:19 AM
'Men have beards and mustaches' .... huh?? Only SOME men have beards and mustaches.

Beards and mustaches don't make men mature.

Anonymous said...

This picture looks manufactured.

Anonymous said...

4:09 Argh!
Can't you see he's on a break (or something similar) or just finished the shoot still wearing the shoot make up & hair do?!? Check these Ruiz's Adam photos, they are VERY artistic, polished, creatively magnificent! So of course he does not look his 'real' self, that photo shoot was not a 'regular' Adam photo shoot... if there ever is anything regular with Adam... He he

Anonymous said...

Let me see if I can say this in a pc way.....I don't know what kind of make up, lighting, lens setting, climate or other conditions this photo was taken in, but in my humble and not at all expert opinion...somehow...this photo reminds me of a wax figure at Madame Tussauds museum.

Both unreal and manufactured...
This is in no way a criticism of
Adam himself.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Well said.