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New Pic! Adam at Evita

Filed Under () by Admin on Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

adam's very handsome

Anonymous said...

His hair looks less coiffed and more natural, and Melvin is either gone or very light. Very handsome!

Anonymous said...

Pap vid of Adam out last night without Sauli. Can we stop with the speculation now???

glitzylady said...

Looking GOOD Adam!

And here's a video from last night:

Adam Lambert and Markus Molinari enjoy a fun filled night with friends at Bootsy Bellows in WeHo

glitzylady said...

Ooops! same vid, posted almost the same time :))

Anonymous said...

Adam looked so handsome, going out having a great time with friends. Lay off my Adam blond one! The paps just seem to love taking pictures of the golden one; Mr. Lambert!

Anonymous said...

9.06 I am afraid they are in grade school right now. Has any body noticed those kind of comments are on the weekend mostly. Watch this weekend I really think most of them are school kids I don't mean it in a mean way really think it. Sue

Anonymous said...

Very short vid of them in a car leaving BB.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the video's; wonderful fans. Adam looks as beautiful as ever.

Anonymous said...

Must have been shooting Glee if Melvin gone!

Anonymous said...

Adam has so many long time great friends that seem to love being around him throughout the years.
Says a lot about the beautiful man's character. Everybody should be so happy to have such a friend!

Anonymous said...

OT: I heard the song, "Ben" by Michael Jackson; and the words are so beautiful. I just thought I would love to hear Adam sing that song. But, what's knew; I would like to hear him sing almost any beautiful song I hear; he would put his on spin on them and; what more can I say!

Anonymous said...

10:03 AM Here-
Should have been, "what's new. also should habe said "own spin". fingers going faster then the mind.

Anonymous said...

Lord have mercy; another spelling error mispelled "have". Sorry, should remember to proof read,
@10:05 here.

Anonymous said...

Who us this girl she really pretty? Someone's girlfriend I know not Adam but she real attractive.i have not been able to sleep for two days I am kind of of really loopy so sorry. That was who is this girl. Sue

Anonymous said...

She is pretty; with a really, really handsome man!

Anonymous said...

@9:06 AM Yes please. Sauli was also out with his own friends...

Anonymous said...

9:06 AM
What speculation? That they are friends? And have been seen partying together with Danielle on Monday?

All is well in Adam-land; he is now socializing with Markus Molinari and friends. He has lots of friends.

Anonymous said...

I love MJ song Ben too, hard to believe it is about a rat.

Anonymous said...

@11:21 AM

I know; but, rats are God's creatures too.

Human "rats" are probably far worse. Ha, ha.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the video clips.

I wonder who the pretty boy is with Adam & Markus.