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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 9, 2013

Posted at : Monday, December 09, 2013


Anonymous said...

You did it again Adam!!!:)

You are the coolest and smarter when it comes to ignorant ass shit he!he!

I hope she learned her lesson!!!:)


Anonymous said...

I have heard fans complain about this before; finally Adam answered; and let the tweeter person know his reasoning. He read her's and answered her didn't he. Adam Lambert is very aware of what is going on and he is a very smart beautiful man.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, Wendy has got to be the last person on earth that discovered Adam is gay. She's probably reacting out of embarrassment of her ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Paula Abdul is truly the very first Glambert. It started when she saw him in a theater perfomance.

Anonymous said...

this is 6:06. I didn't mean to leave the big space. I know where my error was and it won't happen again.

Anonymous said...

@6:06 PM

Happened to me once; but it was much worse than that; I couldn't believe it, when I posted. Only I didn't know how it happen. But tried to be more careful.

Anonymous said...

@6:30 PM While rewriting what I wanted to say. Some how the cursor worked it's way down from my words. When I saw it I made the mistake of just clicking the cursor behind my last word. I needed to backspace my cursor until it got back to my writing.

Anonymous said...

6:06 not a biggie about the extra space. :) maybe you're right, but I guess she could have started out her tweet on a different note other than "f**k you". Lol

Anonymous said...

Admin please help me to see the pictures of our beautiful Adam. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Admin please help me to see the pictures of our beautiful Adam. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Admin please help me to see the pictures of our beautiful Adam. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Wow! 7:35 here. Seems my connection has a stutter tonight. Sorry

Anonymous said...

she wanted a piece of the Lambert pie. guess she won't be gettin' any. Sh*T

Anonymous said...

Born this way?...*still confuses the crap out of me*. Truth is that babe asked a question that has crossed many minds @ one or the other, will I call it rude? Maybe, but that question is a Golden one

Anonymous said...

10:04 you are either a troll or ignorant.

Anonymous said...

This just proves that he sees everything that people say about him!

Anonymous said...

Nah definitely not a troll, first time I knew adam is gay, my thoughts was ' what a waste of a perfect specimen'..,now, I don't do that anymore. As a medical student, yeah it confuses me, but I don't and won't condemn any body's sexuality.
Hope I clarified my comments? Since you are all knowing

Anonymous said...

"' what a waste of a perfect specimen'" is such an ignorant statement, I don't know how to talk to people who think that.
@4:58 AM only thinks with her vagina, I pity her future patients.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but why is everyone jumping all over anyone who says it's too bad that Adam is gay because they want him sexually? Especially you Canadian?
Most of the posts from everybody here is about how gorgeous Adam is. Mosts of every post here is filled to the brim with sexual innuendo about Adam. Don't be hypocritical.

Anonymous said...

@4:58am did you know in many centuries ago people who had left handed kids used to throw their kids off the cliff? Did you know that WW2 was as a result of some doctors believed in superiority of Arian race over other races, hence, the massacre of millions of innocent humans? Did you know that in this time we are living some place on earth women and girls are mutilated or killed?

You have to come to understanding that humans are like a garden filled with flowers of different shapes and sizes. Each flower in the garden has it's own beauty and attributes. Time to celebrate our diversity.

Anonymous said...

@6:08am because underneath of "too bad" is feeling of hatred.

Anonymous said...

@7:43, it's still hypocritical and not respectful of Adam to sexualize him the you all seem to do here, from time to time.

Anonymous said...

7:50am We just appreciate his god given beauty. There is nothing wrong with that.

Anonymous said...

@6:08 AM
I'll give this a try. You calling Adam a waste is an insult to everyone who loves Adam and especially to Adam.
These "sexual innuendos" (your label) about Adam are just a way to stroke Adam's ego, unit other Glambert's (except you), and to just generally celebrate Adam.

Anonymous said...

unite, not unit

Anonymous said...

I appreciate Adam for his beauty and sex appeal, however, that is just the icing on the cake of a super talented and sweet human being. No Adam fan would want him to be anything but who he is. Adam is very special in too many ways to list here. His heart is the most beautiful............nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

@ 7:40 am. You are dead wrong about the factors that led to WW II.

Anonymous said...

IF you are a medical student you have so much research and documented data at your disposal, educate yourself - the quicker the better-er!