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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Anonymous said...

Bond on the run! :)))

Anonymous said...

Another excellent one

Anonymous said...

Listen to LMD from last night!!!
So fuckin good, especially the end... Adam is and can sing EVERYTHING!!!

Anonymous said...

ever given thought to the fact that, unlike most other artists, our boy don't need no backup singers, dancers, elaborate stage sets, extravagant costumes, etc. - all he needs is his little band and his remarkable voice, persona and beauty..and he shines like the STAR he is!!!!

Anonymous said...

2:52 AM
I oh so agree. Adam doesn't need any emblishments to his performances ..... no dancers, no back-up singers, just his band, & I adore his acapellas.

Anonymous said...

"Show me I'm the one
Tell me I'm the one
that you need..."

Yes, Adam - YOU're the One that I NEEEEE-EED!

Anonymous said...

2:52 and 4:38
Have you listened what Adam said many years ago what he wants to do and what were his dreams re his career in the future?!
Just don't think Adam's needs and your needs are in total sync... He's done all that what you think he needs or does not need... He's movin on, it's 2014 and what was the phrase 'intensive forward... etc.' And I believe his dreams are bigger than what you want from or for him...

HK fan said...

Good videos being posted on riddle601b's youtube

so far

red house


HK fan said...

riddles pop that lock

Anonymous said...

"Again with the tongue!!! Adam do you WANT me to have to tell your dad ? How many times have we had this talk?
What do you mean who told me? What difference does that make? Adam come back here - run Neil run!!!"

Anonymous said...

Unrelated - best moments of American Idol, 2013. Adam is mentioned repeatedly.


HK fan said...

TALC's fever

Anonymous said...

Hey @HKfan, thanks & Happy New Year!
Have only watched LMD and RH so far (both many times!) and oh boy, so impressed & infatuated... almost spiritual experiences... LMD, the end part... UNF!!! And Red House, the man SAAAANGGG!

Will listen the rest later, have to go now.

Anonymous said...

The show was Amazing. Had a great time. The casino it was at was the largest in the world. I wish all the people in there could have heard him. They would have been blown away.

Anonymous said...

Watch concert videos of riddle601b and TALCvids on their YouTube channels.

Anonymous said...

Adam didn't tweet anything about the New Year, did he?

Anonymous said...

Adam's voice on that Red House cover is amazing. Never heard it before but Adam's voice is out of this world.

Anonymous said...

@rainnwilson: Happy New Year Twinions. Let's make 2014 the kindest year on record!

It's off topic but I love this tweet from Rainn. For the sake of a better world let's make 2014 a happiest year ever.


Anonymous said...

Adam had an amazing NYE concert. That's good enough happy new year message from him. Watch last night's concert videos on youtube.

Anonymous said...

Official pictures of NYE concert at Winstar. Share and like them.

WinStar World Casino ‏@WinStarWorld
Here are some pics from tonight's @adamlambert concert! #NYE

Anonymous said...

@shoshannastone Good grief! This is amazing.

Anonymous said...

9:08, here is an example of when a little description would have been helpful. It's not easy to copy paste on my phone but I did and turns out it's a vid already posted here that I already watched.

Anonymous said...

ET Canada will show Adam tonight at 7:30pm

Anonymous said...

Top 20 2013 Adam's performances:

Anonymous said...

back at ya! Adam :)

Anonymous said...

WOW. Look at these professional pictures:

Anonymous said...

5 20

I'm sure Adams dreams and expectations have been modified quite a bit this year. He has said as much. He knows he isn't going to be the next gaga putting on a huge show. It's fans like you who think that is still in the cards that need to move on.

Anonymous said...

11 43
Hah hah ha

Anonymous said...

Thanks @HK fan. Appreciate much.