New ASPEN Picture: "Just a normal night in Aspen hanging out with Adam Lambert"
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Posted at : Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Via milehighsmile : "Just a normal night in Aspen hanging out with Adam Lambert ;-)"

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Really???? You're cutting off comments to peoples reaction to Lambertlusts post, yet you leave the offensive post. Really???
I mean to say yet you leave the offensive post for all the world. I'm so pissed, it's hard to type.
the terrorists just won
now you know this admin. the pearl clutchers just proved if they complain about a post enough you'll remove it.
What post was removed? what happened?
lambertlust tweeted this picture, the admin posted it, and people were being so uptight about it and bitching in the comments that the admin finally gave in and deleted the post
Thanks for removing the post admin I was one of the people insulting someone last night and I rarely do that.
I like that picture. It's cute and funny actually. Lambertlust and Admin have a sense a humor. Some of you just don't get it. I'm sure Adam will find it funny too...
Admin, thank you very much for removing the offensive post. I really appreciate it.
Adam wears his clothes the way he does so it can become very clear what he wants us to see. IMO if you don't want to look then you don't have to.
I did not find it offensive. He is a very sexual person and that is just one side of him.
Sorry, I'm a grown women with children and the whole family are fans. We've gone to his concerts, met him on his last promo tour, and all love him. I don't want to see a zoomed in shot of his Crotch, and obviously I'm not alone. I'm a fan of his talent and charm, not his dick.
Sorry, I'm a grown women with children and the whole family are fans. We've gone to his concerts, met him on his last promo tour, and all love him. I don't want to see a zoomed in shot of his Crotch, and obviously I'm not alone. I'm a fan of his talent and charm, not his dick.
1.53 Same here well said.
9:38, I thought it was cute and funny too -- a little racy, but basically harmless. I kind of wish people who are so offended by these sorts of things would go off and start their own G-rated Adam blog. (I would follow their site as well as this one! Double the fun!)
I'm with you as well. I wouldn't have had a problem with the picture if it had been a complete pictute, it was the zoom in I had a problem with.
1:08 is projecting what she wants Adam to be doing to validate her thinking. Adam is much more than a singing dick.
@Admin - you owe an explanation to all longtime posters here! What the F. has happened here and why?!
This does not sound right, to delete a whole thread without any explanations... This is so wrong on so many levels. Hope Adam hears about this! Hope every Adam fan site and blog hears about this!
@Admin, you wrote the headline of that thread, you posted the tweet with the pic, you thought it was funny - and then you caved in pressured by a bunch of (mostly mature and older, I'm sure) women, who obviously have so many hang-ups re sexuality and who have never truly accepted Adam as he is and never will.
NOW please 'come out' and explain yourself to the loyal longtime posters here, what has happened to the post and why! Thank you in advance!
I have to agree that the picture was offensive and should have been taken down. I do not have any hangups about revealing clothing, but it was a zoomed in picture. If it showed his whole body it would have been fine. Adam is trying to appeal to general audiences, so that was rated R. To me the picture was disrespectful, IMO.
3:37 oh spare the drama it was deleted because of insults being hurled at a certain poster that many long time and new posters complained about. Also it is admins blog site and she gets to make judgement calls. So go shout it from the rooftops I am sure many people will care.
It was sexually objectifying and disrespectful. Perhaps after seeing the comments Admin reassessed her decision to post it in the first place.
Sounds like some people are upset with being made to look at how they objectify Adam and resort to trying to blame others.
I'm very pleased Admin removed that thread - thank you, Admin - sincerely appreciated. It wasn't funny. It was extremely disrespectful to Adam and to all those who love and respect him for the right reasons.
@9:30 am - Thanks for the link so I could see what I was missing. I thought it was laugh-out-loud funny! And I needed a good laugh, so it's all good. Love Adam in all his sexy glory!
@3:37 PM
Admin doesn't owe you an explanation at all. In fact, your post sounds rather aggressive. As Adam would say 'Entitlement aint sexy'.
Oh go and put a sock in it!
No we and his tailor know he hangs left.
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