Skinpress Demo Rss


Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 17, 2014

Posted at : Friday, January 17, 2014


Anonymous said...

Adam can make anything look hot! OMG!

Anonymous said...

These are the pics I;ve been waiting for. Adam in ski gear and looking fine. Now let's see him actually going down the slopes. Go Adam!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks cold.

Anonymous said...

Wanna see Adam ski!!!


Anonymous said...

All the money he spends and he looks like a mess

Anonymous said...

In all honesty, Adam is not a sporty guy and his mismatching outfit makes it very clear that he is not much of a skier, either. I guess he is more into afterski entertainment.

Anonymous said...

What are you guys, the fashion police?

I love the pic. Adam looks gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so good as always but he is just gorgeous....loving all the Aspen pics...

Anonymous said...

He looks great. What do you want him to look like? Like the guy next to him with ordinary outfit. He likes to look edgy and out of the ordinary and fit the occasion. Definitely he is doing it in this picture and I love it. You don't like it, go follow the guy next to him. Good lord!

Anonymous said...

The complainers and critics have been out in full force lately.

Adam looks incredible to me. Wish we had a full length pic too.

Anonymous said...

does Mama Mia count?

Anonymous said...

If he was wearing a trash bag glamberts would think it was cool and edgy. Lol

Those are the jeans the store clerk was wearing who tweeted a pic of him a couple days ago from the jeans store

Anonymous said...

Lol, hope this will shut your trap!

Infinitely handsome!

Anonymous said...

Finally! Great pics of Adam without any 'faces'! Love them!

Anonymous said...

Please do not shut your trap Glamberts. Opinions and debate is Good ;)

Anonymous said...

But this place only gives opinions rudely and bickers.

Anonymous said...

5:00, so glad you are finally happy.

Anonymous said...

To 5:08 hahaha That is a matter of opinion

Anonymous said...

The plad pants. Adam you look goody.

Anonymous said...

Adam makes everything look good!! I'm picturing him in a trash bag..... Yup!! Looks good with that too! HA!

Anonymous said...

I saw bunch of more pictures of Adam in Aspen on my twitter feed.

Anonymous said...

Yea this is the mountain tribal look; wild, free and original. Adam is having such a fun time; reminds me of my tour days, yes over mountains and valleys. Hey Adam, wail to the hills; Indian love call...I am calling you..oo..uu.. Someone may respond...from somewhere out there in a sky chariot. lol!


Anonymous said...

Okay, a bit more serious, I like this off-beat outfit; the anything goes / tida-apa fashion. Adam lately is going green, like his Elliot puppet.


Anonymous said...

5:43, have links for us?

Anonymous said...

Adam's picture in El Salvador Newspaper:

Anonymous said...

New picture of last night at BB Aspen:

Anonymous said...

Another new picture from Aspen:

Anonymous said...

One more new picture from Aspen:

Anonymous said...

Another picture of Adam in Aspen:

Anonymous said...

Please follow this radio station. They'll have part 2 of adam's songs playlist for his birthday. Thanks glamberts!

@milkywayfairy: 247 to go, Follow>> MT @mix949 Were 266 follows away from having Part II of the @adamlambert 'Listener Party' on his birthday! #MIXUPADAM

Follow @MIX@949 on twitter

Anonymous said...

Jealously will eat you alive! Just saying.

I am on ski team, "go Adam" for the win!

Anonymous said...

@7:19pm here

Made a mistake about radio station's twitter account.

Please follow @MIX949 on twitter. Thx! xoxo

Anonymous said...

@3:47 PM

You said all the money he spends; and he looks like a mess; But, you have to admit; what a beautiful mess!

All the money in the world can't make you look good; you just have to be born beautiful like Adam!

Anonymous said...

@5:40 PM

Love your sense of humor. Too funny. But, so true. Ha, ha ha.

Anonymous said...

@3:47 PM & @4:04 PM

Excuse me; but the ski slope really does not care what colors you wear; or whether you match or not. I know people who think it is not important at all to always wear matchings clothes; they mix and match all the time. Their thing is, as long as you are warm and having fun. Good way to express your individual taste. All in fun anyway.

Lots of people go to the ski lodges to accompany friends all the time; some ski some don't. Some would probably look a mess to you; But, I bet they sure do have a lot of fun; just like it appears our beautiful Adam is doing!

Anonymous said...

I've been following Adam since 2009 and have never known him to go skiing. I can't think why he'd have an expensive ski 'outfit' for a one time event. Maybe the next/2nd time he'll be able to please someone who isn't pleased this time.

Props to Adam for taking pics with all these nice people who want their pics for a souvenir or show and tell. Thanks to them for sharing their fun experience on the internet.

Anonymous said...

@6:57 PM Awesome Adam looks Grrreat and the guy with the tiara and shawl is hilarious. ^_^ Thanx a bunch for the link.

Anonymous said...

@4:37 PM
your wish is granted by 6:57 PM

Anonymous said...

About Adam's red plaid pants:

5 days ago
#plaidpants #fashion #fashionjeans #whitebelt #trendy #310jeans #hollywood #melrose #fallow if you like what you see please fallow us 😊

Anonymous said...

All righty then I like what I see.

Anonymous said...

Making a fashion statement on a ski slope. Mission accomplished.

Anonymous said...

tiara and a shawl but no grass skirt.

Anonymous said...

I love you Adam!! Wishing Adam happiness and love!! He is so handsome. I wish I could hug him.

Anonymous said...

In the first pic, if you look close, seems Adam is wearing the gloves he wore at the Divas performance of the Madonna song. :-) Also, for the fashion police here, have you ever seen the snow boarders on the slopes? They wear total grunge - all of them! No one wears matchie-matchie. So maybe Adam will be trying snowboarding, not skiing. Just sayin' ...

Anonymous said...

IMHO I think Adam has dressed exactly as he should for this occasion. And he looks very good. ;) ♥

Anonymous said...

7 HQ pictures of Adam Lambert and Kelly Osbourne arriving at the Chateau Marmont in LA (January 13) -

Anonymous said...

If you yell don't cause an avalanch or at least don't yell in a high range & do it where the snow is not deep don't want to loose you.

Anonymous said...

This would be my choice if I were hitting the plaid pants and bright green jacket would be easy to spot when I wiped out and ski patrol was trying to find me.
Wise choice Adam........JAK

Anonymous said...

IMO the lighting on the picture that shows Adam's jacket light green isn't good. The actual color of his jacket on all other pictures is olive. If you notice the guy standing next to Adam, the color of his jacket is off. As if he washed his jacket with bleach. To misjudge and ridicule Adam because of his outfit on one out of focus picture is rude. Adam is very well put together with his outfit for the occasion as is evident in one other picture of him from head to toe with his right arm stretched out looking cute.

Anonymous said...

Who cares if you don't think red and green look good together, Adam looks good.

Anonymous said...

I see a lot of plaid on the slopes.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:45 PM

Lighten up, don't you ever go off duty?
Crack a joke, laugh out loud affectionately?
Adam probably took some ribbing about his plaid pants, that was possibly the effect he was going for. he has a sense of humour and naughtiness. You probably wouldn't like him.

Anonymous said...

He is actually wearing two different red plaid pants the same day. He really thought red plaid looked good with his green designer jacket. Oh boy

Anonymous said...

I'm soooo glad none of you get to decide what these people wear while they're having their fun ski week!

Anonymous said...

12:50, which pics show the two different red plaid pants?

Maybe Adam thinks olive is a neutral and goes with everything. I find it odd so many are reacting so negatively to the combination.

Anonymous said...

The picture outside by the rock is different than the plaid outside standing next to a fan. Both jeans are from the same store. One on the clerk and another shown on the mannequin.

Anonymous said...

No those are the same pair of pants. The plaid is exactly the same, just under different kinds of light and IG filters.

Anonymous said...

No, you must not be looking at the right pictures. Clearly two different plaids.

Anonymous said...

2:35, better give me links then.

Anonymous said...

I don't see a difference in the plaid. Looks like one pair of pants to me too.

Anonymous said...

Lol there are two different plaids. I'm not the only one seeing it, people were pointing it out on twitter. On the 310jeans instagram you can see them as well. The one by the rocks js a true plaid with blue and black. The other pair is alternating vertical stripes. One is black and gray boxes and then a red stripe. Totally different pattern and colors. One pair is leather

Anonymous said...

6:54 PM
Adam looks bored in that photo.

Anonymous said...

Squabbling Glamberts AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

Adam himself says you have to have the courage to wear what you want to wear. Translation: you will commit a few fashion faux pas from time to time. In the opinion of some people here, this is one of them.

So sue us.

Honestly, I like the pants and the jacket is okay but together they are hilarious and you don't need to be on Fashion Police to see that.

Not liking someone's outfit is hardly "judging" them. It's not a matter of character or morality, just a simple reaction to a thing of minimal importance.

Anyone who thinks this look is edgy needs a fashion consultant.

Anonymous said...

Oh brother!

Anonymous said...

You don't have to like the outfit, but obviously some of you haven't opened a fashion mag for a very long time.

Anonymous said...

5:47 don't make light of this, this is deep man, this is deep. Lol

Anonymous said...

Leather plaid pants? How do you even make that?

Anonymous said...

I didn't see anything on twitter about two different pairs of red plaid pants. That would mean Adam went back to his hotel to change into a different pair of plaid. Doesn't make sense.

All the photos look like a 4 pane plaid to me.

Anonymous said...

Lol. You must be the same person who couldn't see adam had both cream and gray pairs of studded boots

Anonymous said...

It must be a very boring day for so many comments about what Adam is wearing: plaid, two different colors, mismatached clothes, etc. He just seems either to bring out the best or the worst in those who comment here. Sometimes I think it is ridiculous; other times I learn something new or interesting about Adam and his career. He just went to Aspen with friends for some fun and here it seems to have turned into a major discussion about what he is wearing and how he looks. Hopefully most of us(including moi) have more important things in our lives than to take Adam, Aspen, friends, clothes too seriously. Just tell me about a record label and a new album...that's all I want now...the music from this super talented performer.

Anonymous said...

@4:30 AM

You have a right to repeat what Adam said; but, not the right to your own interpertation of it. He never said it would be a mistake later; It was, not to give d--- about what others thought of your personal choices of clothing; ever. I would think that would go double for nosey strangers. You have heard that opinions are like A-- holes haven't you; and everybody has one!

Anonymous said...

Adam, don't you dare change a hair for me; not if you really care for me. Stay little Valentine stay!

Anonymous said...

@4:;06 AM

That's because he's probably been reading these posts. Ha,ha ha.

Anonymous said...

We should be so very grateful that Adam and his friends are sharing their private life with us. It's been a very dry period without the fun of Adam Lambert! I'm thankful for every crazy picture we can get! :)

Anonymous said...

Who is sitting in the house on the computer? and who is up in the snow with other beautiful people having themselves a ball? I know, me included. Just saying. I am getting out right now.

Anonymous said...

Plaid is a woven fabric. How do you make plaid leather other than by painting it?

Anonymous said...

11:33 - Who died and put you in charge of telling any other Glamberts what they can do or say about Adam? If someone thinks that taking fashion risks can sometimes lead to the occasional mistake what is that your business?

So sick of the Glam Nation Police. At least the Fashion Police are doing it for fun.

Anonymous said...

I live in Illinois I just came in cold & snowing I have to go to work tonight will come home about 2;00 a,m, or so. It is suppose to rain later so I hope it is not ice.I think i will wear my green jacket & red plaid pants sweat pants but what the heck.Love Adams out fit I am not going to ask one person what I should wear except at work we have to wear our uniforms.When you look at all the people sitting down who stands out in thier red pants.exactly why he wore them & to hear people complain get a life people.

Anonymous said...

Recipe for plaid leather...

First you find a plaid steer.....

Anonymous said...

2:55, LOL.

Anonymous said...

2:55 PM=JAK

Unknown said...

look smart

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