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24 Celebrities Who Are Out and Proud - The Hollywood Gossip

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 17, 2014

Posted at : Monday, February 17, 2014


Anonymous said...

If they can do their job properly, why does it matter if they are gay.

Anonymous said...

9:07 AM Because the Haters are louder and have a bigger following than the No-Hate people.

Anonymous said...

It matters cuz Adam being out and proud helps millions of struggling LGBT youth and adults. That's why Adam is involved in GLAAD, Trevor Project, ect. It doesn't matter to us Glamberts that love and accept him 100% no matter what. But Adam has made a huge difference in countless peoples lives by being out and proud.

Anonymous said...

Watch Johnny Weir on Access Hollywood. He is gonna talk about bullies in his life and his loving parents.

Anonymous said...

Watch Johnny Weir on Access Hollywood. He is gonna talk about bullies in his life and his loving parents.

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful that many gay people have the opportunity to come out safely in their lives. Not all gay people can do that. For some, coming out would make their lives much worse or even threaten their lives. That's why celebrities who do come out is so important. Just like Adam, they can be a positive force in the world to help change hearts and minds. It's a slow process. Some people will never change their attitudes. But Adam and other out and proud gay people deserve credit for trying to make a difference. And they have.


glitzylady said...

So well said...

Anonymous said...

9:07 and 9:19, it shouldnt matter if they are gay. In the US the haters are outnumbered by the accepting people but the haters are very vocal. Until there is equality for everyone we need to be vocal about acceptance. Hopefully the day will come soon where its not a big deal when a football player comes out or that a singer is gay.

Anonymous said...

I don't have anything against gay people, in fact, I love my friends who are.
But to me, marriage is only between a man and a woman because it is for procreation.
What should be for gay people is a civil union and give them all the rights of a married couple but they don't fall under the category of marriage as of the traditional definition which should not be altered.
I am not a hater and not homophobic.

Anonymous said...

11:45 you are homophobic

HK fan said...

Marriage is not just for having can have kids without being married..My parents couldn't have children, does that mean they should never have got married??Marriage is much deeper than that, its saying to the world that you have found someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, its for security, its for love, its for the right to be your partners next of kin, to have a say what happens to them in an emergency

Anonymous said...

JAK here......prepare to scroll

For thousands of years there was no marriage just groups of men, women and children that formed family groups.
The first marriages were for property rights. Marriage for love came along late in human history.

Same sex marriages were fairly common in the Mediterranean area during the 3rd century......a Roman Emperor married a man. There is a record of a 13th century wedding ceremony carried out in a Greek Orthodox Church called The Order for Solemnisation of Same Sex Union . The priest asked God to "grace the participants to love one another and to abide unhated and not a cause for scandal all the days of their lives, with the help of the Holy Mother of God and all thy saints." Interesting.....

As far as procreation goes....according to the story....
when God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply....there were only 2 people on the planet Earth. It's def. time to slow down since the planet now has more people than it has air, water and food to sustain life.

Adamluv said...

@11:45 - typical comment........ "but I love my gay relatives, friends, etc." You just dont believe they deserve the same rights as you do? Same old blah blah blah. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

There will never be true equality in this world as long as we have giants and dwarves, different races, different cultures within those races, people who believe in a higher power and those who do not, ad infinitum. We are, as human beings judgmental. We look every day at a total stranger comparing them to ourselves: fatter, thinner, taller, shorter, fairer skinned, darker skinned, prettier, uglier. We judge by intelligence or lack thereof. Some call it free will and others opinion. We cannot help but do it because we are human. I am guilty of it and so is everyone who breathes. We are of one species on this earth and that is where our equality ends - in our dna.

Anonymous said...

@4:25.....JAK here.....I have to agree with you.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Adamluv, before you get nasty blah, blah, blah. . . what part of "give them all the rights of a married couple" did you not understand?????????
You are the same old as always.

Anonymous said...

@4:25 Exactly!!! So all these far left loonies are plainly delusional and are the deceived in the coming Judgement.