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ANOTHER PIC of Adam and Leila

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, February 10, 2014

Posted at : Monday, February 10, 2014


Anonymous said...

Leila doesn't look old enough to be Adam's mother. They are both very attractive people. Good genes in that family.

funbunn40 said...

Beautiful pic of two bewautiful people! Leila is stunning and I think Adam favors her genes.

Anonymous said...

I had to take a close up cap from the interview. I just had to.

Soooo beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

12:26 PM

The botox is such a miraculous stuff...

Anonymous said...

Woah, cleavage.

Anonymous said...

I can see where Adam gets his freckles from.

Anonymous said...

Both of them are so gorgeous indeed!!:)

I just love their smile!!Whoa!!!:)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@12:56 Clearly you haven't seen Eber too. Adam's a clone of his dad and shares the same cool humor.

Anonymous said...

Mombert is a beauty.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! That gene pool is quite healthy.

Anonymous said...

Leila obviously has sacrificed a lot of hours nurturing her son's vocals over the years. All those auditions and vocal lesson's are demanding and take one heck of a lot of committment. I feel she should be part of the magical journey of greatness along with Adam. AND rising to the occasion, being so darn proud of her son and living the Hollywood groove goes along with the territory. Go for it Leila!

glitzylady said...

Beautiful mother and son..

(Please stop with the Botox comments...thanks.. Not funny.. And so disrespectful to assume...)

Anonymous said...

5:56, oh you are one of those moms.

Anonymous said...

Don't assume botox I am around Leila's age, no botox and get mistaken for my 30's. She is beautiful and so is Adam who especially without facial hair does not look 32. It's all in the genes.

Anonymous said...

Stunning mother and son !!!
Beautiful mother and gorgeous son!!!

Anonymous said...

What is the big deal if Adam or Leila has used botox? Adam obviously has in the past though maybe not right now while he is doing Glee. Not surprising if Adam has considering the business he is in. And who cares if Leila wants to look younger and has used botox as well. It's not a crime.

Anonymous said...

The first two botox comments were probably from trolls and were being ignored. Not anymore.

Anonymous said...

If you can't say it in front of their faces, you don't mention it. Please stop with disrespectful comments. We don't know who you are, so your assumed comments are degrading and not smart.

Anonymous said...

I've seen Eber and Adam definitely looks like his mother.

Anonymous said...

Now I'm imagining this: First rule of botox club, don't talk about botox club.

Anonymous said...

If you look at some of Adam's younger pictures, you can see his skin is loose, wrinkles, lines in his forehead, chin loose. Now they are all gone. BOTOX!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Incorrect assumption.

Anonymous said...

Well, your damned if you do and damned if you don't on this thread. nuff said.

Anonymous said...

No botox for me. I'd never inject poison into my system.

I like men to have craggy features, not perfect skin.

Anonymous said...

7:51 PM
50+ is the new 30+ .... ;-D

Anonymous said...

But Leila does look 50+, although a pretty 50+.

Anonymous said...

10:10 PM

Unfortunately I must agree with you...

But no matter, it`s not a big deal. In Hollywood it is common to use the Botox.

Anonymous said...

@12:14 AM
Haha! Pull the other one.

Anonymous said...

Well, using botox wont make an ugly person beautiful, adam/leila looks good with or without botox.
Nothing bad in using botox, if you can afford it, just dont become the next #micheal jackson

Anonymous said...

3:17 AM
With respect, Michael Jackson did more than botox.

Anonymous said...

7:49" What in the world is wrong with 5:56 comment? All she said was that a parent who has sat through auditions and rehearsals for 15 years deserves to share a bit of the spotlight. Have you never seen Bill Cosby's hilarious routine on this? Or heard Kevin Costner say that he took his dad to the Oscars 'cos he's the one who sat through hundreds of his little league games?

Good people remember where they came from and what it took to get them there. Adam's Dad lives too far away to participate in this regularly and probably isn't as interested or Adam would take him as well.

If 5:56 is one of those mothers/parents, then she is a good one.

Begrudging and insulting the person who raised Adam misses the whole point of why he is such a great person.

Anonymous said...

It is one thing for a star to take a parent to an event. It is another thing to say that parent deserves part of the spotlight for being a good parent. Should the Olympic gold medal winner be sharing the podium with the parent that drove them to practice every morning? No. That doesn't mean the child or others are unaware or unappreciative of the parents effort.

I don't think Leila is a stage mom that wants attention and credit but 5:56 pm and 4:38 am seem to be. Good parents don't demand to share in the spotlight or rewards of their children's success. You can beam proudly but you aren't you the star.

Also to 4:38, your last sentence gives Adam no credit for being the person he is. We all know great parents who have a kid who didn't turn out so great and people who turned out great despite bad parents. By your thinking the parent gets all the blame or credit then as well.

Anonymous said...

5:56 PM and 4:38 AM are probably still reminding their adult kids about how difficult labor was and how they drove them to soccer practice all the time.

Anonymous said...

So much jealousy on this thread, Leila is an extremely attractive women for her age but I don't believe she uses Botox, she obviously places importance in staying fit and healthy which gives one a younger appearance, as far as good skin goes a good range of skin care products used every day work wonders, deep cleansing and moisturising, I've done this myself for years and at 63 I have very few lines it does work, nothing to do with Botox or genes.

Anonymous said...

I don't take my kid to all his practices and games hoping for some recognition of my effort. I do it because he loves it and is good at it. His success is all his own.

Anonymous said...

Given the fact that this event was to do with Family Equality, I think it was appropriate for Adam's mother to attend the event with Adam. Adam has many friends he could take to events and has attended many on his own but I think it's nice that his mother attends at events such as this one, clearly she is very supportive of Adam and extremely proud of him.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I always figured that Leila was the safest date that Adam could take to any affair. If he took a woman, other than Leila, the questions would fly and the bi-sexual b.s. would overflow. If he took a guy (even when it was his bf at the time, Sauli) OMG the chaos would begin, speculation would spew and the insults would spill filth.

Now I see I was wrong....even his mom is a target.
Unspeakable rudeness. So sad : (

Anonymous said...

A couple people speculating if Leila uses botox and most saying there is nothing wrong with using botox is unspeakable rudeness?

Anonymous said...

Leila simply takes good care of herself, she is an inspiration to me, it takes a great deal of self-discipline to look as good as she does at her age and all I can say is good-luck to her, it's also easy to see just how proud Adam is of his mother and I totally agree about the rudeness regarding the botox comments. Adam loves his mother so if you love Adam DON'T offend him by making hurtful comments about someone he holds so dear to him.

Anonymous said...

Some of these comments are far worse than rude, they are extremely hateful, a deliberate attempt to hate on Adam at any cost.

Anonymous said...

What was hateful to Leila specifically? I don't see it.

Anonymous said...

Many people are deliberating looking for trouble, where there isn't. Leila looks good, if she uses botox, good for her..your constant refusal to admit that possibility wont change it, and if she isnt using any chemical stuff (botox) great for her!
Much ado about nothing