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Katy Perry's New Music Video for DARK HORSE

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, February 20, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, February 20, 2014


Anonymous said...

Fuck, this is the most expensive MV I saw in my life. And hip-hop at the end of it. However, after all it's so boring.

glitzylady said...

I like it a LOT...and I truly like Katy Perry. but different strokes.....

And SO much Eye of Horus.. reminds me of you-know-who :)))

Magiclady said...

Love this vid! It reminds me of the cool "Alien" vid she did with Kanye, both so amazing!

Anonymous said...

im not interested in perrys music-

Anonymous said...

I just think it's silly and the song is forgettable. But - it's certainly colorful and I like Katy, shes cute. Her videos are playful and the few I've seen are G or PG rated- refreshing in today's music scene. Do I ever watch her videos twice - no.

Anonymous said...

I remember someone did some fan art of Adam a while back where he was made up like a pharaoh. He looked very hot. He loves all this elaborate dress-up. Given the chance, I think he'd do something big and epic like this, too. He'd make such a sexy King Tut right along side KP's Egyptian princess. Now THAT would be a video!


Anonymous said...

The song is just ok. Lots of splash.

tess4ADAM said...

The music ... just another Katy Perry song ... the video ... quite colorful ... different ... somewhat interesting ... probably another multi-million record seller ... not because it's that good ... but because it's Katy Perry ... Queen Midas ... everything she touches turns to gold ... nothing bad meant by this comment ... JMO

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Im wary of Katy with her occultism and other demonic influence.

glitzylady said...

I'm a Katy Perry fan, I have her album, and I have to admit that "Dark Horse" isn't my absolute favorite song on the album (for a couple of reasons), but I truly love the music vid. It's fun, it's colorful, and again, it's "girl empowering" (in an interesting kind of way..) much like "Roar".. which I love. It may not be particularly "deep", but pop music "ain't that deep" as a general rule. And it's something that the younger girls who are fans of Katy Perry can watch without the parents drawing the line....

Anonymous said...

Katy P. makes catchy music but I don't really follow her. Its' nice that she's a friend of Adam's.

I like hearing ROAR on the radio but this song is too strange for me.

Anonymous said...

This video is such eye-candy!! And I'm obsessed with the outfit Katy's wearing with the black stripped bodice. For me, I wouldn't wear a see-through skirt, but it sure works for this.

8:47pm, you probably don't need to worry about Katy venturing to the dark side. Just a creative Pop Queen that's experimenting with different genres for different songs. It's just show business for the biggest effect. I do know what you're talking about. "Marilyn Manson" dark stuff is Really not for me, even tho I like some of his songs and find him interesting as an artist. In real life, Katy is into being spiritual, which may esoteric bent. No devil worship for her.

And, ya, I do know her personally.
No I don't. :)

xo laura

Anonymous said...

"Katy is into being spiritual, which may HAVE AN esoteric bent."

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Very nice of Adam to compliment his friend Johnny as well.

Anonymous said...

Since when did using Egyptology in a pop music video become occultism? That's a giant leap.

Anonymous said...

I'm wary of people who believe in demons.

Anonymous said...

Oh my.....featured picture!.....JAK : )

Anonymous said...

I just came across this. I found the link on Brian May's website under What's New Thu 20 Feb 14

"Adam is also back in the studio recording new material for an album which he hopes to have out by the end of this year."

Read more:

Anonymous said...

10:01, the eyes, the beard, thud!

Anonymous said...

Didn't like Perry's staging of Baphomet in her Grammy number. Confirms words that came from her own mouth she has sold her soul after she can't find early success with previous labels that dropped her.

Anonymous said...

LOL, I find this person repeatedly saying Katy has sold her soul to demons very amusing.

glitzylady said...

@DRG 8:14 PM
I LIKE that idea... Adam as King Tut....

Anonymous said...

Demons is to prejudge others without personally knowing them. Showing different things in a video that is for entertainment and art doesn't make one demon. I love Katy Perty and her music.

Anonymous said...

I love the song and the MV.

Anonymous said...

There's too much of everything. A lot of money spent and it still looks cheap.
I like the lyrics, though.

Anonymous said...

I think Britney did everything better. I still like her old songs. Katy gets all very easily, but I find her too calculating and boring.

Anonymous said...

So, maybe Cleopatra was also calculating, boring and dumb.. :)

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of Katy's music but power to her that she's doing really well.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:50 PM......JAK here.....I'm curious, do you actually believe that a creature such as Baphomet was/is real? One with the torso, arms, hands and breasts of a human, the head, horns and cloven hooves of a goat and has wings?

Do you actually believe one can sell their soul?
That humans consort with demons?
That so called Satanists can command demonic powers?
That occultism is anything but Hocus Pocus?

Anonymous said...

5:00 am, I saw that consorting stuff on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Must be true.

Anonymous said...

I really liked the vid! My four year old granddaughter sings her songs - loves Roar! Completely harmless! I also like that Katie and Adam are friends.

Anonymous said...

Please use the tag when addressing a person who has a tag. The tag is JAK, can't miss it, and anon posters should know manners, too!

Anonymous said...

I think demons and aliens are interdimensional beings. Katy was christian homeschooled. Tommy went to catholic school? Just asking because I get the same vibe from Katy and Tommy.

Anonymous said...

By the way, Katy should hire Tommy. They would look good together on stage.

Anonymous said...

5:25 AM
Bossy boots. :-(

Anonymous said...

In today's music world it is more style than substance with millions probably spent on producing this video. To me, the song is nothing special, but I am sure it will be another hit for Katy. When Adam used the word sickening, well, in my day it meant something bad, disgusting. Obviously now it has a totally opposite meaning.."that's so sick". I really don't care about Katy Perry's music, but I do want some new music from Adam. There are always rumors or speculation as to whether he is recording here, in Sweden or NYC. No one knows and nothing definite is being said, so I guess we all just have to wait for that announcement. Is Adam still looking for a label? Maybe that is part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

5:25 am, makes sense to use the time stamp though. Then the tagged person and others can easily find which comnent you are referring to.

I don't think it is a matter of manners, which you seem to lack, but rather clarity that makes people use the time stamp.

Anonymous said...

6:02, there is no doubt Adam is recording music. Be patient Glamhopper, Adam will give us details when he is ready.

Anonymous said...

Presumably Cleopatra was a redhead.

Anonymous said...

@6:04 AM Thanks for saying that more nicely than what was going thru my mind.

Anonymous said...

5:57 & 6:04 & 6:25
Please give me feedback what was bossy or lacking of manners in my post? I said please, think it is good manners and respectful to address a very well known person on this site with the tag she's known for. Why is asking for good manners such an awful thing? Was not rude or snarky or called anyone names...Thank you for answering!

Anonymous said...

Btw, no Adam on the list of redheads..

Anonymous said...

Katy is at the level where anything she releases will be hit. Would love for Adam to reach that point!


Anonymous said...

@6:02 AM

Just maybe there is no problem. Just maybe he is recording in different places; happens all the time with artists. Recording studios are around the world.

Patient and positive thinking fans, that is what Adam needs. He asked us to be patient, and I am. I for one, am looking forward to all the good things heading our way!

In the meantime, he is keeping us busy with so much excitement in his fantastic life; and so much wonderful music to listen to already, and TV appearances to watch!!!!

Anonymous said...

OT: Regarding a few posts above:

I think what some are saying; is when referring to just a tag, you have to also post the time of that tag; because the tag person may post numerous posts. When I see just a tag and no time typed by it, then I have to read each post to see which time it fits.

I think the simple way is, either use the tag and type time with it. Or just use the time as some choose to do. I don't think it is meant to be rude when someone just uses the time. I have done it until it was said it was disrespectful, which was not the case. Not a rude bone in my body.

I think a person should just do what they feel comfortable with unless the Admin. states otherwise. No one should be made to feel guilty, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

@6:55 AM

I don't think many artist hit that level; does not mean they are not the most talented because they do. I would hope that for Adam too. But, I think he will be around for a long time; slow and steady, and making a good living. Adam's excitement will last forever!

Anonymous said...

Lol adam has no record label and has been off idol for five years. He is not going to get back on radio again or sell many albums. David cook and kris allen have new music and they have been acknowledged they aren't even going to try to get on radio. I really wish adam wouldn't even try because its just going to be another disaster.

Anonymous said...

the rabbits on the stripper poles are amazing:) hehehe

Anonymous said...

I suppose I'll get slammed for this, but I wish just once that Ms Perry and some of the others who get promoted by Adam to his large Twitter following would return the favor and help the guy out on their Twitterverse. I have a handful of Katy's songs, mainly because they are upbeat and kind of fun. However, I don't think she's a great talent, especially performing live. She has the big time producers and writers to work with her, and she's a good lyricist. However, I venture to guess that she wouldn't be where she is right now without her pretty face and those big boobs. There, I've said it.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:20....JAK here....many actresses, singers and news anchors, etc. wouldn't be where they are right now
without their pretty faces and big boobs! Some also have talent and brains,.....some, not so much.

It's part of the Life isn't Always Fair Syndrome.....however,
It's better than it was 50 years ago and with luck and no political backsliding to keep women 'in their place' , 50 years from now it will be better still. Brains might actually be admired over boobs. Well, we can hope!

Anonymous said...

What's not to like? It's a fun light-hearted video. It has a fresh hip beat, even though that riff sampling has been used before on another song. The visual is cool. Katy is Adam's fraternal twin. I like them both but Adam more.

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

@10:20 AM, Katy did on American Idol. Remember her cape.

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

Some thoughts that this video brought in my head...some already covered by some here

- how MUCH money has been put to this video, must be a staggering sum
- loved the colours, the outfits, the scenery, set up etc., sickening, both in good & bad, beautifully done, yet too much of everything, material for many vids
- wish Adam had the support, money and production team of KP, he would look more than exquisite as a pharao or Cleopatra (I'm serious!) and he can SAAAANG!
- never can understand that same people who love Adam & his VOICE can listen to and love KP (sorry, not being rude or troll, but honest)
- watching this vid made me miss Michael Jackson's vid... so much more classy in every way...

Anonymous said...

ooops, above,.sorry...
Forgot to add the name of the MJ song/vid:
"Remember the Time"

Anonymous said...

6:47, you probably won't see this and probably won't get it even if you do. You came across as accusing people of not having manners. Even after it was explained to you the reason for using time stamps you came back to the manners thing again. You did come across as rude to those three people and also to me. You could have found a much less accusatory way to express your opinion. Good manners also includes expressing your opinion in a way that does not offend others especially when they had no intent of bad manners.

HK fan said...

Really like Katy Perry, she always does great, fun videos. This isn't my favourite song of hers but I expect it'll grow on me.

tess4ADAM said...

@Lol 7:49 AM ... Even when ADAM was under contract to RCA he still didn't get any airplay plus what David Cook & Kris Allen do or don't do is totally irrelevant. ADAM is not like either one of them ... ADAM isn't a WGWG AI ... ADAM has his own way of singing/entertaining so why compare him to DC or KA? Please tell me why these two other artists are constantly being compared to ADAM ... there is absolutely no similarity. ADAM is Unique in his own manner of showmanship ... ADAM will know what to do .. when .. and how. I'm content to let ADAM call the shots when HE is ready!! JMO

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Adam and jwujek; great combo!
TBH, katy perry is just a lucky girl, dont understand how everything works for her *midas touch* i guess, she cant sing live, she is a boring person but has a great team behind her.
The only way Adm wont flop is if Glamberts buy his third album, and i pray he gets massive airplay..really hope so!
Lets stop comparing AL and KA, they are amazing singers, cute and great personalities

Anonymous said...

JAK, what are you talking about at 5:00? Irrelevant questioning.

Anonymous said...

Links to those who have sold their souls for success in music:



BOB DYLAN: (from 60 Minutes Interview) B

OTHERS who sold their souls:

Anonymous said...

@12:28 AM......JAK here.....I thought it was pretty clear I was asking @10:50 questions
In response to her post. They brought up the subject and I responded because I was curious, still am.

Anonymous said...

12:37 AM

I'd really like to think you're joking. What century are you from?

Anonymous said...

@12;37 Thanks for the links and I found some more.
Satanic influence is going strong everywhere but more so in the music world.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10:26 That word sounds so much better in French.