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New Adam Lambert Pictures From SWEDEN

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 28, 2014

Posted at : Friday, February 28, 2014


Anonymous said...

Adam is looking cute.

Anonymous said...

He has my shirt on! I'm stripe crazy, have shirts in seven colors of stripes.....however, Adam looks infinitely better.
I have enjoyed the photos of him from Sweden, I hope his collaboration and recording went well.......JAK

Anonymous said...

I want to know what his hair looks like now without a hat. I don't think I've seen it since he's been in Sweden.

Anonymous said...

Adam just posted his to his instagram and tweeted it. The Avicci concert

Anonymous said...

The two guys are from a Swedish band called Pink Pistols and this is how they tagged the IG:
Adam fucking Lambert! ❤️@adamlambert #adamlambert #wow#love

Anonymous said...

Who sez the Swedes don't know who Adam is? They got his name right. ;)

Anonymous said...

Not oving this look at all. Is he ever going to back to the look he had? The hat, nose ring, shaved head. Yikes. Why is he trying to look unattractive and weird?

Anonymous said...

Obviously he's doing it to aggravate fans,,,,it's working !

Anonymous said...

Honestly, with all due respect, if any due; some posters are beginning to sound like broken records, in their none stop complaining about every aspect of Adam that they don't approve of.

why can't they just enjoy the man as he is; or don't look at him? His looks are what they are, they should learn to deal with it and stop complaining over, and over again; as if fans can do something about it. Fans should just enjoy his talents and keep constant complaints to themselves!

Wonder how they would like it, if everywhere they went; people would be complaning every time they changed their hair or other things? I bet they would get tired of it and tell them to mind their own business; just saying!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so Handsome. I bet he meeting lots of new friends; also gaining new fans everywhere he goes. So happy for our BB.

Anonymous said...

Loving this look! but, mostly; loving this man.

Anonymous said...

@7:26 PM

I guess we will just have to wait and see what he has under the hat.
Maybe he shaved his head bald and got a beautiful tatoo that matches the one on his arm. Wonder what his fashion police would say then? That would give them something more to talk about; or shut them up for good!!

Anonymous said...

Wonder why they were in the bathroom to take the picture. Adam needs a new stylist, or if he is styling himself, he has lost the touch. Hate the shaved sides on anyone, tends to make the ears stick out.

Anonymous said...

8:20, totally agree with you. So tired of all the complaining.

So weird that some of Adam's fans can't love him the way he is and instead take every opportunity to complain about how this gorgeous, talented, generous man chooses to style himself.

Anonymous said...

That's the trouble he is good looking usually and he messes it up by the weird things he does to himself.

Anonymous said...

Adam is doing nothing weird. The short sides of his hair and the beard are totally on trend. Hats are also big and Adam has been wearing them for a long time.

If you so dislike how Adam looks then go find somebody else whose appearance you approve of to be a fan of.

Anonymous said...

@9:10 PM

Maybe they were in the bathroom shaving more off the sides of Adam's head. So his ears could stick out more; just to irritate the hell out of you. If Adam has lost the touch as you say; maybe just maybe you are out of touch.

Take a moment to think about that! You must be absolutely gorgeous, I bet your ears don't even stick out. You must have a great stylist.

Look at it this way; everybody can't be perfect like you, guess you will have to just stop following Adam since you hate the shaved sides and the ears sticking out. I am sure Adam will miss you as we all will; but, hey that's what he gets by not conforming with you beauty rules. Good luck; hope you find someone that looks good enough for you!

Anonymous said...

I'm seriously starting to wonder if the complaints are coming from just a couple of people. Probably one or two who are just trolling and one or two who have some issues they can't let go of.

Anonymous said...

@9:27 PM - HERE

My post is also for 9:18 PM, who I believe is the same person
as @9:10, if not; my post would apply to both posters.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks absolutely gorgeous. Love the striped shirt. I don't think this man can get anymore handsome. If so, I would probably faint if came face to face with him on the street.

Anonymous said...

I think someone is feeling very lonely tonight. I hope he or she gets some attention soon or their jealousy of Adam might drive them mad. Not calling out anyone; but if the shave head fits; then wear it.

Anonymous said...

Look at that gorgeous face in the second photo. How could anybody tell him they hate his look or his haircut or that he looks weird. He's adorable and gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures coming from Adam's fans. He looks like he is having a ball and meeting lost of new people. Thursday; hurry up and come. Then I know where our BB will be; and I will be thrilled.
Hope we get a Youtube of the news conference. It will probably be on the local news in New york for sure. Probably many outlets and newspapers all around the world.

Anonymous said...

@9:42 PM-here

Correction/should be lots of new people, instead of (lost). Thanks.

Anonymous said...

OT: Adam again on Glee Tuesday; Heard he will be in 3 or 4 numbers. Saw the picture; he looks gorgeous. Cannot wait until Tuesday. Then Thursday. Another great week of Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

So happy to see Adam looking so gorgeous and having fun! Miss you Adam! Love his look!....nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I just ignore the complaining, I think it's built in to the DNA of USA citizens. After all, we wouldn't have a country without the complainers who signed the Declaration of Independence!......JAK :-)

Anonymous said...

There is no excuse for the amount of complaining going on here about Adam. I've been part of other fandom's and I've never seen anything like this. It is very disrespectful of a very kind and accepting person.

Anonymous said...

Bathroom selfies are a hidious invention, as are selfies in general... they tell so much about this age...and of "me with my gadget..."

Anonymous said...

What's up with the two guys with alien eyes in pic #2? LOL

Anonymous said...

1:28, they are Swedish with very blond eyebrows.

Anonymous said...

at 9:13 PM
at 9:18 PM

His looks account for 90% of his popularity. He is a great singer too but if he didn't look as good as he does, no one would be here because there wouldn't be a site called Adam Lambert 24/7 News, not to mention the numerous other fan sites.

The truth is that there's an endless number of talented but forgotten singers out there. Adam is one of the lucky ones.

Anonymous said...

2:45, not true. I would be here. 90% of why I like Adam is his voice. The rest is just icing on the cake.

Anonymous said...

Odd - a photo in a bathroom. Whatever floats one's boat.

Anonymous said...

at 2:55 AM

Come on, you're kidding yourself :) - or are you blind or something?

Anonymous said...

3:18, no, I'm serious. I meant what I said. Not sure what your problem is.

Anonymous said...

you are just like the other resident troublemaker, stuck in your rut and playing the same broken record over and over and over again... gag.