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New Picture of Adam and Riff at Birthday Party

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, February 6, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, February 06, 2014


Anonymous said...

He looks like a hip hop thug with that hat and tattoos

Anonymous said...

Sweet picture,sitting on the floor joining in.

Anonymous said...

I love the picture. He is totally engrossed with what Riff is doing, and is just waiting for a chance to play too.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so cute and serious playing with Riff. What a lucky little fellow to have Adam as a Godfather. So precious!

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's tattoo sleeve beautiful design. Riff is such a beautiful child. Godfather isn't too bad either. Ha, ha. The two of them, so cute. Love the baseball cap; but, on Adam; what's not to love?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Godfather looking good. Godson is as cute as he wants to be!

Anonymous said...

I come here to comment on what an adorable picture and the first thing I see is an ugly comment. What is wrong with you 10:07?

This is another example of why this site needs moderation.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing Adam so engrossed with little Riff and playing with him....just the two of them. Very nice:)


Anonymous said...

Adorable picture. The Glamfather Adam Lambert ❤️😊

Anonymous said...

Godpa Adam looks on intently
To provide his godson company
Who is so absorbed at what he is doing
So free, fortunate, oblivious
He's watched by rockstar celebrity
Great parenting under watchful eyes
When will Adam sit on the floor
Play with his son and smile
Perhaps that had crossed his mind
Well, to be a devoted Dad is huge responsibility
It's another life in one's hands
When the time is ripe it'll happen
For now, Adam...sing and be happy


Anonymous said...

@10:41 PM

I think you might have given them the attention they were seeking; everyone else ignored he or she. They are not really here. Don't let one bad apple interfere with such a beautiful thread.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so beautiful and serene playing with the wonderful Riff; what a loving family; another a beautiful person to guide Riff through this life.

Anonymous said...

I remember when Riff was born; some of have gone through many milestones with Adam. He is such a wonderful man; such a joy to follow as a fan. Adam is just so beautiful, inside and out. Such a good hearted soul. What a beautiful role model he is for Riff!

Anonymous said...

Why would we start ignoring trolls now?

Anonymous said...

May be new for some fans. A demo Adam recorded:
Nadine ♐ ‏@citygirl36 · 1h
Adam Lambert’s Quiet Desperation. recorded in the summer of 2006 for the musical Pump The Volume

Tarot card reader at Adam's party posted a pic of Adam:
pics of other party goers including Ashley and Brian also:

Anonymous said...

Not one of my favorite looks on Adam. I hope he didn't pierce his eyebrows.

Anonymous said...

soo cute..btw I read somewhere that there's Qweenbert tour coming :( please no !

Anonymous said...

@1:13 PM

Are you bringing that same crazy rumor from the other thread where you or someone there said their friend saw Adam with a pierced eyebrow and no one believed them. Same reaction here from me.

For the record; what ever Adam's chooses to do is his business, and fans have no say so in it. He is a grown man; and has said many times that he does not like to be told what to do. If you are a fan; you should know that by now! By the way; I think he looks great.

Anonymous said...

@1:26 AM

About Adam and Queen, yes I think it going to happens. This is the best possible new in my opinion. Can't wait! The fandom is over joyed with excitement, and they are talking USA. Hip, hip hooray!

Anonymous said...

Damn!!:) They are both gorgeous indeed!!:)

This is good for Adam to have especial bonding with his godson!!:)

This is his real family away from showbiz!!:)


Anonymous said...

1:13, trying your trolling on this thread now?

Anonymous said...

Such a gorgeous little boy and his glamgodfather aint bad either.

Anonymous said...


Love and Light "T"

Anonymous said...

Adam really needs some votes he is behind.q102 reality star

Anonymous said...

Fun Day with friends.
No fuss hair, put a hat on it.
No need to shave, not trying to impress anyone.
He is not the focus of the day Riff is.
Get it?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I don't see what was so wrong with the first comment. It was the second thought that ran through my mind as well. First thought was how sweet,he's playing with riff, then the outfit , tatt, hat and piercings are becoming distracting . Hip Hop is not a good look on Adam. Jokes are made about Beiber trying to copy hip hop artists, but God forbid anyone makes a similar joke about Adam.It's my opinion, but I'm too chicken to own it since I don't want to get attacked by over zealous protectors.
There are many things I admire about Adam but I don't have a he's perfect and can do no wrong mindset.
I find that worshipful attitude scary.
And I find branding people trolls juvenile, yes there are troublemakers, but not everyone with a different opinion is one. I never used to agree with the people who were boring, preaching just ignore, but now I do. Not because I think they will stop if ignored, but just because attacking them brings out the worst in the so called sane people, the attacks take up more room than the posts by the troublemakers. How dumb is that.

Anonymous said...

Your right how dumb was it to put down a precious moment between Godfather and Godson.

Anonymous said...

LOL, suddenly Adam's airport attire is hip hop.

Anonymous said...

4:36 AM
You're right. There are so many posts attacking so called trolls/trouble-makers. Some of them aren't trolls/trouble-makers. They're voicing their opinion just like everyone else. Being hasty makes Glamberts look bad.

Anonymous said...

That should be "being nasty" not "being hasty".

Anonymous said...

I love pictures of Adam and Riff...they are so beautiful together...I love all Adam's many looks.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so different. If I had not seen the tattoos I would have said that it was not Adam...

Anonymous said...

Adam hip hop?? Haha!! :-D

Anne Marie said...

I can just hear Riff saying " No uncle Adam, you are supposed to do it this way. ugh, I will show you how" Typical 3 year old. Very sweet picture.

Anonymous said...

I don't like Adam's tattoos and Melvin but I adore the man underneath, and there's no point in complaining about them because those who do complain have shite poured all over them from a great height.

Anonymous said...

Hip hop Adam - now there's a twist!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam is giving baby Riff all the attention. Like he does when he meets you. Direct eye contact. Loving every minute. So sweet.

Anonymous said...

5:23 #2, you still don't get it.

Anonymous said...

There are two new links up thread but no one even sees them.

Anonymous said...

Riff is a little cutie. looks like a very sweet boy. Glam pop looks proud.

Anonymous said...

Scrolliocious Trolliocious.

Anonymous said...

It looks to me like Riff and Adam are having some very private bonding time playing together. Lucky little boy, lucky man.

Anonymous said...

7:29 AM
You don't get it. Freedom of THUGHT and speech.

Anonymous said...

That should be "thought" not "thught".

Anonymous said...

aaaaaawwwwww ...
@Anonymous Feb 6, 10:07 pm.. yeah he does look like a hip hop thug.... an adorable one... Axel...

Anonymous said...

Yes, unless everyone thinks the same as everyone else around here, they're told they don't get it. Pathetic BS.

Anonymous said...

Hip hop thug ..... HAHA!!

Anonymous said...

There's no freedom of expression on this blog. If you post something someone doesn't like, you're told you don't get it and/or you're told you're a troll, and the people who carry on about this make this site so unpleasant and give Glamberts a bad name.

Anonymous said...

@4:14 AM

Thank you for your sensible fair post of a grown man named Adam Lambert, playing with his Godson little Riff, at his Birthday party.

Apparently the sky is falling in the minds of some in "Adam Land", because our gorgeous man decided to grace his beautifull head with a baseball cap and casual clothes, with a short sleeve shirt; oh no, his tat's are showing; somebody call the fashion police!

Guess I can't wear what I planned on wearing to my nieces birthday party this weekend; I just may get arrested. Must get some long sleeves, on so my arm tatoo sleeve does not show. Maybe no one on here will be there; so, in that case; I'll be ok!

Off to work; hope my looks will please everyone today! Not!

Anonymous said...

10:07 why are you on this sight. You obviously don't like Adam or his look, so be gracious and hit up someone else's sight that you approve of.

Anonymous said...

Dear Adamm, please wear what we say; don't you dare sway. We hope, that in the future, you will tweet whatever you are planning to wear to each event. You must tweet at least 4 diffrent outfits with all the items you will be wearing with them. Also, need to know how you plan on wearing your hair; need the number of your hair stylist so that we can consult with her; she will definitely need our approval; otherwise, no can do.

Hope you understand that the above instructions are for your own good. When we feel that you are adult enough, to make your own decisions we will discuss it; and get back to you with that date and time.

Meanwhile adhere to all above rules; or you will cause continued turmoil in the famdom. As fans, is that too much to ask? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Oh happy day; when Adam sings; washes all my fears away. So cute with Riff. Lucky little guy.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert you are so darn fine; just the way you are. Riff is so cute, what a litte gem he is. What wonderful role model Adam is to this wonderful child.

Anonymous said...

If I was there; poor Riff have to fight me to get his Godfather's attention; he would probably say, "mommy, who is that funny lady, bothering my Adam? Ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that nothing touches my heart more than to see a man thoughtfully playing with a little child. I love Adam so much seeing him with little adorable Riff!
p.s...Adam looks terrific!

Anonymous said...

8:30 am, LOLOLOL. Loved it.

Anonymous said...

Freedom of expression means if you insult Adam by saying he looks like a thug you will get told off. Not surprising.

This whole I get my "freedom of expression" and can say whatever I like and you have to accept it is bullshit. Here's my freedom of expression: if you don't have something nice to say about Adam on a fan site devoted to him then shut up.

Anonymous said...

Here's my freedom of expression. Defensive nasty glamberts like 9 56 are an embarrassment to Adam. They do way more harm than good

And I have not posted previously on this thread

Anonymous said...

Trollipop comes in all delectable flavors.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes you have @10:55. Every negative post is from you and you alone! You TROLL, you DEBBIE DOWNER, you PARTY POOPER! How dare you? How dare you? How dare you???????????????!!!!!!!!!

Just kidding;)

Anonymous said...

10:55, how does somebody defending Adam from bullies declaring the right to say Adam looks like a thug hurt Adam worse than Adam fans trashing how Adam looks or dresses or cuts his hair. The second is far worse.

You don't have to love everything Adam does but there is no need to tear down how he looks in a candid moment never intended for us to see.

Anonymous said...

Where's Tommy?

glitzylady said...

These two boys, the little one and the big one, are both beautiful. Period.

That's MY "freedom of expression" contribution.

Anonymous said...

Everyday on almost every thread I throw up my hands and say
"Why am I here?" So many people don't bother to try to understand what is said before they strike out. So many are constantly armed and ready to shoot. What a pity when fair minded people are afraid to speak up because fanatics can't hear any criticism or imagined criticism of Adam without a meltdown. Looney Tunes.

Don't bother to tell me to move on, I'm staying.

Anonymous said...

@12:32 PM

I pretty much think that people understand; most fans are pretty fair minded; or they just would not be Adam's fans; that is just the way the majority of his fans roll; from my observation.

I think that "fair minded people, as you call the; have nothing to worry about". With all due respect; there is a way to express one's opinions without being mean spirited and derogatory regarding Adam. In reading all the commentS with an open mind. I do see a few rude and uncalled for posts, they seem to be tinged with rudeness and disrespect towards Adam.

Maybe like minded people may be offended when some of the posters find the constant attempts to pile unkind remarks against him, which has nothing to do with this post, about the adorable pictures of Adam and his Godson Riff. Then, I really don't blame fans; someone needs to stand up to "Looney Tunes" (your words), those words fit perfectly describing those who wish to demean Adam Lambert on his fan site. Thanks.

By the way; maybe I am missing something; no need to anticipate that someone will be asking you to move on. Please stay; all fans that respect Adam I would think, would be more than welcome!

Anonymous said...

@ll:50 AM

Probably minding his own business somewhere; or maybe wondering where you are.

Anonymous said...

Just saw the Pictures; oh my God; what a sweet litte boy. Adam just adores him; you can just tell. The sweetest pictures ever! So glad to be a fan of this beautiful, gracious, kindm and did I say most talented world wide superstar with a heart of gold.

Too much? Sorry, sometimes I just can't help myself. Just love following this man; so exciting. Now the Queen concerts seem to be on the way. Glee coming back. Just hard to contain.

Oh well, off to work I go; so that will bring me back to the reality of job stuff. Have a great evening Glambert Nation!

Anonymous said...

Pure sweetness!! I love this picture. Adam is adoreable and Riff is a doll!

Anonymous said...

Is that a BD present Adam gave Riff for his BD? Riff is trying to open something or put something together like a wooden puzzle or maybe it's a box and he trying to open it. adorable! Adam looks like a proud Godfather. Precious moment to treasure.

tess4ADAM said...

I hope ADAM & Riff spend as many of their birthdays together as they can ... can't think of a more perfect role model/mentor for this sweet little boy or a more handsome one than ADAM!! Again ... Happy B'day ADAM & Riff ... Bless You Both!!
Love 'n Light a PROUD Glambert

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous little boy.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous big boy. ;)

Anonymous said...

8:16 and 8:30 am

Attempt at humour fell flat.