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Adam Lambert's First World Problem!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, February 8, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, February 08, 2014


Anonymous said...

Why is this a problem for Adam?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Who are you jogging with?

Anonymous said... a good and valued question. HA!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Adam - ILYSFM!!!
Ha ha hah

Anonymous said...

Gonna be starting something! Ha ha.
Problems come and problems go; just like the snow!!

Anonymous said...

The man of steel!

Anonymous said...

I heard parking is a problem.and being as its La La land I am surprised they don'thave valet parking lol

Anonymous said...

Is it because of the "Red House Over Yonder"?

Anonymous said...

Now I get; finally an explanation!

Anonymous said...

Probably a long, long walk from where he parked to get to the event. Might be at a private home like it was when he and his Mother received an award; I think my recollection is correct.

Anonymous said...

spoiled pop stars. chi ching.

Anonymous said...

Runyon Canyon is a popular hiking trail and Adam goes there often to work out.

Anonymous said...

That's where his baby stays.

Anonymous said...

shut up Adam!

Anonymous said...

Must be spending some quality time with Sauli again. :)

glitzylady said...

That would be my kind of hiking trail: with Valet Parking :)))) And a ride to the top...

Anonymous said...

I doubt that very much. Lol

Anonymous said...

Why? Sauli is there almost every day. They are still friends.

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady....I used to drive to my aerobics class and it was only 6 blocks from my house! During rainy season they bought my excuse,cause we have fierce lightning in our area......during dry season I implied I had errands to run after class......shame shame.......JAK

Anonymous said...

@6:09 PM

Watch your mouth!! How dare you tell my BB to shut up!! I never want that beautiful mouth to stop talking or singing!!

Anonymous said...

Runyon is a crowded place especially on weekends. Hard to find parking space. Actually Adam's idea of valet parking for Runyon is a great idea. City can make money and create jobs.

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling in Los Angeles; or anywhere for that matter; when you are all dressed up and have to walk quite a ways. Especially walkig back at night. Just much easier with valet parking at an event.

glitzylady said...

@JAK 6:35 PM
Makes absolute sense to me.. I have a gym membership, and it's only a mile away, within walking distance. On a nice low traffic street. With a walking path. Seems my feet and my car have a really hard time finding it :)))

Anonymous said...

@6:31 PM

Just curious, How do you know all of this? I am aware that they are still friends. But, the rest of the story?

Anonymous said...

LA NBC4 is talking about Equality Friends. The event Adam is attending and the news just mentioned Adam Lambert as a main entertainer for tonight's event.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on. There are pictures of Sauli almost every day at Runyon Canyon. It's his place to hike and jog, with or without Adam. Adam also likes to hike there, sometimes with Sauli. It's not only common knowledge, there are pictures to back it up. I wasn't trying to stir any thing up, I am absolutely surprised that any one doesn't know this. Never said or implied they are back together. in fact I am pretty sure they are not. But hiking together doesn't make them a couple , any more than Adam having a drink in a bar with a friend, would make them a couple. I have seen some pictures of the cars parked along the street by Runyon Canyon, and they do need valet parking, or at least a big parking lot.

Anonymous said...

@7:08pm sounds like you answered your own question with not enough substantial facts. Just trying to spread rumors!? BTW there aren't any empty lots around Runyon for a big parking lot. Adam's idea of valet parking is the best idea for that crowded hiking park right at the middle of LA.

Anonymous said...

Love his sense of humor! I am so glad he's doing healthy things like getting fresh air and exercising. Good for us that there is no valet...may be some time we'll get a pic again with him walking from parking lot to canyon.

Anonymous said...

What substantial facts do you need? Do you want Adam or Sauli to tweet you personally that they both use Runyon Canyon. Sauli is there almost daily, Adam not quite so often. I go by what they have said in interviews, blogs, and IG's. What more do you want. They are not a couple, and I am not insinuating that they are. There are no rumors, and I have not started any. I am sorry if I have struck a nerve with you, you obviously do not like Sauli, and don't want to connect his name with Adam. Their relationship is over, but they did have one. Do you want substantial facts about that too.

Anonymous said...

I'd just be happy if it was no longer discussed.

Anonymous said...

I see pics and tweets from all sorts of celebs about being at Runyon. Not surprised parking is an issue on a Saturday.

Anonymous said...

9:56 PM
Same here.

Anonymous said...

There it came once again!
The so called Adam fans allergic to even to Sauli's name... You do realize you are NOT behaving up to Adam's standards, he does not discriminate...

Anonymous said...

2:46, you misread that. It said no longer discussed. I am also sick and tired of Adam and Sauli's relationship, whatever it is, being discussed here because it is just a bunch of bickering and trolls. Has nothing to do with how I feel about Adam or Sauli. It is the endless stupid discussion that is the problem.

Anonymous said...

Wow!But Hey this blog is for discussions, all Adam related! You can´t control all hundreds of posters here not to talk about the topics ! I think Adam has a humourous master mind and knows exactly what his fans discuss after his tweets, I love it:)))! I love all friendly discussions about the two lovely people Adam and Sauli, and I think Adam may be right with his comment too:))).

Anonymous said...

correction: humorous :)

Anonymous said...

OT- I don´t agree on @3:16am, not all the talking is bickering and trolls but negativity is everywhere whatever the topic. There are a lot of nice fans here on this special blog with whom I love to post with about Sauli and everything Adam related!

Anonymous said...

One fan who went to the Family Equality said the event was on the hills and she had to walk up the hills with her high heels. For sure the event could have valet company but I assume since it was a charity event they wanted to minimize their costs. Good that it got news coverage. The Insider was at the event. LA Times will cover it and local news channels covered it as well.

glitzylady said...

The Globe Theater, where the Family Equality Awards LA took place is at Universal Studios Hollywood. Runyan Canyon Park is a hiking area in LA/Hollywood Hills West. Mutually exclusive topics, unrelated. Adam must have been getting in a little hiking yesterday. Or was trying to. Hence the "valet parking" comment. Apparently he isn't alone in his frustration for the lack of parking at the trailhead. And I would bet Adam had car service to the event at Universal Studios last night. So wouldn't need valet parking there. :))))