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Possible Adam Lambert and Melissa Etheridge Duet in The Future?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, February 9, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, February 09, 2014


Anonymous said...

oh i really hope this happens :)

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing what they come up with.

Anonymous said...

All of a sudden, or so it seems women are wanting to duet with Adam; Ivy now Melissa; sounds great; hope they can be on Adam's next album with him when a female's voice is needed? This would also bring in more fans of each of the ladies to join Adam's fans. I too hope these duets happen. Also, Niles with his guitar as he joined Adam in Shady of his last Album.

Anonymous said...

what's DM

Anonymous said...

I can just picture themm on an award show. Can also picture Ivy with Adam on an award show.

Anonymous said...

6:37 PM - correction

Should be picture them

Anonymous said...

Hope it happens! Adam's reaction was one of excitement :)


Anonymous said...

This is an example of great opportunities that arise from good networking, meeting other performers, etc. Good for Adam! To meet him is to love him. Hope this duet happens, along with others sure to come.

DM means Direct Message???????


Anonymous said...

DM does mean direct message. It's a private message you can send to just that person.

Anonymous said...

I think their voices would duet nicely. Melissa's voice has a raspy rocker edge to it, kind of like Alison Irahita.

Anonymous said...

I wish that GaGa or Christina would like to have duet with Adam. They are #1 on Music Industry for now. And they have pipes!

Anonymous said...

I wish Adam will put out a solo album when the time is right for him.

Anonymous said...

here we go
another old lady have a crush on Adam .. no thanx

Anonymous said...

9:44, it is good that an icon in the industry heard Adam live and really liked him. Melissa has a huge network of people who will respect her opinion. This is good for Adam.

Magiclady said...

My favorite male and female singers duet, Hell Yea!

Anonymous said...

@9:44 Since Melissa is gay, I doubt she has a crush on Adam, but just knows talent when she sees it. If we want to limit ourselves that's one thing, but let's not limit Adam. Knowing the pipes Adam has, I think it's pretty brave of her to be up for a duet. ;)

Anonymous said...

thoughtless, discriminative, rude post

there are plenty of gay women having crushes on Adam, js.

Anonymous said...

I also hope that a duet happens for Adam. It seems that recent duets/collabos have done well on the music charts. I thought Pink or Christina would be a good choice to sing with Adam, but if he can work on something with Melissa, why not? I just would like for him to have a hit single this next time around whether it is as a solo artist or in a duet with someone else.

Anonymous said...

Possible duet? I would like to read somethng definite and that it will happen. If it is not Melissa, then someone else with a voice that would blend with Adam's. I hope his mangement team makes something happen and to have Nile Rogers on the guitar would be great.

Anonymous said...

@2:58 Yes, very good point...I've also heard of gay women crushing on Adam. (And straight men for that matter.) I almost said something similar to what you said, but decided not to even go there because I wanted to address what I took away from the comment to mean Melissa is a cougar interested in Adam sexually and not for his otherworldly singing talent.

Anonymous said...

Saw the Beatles Grammy tribute last night on CBS, and it was great to see the variety of artists of different ages, colors, and genres collaborating together and performing Beatles songs. I loved it! Talent is talent.

Anonymous said...

Except Levine's singing. Blah!