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Random RECENT Gorgeous Adam Pics and GIFS

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, February 22, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, February 22, 2014


HK fan said...

Love all of them:)))

Anonymous said...

I love Adam. I'm a Glambert for the rest of my life.

Anonymous said...

Ditto and Ditto!....nancdruuu2

glitzylady said...

Adam makes me smile every time I see him...

Anonymous said...

Can't stand the new hair. Makes his ears stick out. Not attractive at all. Sorry fans

Anonymous said...

It'll grow.


Anonymous said...

Love Adam always,,,,Glambert also forever..cannot wait for whatever comes next

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....Almost every young man I see has those shaven sides.
I don't get it, I don't think it flatters anyone. But many people like it and trends come and go, so I'll just wait it out, with my family members....and with Adam. One can't tell an adult how to get their hair cut. Other than the fact that it would be rude, it's none of my business.

I am curious about the fact that in the Glee clips Adam's head and facial hair does not look Iike it does in the Am.Idol clips??

I know it doesn't take Adam long to grow hair....he
must figure it out logistically so he can skip back and forth between the two looks.

I'm hardly one to judge another's hairstyle....I've have the same fluffy old lady style for 20 years!

Anonymous said...

He looks so beautiful to me; I guess it is different strokes for different folks as they say!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like a much younger Mel Gibson in pic #8.

Anonymous said...

I don't care much for the close up where he is moving his head back and forth sideways. Looks like a snake getting ready to strike! And the expression, what is that? : )))

Anonymous said...

I don't see the big deal about Adam's hair shaved at the sides. Why do people whine about it so much? Sheesh! There are millions of more things to be concerned about in the world than Adam's shaved sides which grow back very quickly when he wants them to.

Anonymous said...

19:32, whiners gonna whine.

Adamluv said...

Mel Gibson? What an insult to Adam or anyone else. Gibson is a repulsive, disgusting, ugly human being. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...


Hello! That's Mel Gibson NOW. He was drop dead gorgeous when he was young but perhaps you're not old enough to remember that.

Anonymous said...

Adam's shaved sides aren't nearly as unattractive as his facial hair but to each their own.

Anonymous said...

Adamluv .... what horrible things to verbalize about someone even if they're true.

Anonymous said...

Just have to get another dig in. So juvenile.

Anonymous said...

Geez Adamluv, there's no need to be nasty.

glitzylady said...

Sadly, @Adamluv is correct. The person to whom she referred is all that. He's anti-semitic, was horrible to his young wife, he's homophobic, etc..etc..., etc.. All well documented. I used to love his films. Now I wouldn't watch a film of his if someone paid me to see it. He was a handsome man once..and even if he is still attractive to some, his behavior has been beyond ugly.. I just would prefer that Adam not be mentioned in the same universe as him.. Because they are worlds apart....

Anonymous said...

Adamluv's true color has always been nasty, nasty, nasty from way back when. She's as obnoxious as Lam-my. Same tribe.

Anonymous said...

Love Mad Max Mel Gibson. Don't care for all you say against him.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about Mel Gibson. We don't need bickering about him on top of all the bickering already here.

Hk fan said...

we'll have to disagree on that one...Mel Gibson used to be the most attractive actor out there when he was younger, In Gallipolli, Mad Max, bird on a wire, the lethal weapon movies. A lot of his films are still among my favourites ever. He was gorgeous.
He hasn't aged the best the last few years though.....

Anonymous said...

@11:45 PM

What tribe is that? You don't sound so nice yourself!! Could it be a case of, "the cotton calling the snow white"?

For those concerned about Adam's looks; if this man's beauty shined any brighter, we would all go blind!!!!

Anonymous said...

@9:46 PM

As much as I can't stand being around snakes; that is one snake I wouldn't mind slithering into my space. Adam is just grooving to the music there! Looks absolutely gorgeous. The gif is just taken out of context there; but still gorgeous!

Those eyes baby eyes; no one more beautiful, shorter side hair, facial hair and all. Give me the whole fabulous hunk of a man!

Anonymous said...

The poster was liking Adam's APPEARANCE in that pic to Mel Gibson when Mel Gibson was YOUNG! It aint that deep! No need to get all pious about it.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:29 AM
I got that.. and I agree: I thought he was an incredibly handsome man. He was someone who would immediately come to mind when the word "handsome" was mentioned. And as I said, I loved his movies, pretty much every one of them, until perhaps in the past fews years.. I agreed, above, that he was good looking.

And he is/was an amazing actor and filmmaker/producer/director. "Braveheart" is one of the most powerful movies I've seen and it left me emotionally drained and sobbing as I left the theater. (Not to mention, family lore says I'm probably related to William Wallace, the heroic Scotsman portrayed in the movie, through his mother.. something that has always intrigued me).

But I also agreed that MG has become a sad and miserable man. I have very little respect for him now. Perhaps that will change eventually, but probably not. Sorry...... I know how I feel about him, and it rather breaks my heart just a little bit. Good looks on the exterior mean nothing to me when the inside is not so handsome anymore... Nothing "pious" about me at all. Trust me, I'm nothing of the sort. Just profoundly disappointed in him as a human being.

Anonymous said...

Wait, let me get the popcorn if it's story time.

Anonymous said...

I don't like the facial hair and the shaved sides at all. I thought I would start liking the facial hair with time b/c it looks like he is not gonna get rid of it. But no, I just can't stand it, although everyone is saying he looks now so sexy. Earlier he changed his style more often (grey hair, "wolf" hair etc.). Now it's the moustache all the time. And now the shaved sides, "sigh". I'm sure he will have this look for ever.

But as JAK said, this is what is trendy now. I thought he was a man who wants to show the way/make trends, not just follow the trends.

But, I just have to ignore this look and watch the old vids and listen to his voice. And wait for the music news.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree with you more.

Anonymous said...

I really think that the reason Adam looks better without the mustache is because he has such a beautiful wide smile and the facial hair unbalances his face and distracts from his great looks especially when he smiles. IMO anyway.

But, will never stop loving him!

Anonymous said...

I just think that Adam looks older with the facial hair. Clean shaven as we see him on Glee, he does look much younger and his hair is also somewhat longer. Each to his/her opinion and Adam will do exactly what he wants with his hair, facial hair, fashion,etc. End of story.

Anonymous said...

@5:39 AM
Ditto! The featured pic (with sun glasses) is great! Genuine, beautiful smile and no distracting facial hair.

Anonymous said...

I just a think the people who keep complaining about Adam's hairstyle and facial hair are selfish whiners. You must drive your family members crazy with your judgmental complaining to them about their choices as well. How many times do you have to state your complaint here?

Anonymous said...

Give it a rest.

Anonymous said...

Love the Featured Picture - GORGEOUS.

Anonymous said...

Always a Glambert but agree with 7:30PM

Anonymous said...

7:48 AM, I'll give it a rest when the complainers give it a rest.

Anonymous said...

I like Adam with out the face hair. Please shave it off. But Adam will do what he wants. He looks good when filming Glee. My opinion.

Anonymous said...

It's been a long time Adam and Mike were in the same pic. I like Mike Ruiz and Chris Colfer.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the upcoming Glee episode, New New York, where Adam has the beard. Going to be so good. Airs April 1.

Adamluv said...

I stand by my comments re: Gibson. Maybe you werent aware all the recordings made of him a few years ago screaming/ranting on the phone to his ex-girlfriend (and mother of his child. He called her every vile name in the book that verbal abusive men call women. He said she was "only good for f******" and to "s*** my d***". He also was screaming at her to "come over now and s*** my d***k". It was very difficult to listen to so can only imagene what this young woman was feeling. In my eyes every name I called him was justificable. And I was not commenting on his looks. His movie The Year of Living Dangerously with Sigourney Weaver and Linda Hunt (playing the part of a man) was one of my favorite movies. And to the anon. poster who calls me nasty - I might be nasty but at least you know who I am when I comment unlike your nasty anon. cowardly self. @Glitzlady - only knew about the anti-Semitic rantings of the man. The homophobic parts are knew to me but come as no surprise. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adamluv - But I suppose you just love Alec Baldwin and his antics with his daughter Ireland.

Anonymous said...

Merde! Why do we stay on this site, it's getting worse, why? When did being hateful become the trend here?
I come here daily hoping for the best, for a laugh, for shared interest. Sigh

Anonymous said...

5:32 PM, very true. It's disgusting. May be time for us nice people to leave.

Anonymous said...

Admin, have to ask this: Why can't you delete at least these couple of constant resident evil from every thread?! They NEVER bring anything worth while to this site. You see their IP's, why not delete them. Who could they complain?

Anonymous said...

sorry above, correction...
"resident evils... "