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Random RECENT Pictures and GIFS

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Anonymous said...

Hahaha!!! Funny Adam!

Anonymous said...

Still signing my picture I see.

Anonymous said...

@11:05 yeah, you'd think he'd be done by now. ;)

Loving these pics. Never seen the 5th one from bottom before. That one & 3rd from bottom are super hawt.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, the Adam/Chris picture is hyper; look at Adam, so fierce and Chris so alluring. Frenemies is going to set this site on fire; lol! a likely hot triangle at the verge of bursting into flames. Eyes will turn from blue to green lol! Ryan Murphy and Adam, rather compatible; Adam will learn much from this experienced film/music producer who in turn might require Adam's talents perhaps in future plausible film-making. This is a significant affiliation.


Anonymous said...

I spy Adam's chinny chin chin.

Anonymous said...

Somehow Chris and alluring just don't seem to go together. And the thought of Adam and Chris bursting into flames of passion makes me giggle!

Anonymous said...

i looooove early 2012 look
he was so fabulous back there
that's time when i became a fan

Anonymous said...

Ah you missed it by a mile...take another read and tell me what I inferred as bursting into flames.


Anonymous said...

Loving all these pix, too. Each one carries such a memory. I also love the 2012 look, but he has lots of new looks to come.

OT, but a small thrill this morning. Was listening to WGN radio in Chicago (major station with radio personalities, news, sports, etc., not a "music" station). They were doing some Olympics commentary and the intro to the segment played LMD in the background! I was shocked and thrilled! Never heard LMD anywhere else but the Mixology promo. Anyway, I jumped up and down in ecstasy. Wish they had played the whole song!!! We have to appreciate each moment we can get. Someone at WGN knew the song and wanted to use it. Cool!


Anonymous said...

Adam shaved

Anonymous said...

He did?????

Anonymous said...

My fav. is the one right above pic. him with RM.

Anonymous said...

Funny how we all zeroed in on Adam and Chris. Seems like Chris is playing an air guitar!

Anonymous said...

Adorable.amazing, awesome Adam this pics.

Anonymous said...


Don't be so touchy, I was not being critical, I thought your post was light hearted and amusing and it gave me a laugh.

Anonymous said...


cool indeed! thanks for sharing that

Anonymous said...

When I see a post starting with "whoa" I scroll on by because I know it's written by the one I can't stand. Who else starts their comment with the command of "stop" to a horse? Oopidstay!

Anonymous said...

1:40 Agree with you absolutely. Funny how when someone replies to her comment, she immediately jumps them with fangs flaring unless they write with hearts and flowers and lol's surrounding their words. "Oopidstay" is so fitting.

Anonymous said...

Nothing to do with being indeed misinterpreted my comment grossly and I just pointed that out to you. As far as I'm concerned, that's all there is to it. You seem to be the one feeling slighted.


Anonymous said...

Adam signing the Aquarian Wolf prints is absolutely dreamy.
The guy rocks!

Anonymous said...

lam-my #>¥+£=<<%£?¥^*+ !

Anonymous said...

Adam, the double water sign: Aquarius and Year of the Water Dog!

Anonymous said...

I checked further into the Chinese Lunar New Year calendar and the first day of the Lunar New Year in 1982...was 25 Jan 1982. So Adam's birthday 29th, means he did make it into the year of the Water Dog. According to the first explanation I got, the animal-sign cut-off point dates back to an older time of 4th Feb which would mean he missed the Dog year and counted as the previous year animal, Rooster. This new explanation which I found determines that Adam is a true Water Dog. So Rooster flies out the window. lol! And yes Water Bearer and Water Dog which I noted previously as well. In Chinese beliefs water is wealth; Adam is destined for great wealth. lwl!


Anonymous said...

1:40 and 2:14
You are one and the same 2+year stalker...MFG / LaurieLovesAdam / MiamiGlamGirl...thrown out by Twitter, blocked by Adam and other sites.
Your malicious hate quote:
"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually, they will believe it." ~ Adolf Hitler


Anonymous said...

Lam-my = insufferable

Anonymous said...

Lam-my I am not the posters you mentioned above; however, I do and have found you to be obnoxious, overbearing and down right awful to people as you pretend to be the sweetest person on earth. You're offensive. Give being nice a try, it won't harm you.


Anonymous said...

Well, do you expect me to believe you now, after being that foul-mouth liar you've been all these 2+years of stalking me?
Anyway, as I always substantiate my claims, here goes:
From Moosifer thread...
"Ya'all best give up. She's determined to have the last word. Oopidstay!"
November 13, 2013 at 1:27 AM "

Well the "last word" is your constant accusation for me and now with "Oopidstay!" in above quote and also used twice at 1:40 and 2:14 are tell-tale signs.
Oh but here's the knockout... "insufferable, "obnoxious", "overbearing" are words that Only You have used on me several times while stalking me on this site! Checkmate!
Hey MFG...not so easy to be a stalker especially you, with such limited vocabulary! Your Hitler quote of repetition of lies, ain't working for you! lol! Perhaps it's outdated. Try some Einstein quotes. But eventually, it still boils down to your brain and intelligence which you are vastly lacking in! Now I know why you resort to using my words back at me; you have run out of foul language vocabulary.
Well then, MFG, you have not refuted the Twitter names...LaurieLovesAdam / MiamiGlamGirl and the Hitler quote!
Mmm, so that's why you keep repeating the same lies about me because you are actually carrying out what you stated very clearly in your Hitler quote above.
MFG...You're a liar through and through...face up to it; and a rather shoddy one at that! Oh in your own words, "an elderly woman" and one who quotes Hitler on top of that, really beats the hell out. lol!


Anonymous said...


You are not as good a detective as you think. Three of the posts above are mine and I have no idea who MFG is.
It is interesting to know that you apparently keep a file of insulting comments made about you so you can substantiate your rebuttals. Instead of preparing yourself for war, perhaps you might try a little self investigation.
Do you ever consider some of the comments might be true? That your supreme self-righteous attitude is very irritating to many many people. Perhaps you might try to curb your attitude and you would find fewer negative comments.

Anonymous said...

It does not matter how many of the above posts are yours! You are anonymous and also I have no interest nor respect whatsoever of your opinion and assessment of me and my detective capabilities. lol! Suggestion: Go fly a kite!
