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Sexy Picture of The Day!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, February 6, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, February 06, 2014


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! YUM!

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, I remember this time really well. Loved that hair to the max!

Anonymous said...

If I weren't an old geezer and beyond such stuff
I'd say "woof"...

Anonymous said...

My favorite Adam look. He was in Japan and he did InRock photo shoot. Platinum with touch of bleach blond. Kind of like dirty bleach blond. My fav. Adam hair do. Made him really young like a teenager.

Anonymous said...

@4:17 I'm and old geezer, too. Here's for both of us woof, woof.

Anonymous said...

@4:17 this is 4:35 again. That you JAK?

Anonymous said...

@4:28 PM

When I first looked at the picture, I really thought it was from his younger teen years. I had to take another look and I recognized the shorts and knew when it was exactly. But, it does look younger there. I loved that hair color too; but, I always love them all.

Anonymous said...

Chestbert! Hairbert! Shortsbert! Armsbert! The whole package, just like Christmas!


Anonymous said...

@ 4:35-36..........woof....^o^

Anonymous said...

Cute pic. I loved the silver hair.

Anonymous said...

I thought the silver hair made him look older, especially at the back of his head but no Melvin - YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

2:17 am, yep, from the back with that silver hair he looked at least 60.

Anonymous said...

Is 60 considered old? If so, I'm in big trouble. : ((

Anonymous said...

Yes, 60 is considered old!

Anonymous said...

"The soul of a country is judged by how they treat their elderly"
"Cultures thrive who respect and revere the aged among them"
"Facts come from education, wisdom comes from living"

Anonymous said...

You just wait until you are nearing 60... You find yourself wondering, me 60, but 60 is not old, I'm NOT old... what are you talking about?!?