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Some things never change

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, February 20, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, February 20, 2014


Anonymous said...

Both photos are brilliant! However, Adam looks 7-8 years older on second photo. He needs to shave!

Anonymous said...

OT Dr. Brian May retweeted the following tweet about Queenbert in Kiev Ukrain back on 2012 and what the Independence Square looks like on news now. It's really sad when we think about it.

@BarTGila: @DrBrianMay Have you seen the pictures of the square you played in 2012 Aids benefit? Nothing but rubble now. So sad.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks very beautiful then and now! Meanwhile, I'm praying for the good people of the Ukrain.

Anonymous said...

5:51 thanks for sharing that tweet I have the video of that concert , I won't be able to look at it for a while.

Anonymous said...

I love this man.
The change in hair color has caught my attention.

Anonymous said...

No great surprises for me on the top 13 AI picks tonight.

Anonymous said...

I watched this week for the first time only because Adam and Chris were on. I'm disappointed because I don't think one contestant is even close to how good Adam or Chris were during their seasons, thoughts???? I'm really sad:(

Anonymous said...

Idol is dead ... Long live Adam Lambert!


Anonymous said...

love Adam all his looks....he looks soooo good now

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so great in both pictures. Sure, he's five years older, but he still has that boyish charm and manly handsomeness. I love him as much as ever. He just keeps getting betterer and betterer.


Anonymous said...

The loss of eager innocent anticipation for the future has been replaced by reality.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so carefree and blissful 2009; now with much the same expression but with greater wisdom and saying: So I am still left standing...almost reaching the summit of Mount Everest; wait a minute, more than that...flying upward meeting those ancestral forefather stars who occasionally whizz by or throw a large stone zipping across the sky. lol! He's my oooh-la-la either way. lwl!


Anonymous said...

Shut up with the complaining about Adam's beard. The complaining is so constant it has become annoying. How many times does it need to be said? Adam can't hear you here. Give it a rest.

Anonymous said...

6:18 pm, I think it is too soon to tell from the first night on stage in front of so many people live. They always seem to do poorly that night. I'll keep watching because you never know who might turn out to be really good and have a voice you want to hear more from.

Anonymous said...

That is cute, almost exactly the same pose.

Anonymous said...

After a while,BB will prob.get tired of the facial hair.He likes change,as we all know.Give it some time.I do like the clean shaven and longer hair on the sides,but Adam will do what Adam wants to do;we should all know that by now.I feel sorry for the people in the Ukraine.It's so sad to see what's going on there now;pray for them,please.

Anonymous said...

7:13 maybe, but I knew Adam was a star from the first note......l.l.have never felt that way again. Ya know love at first sight.

Anonymous said...

I actually like Adam looks better these days. His face, so fresh, and liove his hair off his face. Facial hair: here today, gone tomorrow, so easy for a guy to grow it and then shave....who cares, love it either way.

Anonymous said...

7:26, Fantasia was another that was obvious from the first note for me but I'm willing to give everybody a chance beyond a first note.

Anonymous said...

Sure, there are always some good singers on AI. But Adam is the one and only one who grabbed me from the first moment. None of the others have ever come close, even though they might be good singers. He just has every intangible oozing from his whole being. He can't help it.


Anonymous said...

JAK here..... I was really surprised that the judges didn't choose Spencer. Not because I thought he was better, but for the additional audience he would pull in - he was the potential heartthrob in the group. I give the 3 of them kudos for that decision.

Of the ones they did select, I agreed with all but 3. I'd like to add, please don't compare these kids with Adam, compare them with each other, be fair, nobody is going to outshine Adam in the eyes and ears of the Glamberts.

Anonymous said...

Same here, JAK, i was surprised of Spencer not being picked up as well as Bria who sang for her life only because of Harry dissing her.

Anonymous said...

Much prefer the first pic. Love that hairstyle and Adam's clean, fresh face.

Anonymous said...

8:35, a lot of Glamberts seem to have trouble being objective or giving others credit. They seem to think the only way Adam can shine is to put down others. This thinking is so wrong and is antithesis to what Adam promotes.

glitzylady said...

I agree with you. I watch Idol, and although Adam is my FAVORITE Idol EVER EVER EVER.. I like watching the show (although not so much last year, due to the judges panel mess..) and enjoy watching the contestants perform..usually.. The Top 13 are very good IMO.. I even voted both nights, and interestingly enough almost all of those that I voted for, made the Top 10. And one of the Wild Card 3 as well.

You are absolutely right that we shouldn't compare anyone else to Adam. Each one is unique and talented in their own right. Adam just has those special qualities, some definable, and others more esoteric, and undefinable, that "aura", that has drawn me to him and his voice since that first moment on Season 8. He'll always be my favorite, I have NO doubt in my mind..

And I too was surprised that Spencer didn't make it. I thought he was a sure bet, for the same reasons you did. So, I guess Idol isn't always as predictable as we might think.. Interesting group this year....

And like many others here, I'm HOPING that Adam will have a new single out before the end of this AI season, so that he can perhaps intro it on Idol. :)) Sounds like it could definitely happen, since we're hearing that he's been in the studio, recording.. YAY!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Spencer- was the song he sang something he wrote ?

Anonymous said...

10:38, all the reviews I read of tonight's episode called it an original. Sounded like a rip off of similar songs to me.

Anonymous said...

@5:40 Nope, it's the complaining fans that are making Adam age prematurely.

Anonymous said...

@9:39 Yea, I don't get it either. It makes Adam look pathetic, which he isn't.

Anonymous said...

Spencer not making it IMO was I think he was singing an original song, which wasn't very good. Was he just showcasing it, to see if something would come of it. It may have also pissed the judges off ????? Too bad, I liked his voice and looks.

Anonymous said...

4:20, Jena sang an original song too and made it through so I don't think that had anything to do with the judges decision.

Anonymous said...

Please take this current Idol speculation with first names only to the Am Idol fan sites! Has nothing to do with Adam or this thread.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we need to see Adam on AI late in the season singing his new single. I'm making myself believe that he IS in the studio recording new music. Savin' my money for a Queenbert show, too, wherever it may be.


Anonymous said...

6:17, why do you need to make yourself believe it? It is a fact. Adam is recording an album.

Anonymous said...

Off topic, but one big problem with AI this year. Jus saw an E news pic of JLo's best look yet, the black dress she wore on the show last night. Why is this even being mentioned. Who are the important people on this show. Is this the JLo show?????

glitzylady said...

I thought JLo's black dress on Idol last night was beautiful. She's a well known celeb on a very big TV show. Of course she'll get a mention. Why not??

Anonymous said...

I wonder if he has signed with a new label..does anyone know??

glitzylady said...

No label news yet...

Anonymous said...

Glitzy..does he not need a label in order to put out another CD??

Anonymous said...

Not if he has the money. Oops, I'm not glitzy! : )

Anonymous said...

I like Jennifer Lopez as an actress and dancer, not so much as a singer. I just don't think her wardrobe should be a factor on AI. The judges now walk to their table, I think so everyone can see what Jen is wearing. When Paula was on and even Kara, I believe they were already seated when the show started. I agree there shouldn't be so much focus on her. iMO it's taking away from what the show should focus on, the contestants. Plus I'm sure her personal budget is adding to the demise of the show. Not a sermon, just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

5:33 am

I don't believe there is a rule that you have to stay on the thread topic. There is really not a lot of range for discussing handsome 27 year old Adam and handsome 32 year old Adam. So it seems logical to discuss last night's happenings.

Anonymous said...

Fuse TV did an interesting piece on Indie labels vs the major labels. They were basically saying the big record labels are extremely controlling, but they have a big hand in radio play. They were comparing them to the Good Old Boys of music. Interesting. I beleive Macklemore and Lewis' CD Heist was put out without a label, but with a distributor. Does anyone know anything about that ????

Anonymous said...

12:15, that makes no sense. JLo has enough money to buy whatever she wants to wear on Idol but even if the show pays for it how does spending a few grand for dresses translate into fewer viewers which is the demise of the show? Unconnected events.

Anonymous said...

12:22, correct, Macklemore and Lewis self published their album. They initially were shipping CDs themselves but when the album hit big they worked out a deal for distribution for a small percentage. They were the first to have that type of deal.

Anonymous said...

4:14 do you think JLo pays one cent for anything including stylist, hair, makeup, isn't she making $15 million. Saw something about Idol being cancelled. They could have saved a lot of $ on a different judge. Wonder what Keith and Harry are making. X-factor paid all those salaries and now they're canceled. I think JHud or even Adam or Melinda would have been great. A lot cheaper and more down and less divaness.

Anonymous said...

I thought Spencer was certainly sure to be in the Top 13 for his looks.
But sadly, he didn't get enough votes to be voted in why he was in the wild card but he could have chosen a better song and sang better than he did.

Anonymous said...

I agree about Spencer, song choice was lousy.