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YOUTUBE VERSION: The Insider Connecting YOU to Adam Lambert at Family Equality

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, February 10, 2014

Posted at : Monday, February 10, 2014

Executive Producer Brad Bessey & correspondent Keltie Knight talk to Adam Lambert about Love, Equality, His Birthday, Upcoming Tour, Glamberts, Glee & MORE!


Anonymous said...

I just love you Adam! You are the cutest ever!!!

Anonymous said...

The ONLY time the executive producer of Insider interrupted and interview to meet and gush about the star?! WOW.

Adam is a STAR and the Industry knows it.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Yes that's the Adam I knew 5 years ago and exactly the same now, always so at ease and says what's on his mind. Yes Adam, you got it right on bull's-eye, when you said: "There're lots more pressing things to talk about than people loving each other..." See, this is the single-minded Adam I know, regardless his myriad chameleon changes.

Lam-my I

Anonymous said...

When Adam is speaking (or singing) I cannot take my eyes off him! He's so mesmerizing. I do have to admit the nose ring caught my eye a number of times LOL!


Anonymous said...

So basically by taking the royal 5th as to whether he will perform with Queen makes me think,it is a yes! Love Adam talking almost as much as singing.

Anonymous said...

It's not Adam's place to give out new information about Queen's agenda.

Anonymous said...

chatty lil thing isn't he?? always having fun during an interview.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I got the interview to work this time! Adam was so chatty and in such a good mood. Queenbert will happen, for sure. Love how he is so respected. The exec producer apparently doesn't give every guest the royal treatment! He is indeed an ambassador of equality and love.


Anonymous said...

Adam is so very special! Love how he is getting big time recognition! Adam is always happy and calm - a ray of light!..........nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I just read a fun article about Adam and his fashion at this event with the nicest comments. I don't know how to bring a link over but the article was by Tom+Lorenzo fabulous and opinionated.

choons said...

Here's the link:

choons said...

or here:

Anonymous said...

Thanks choons.

Anonymous said...

Adam seems so grown-up now. He is calm and classy. He is not as lively, animated and excited as he has been earlier in many interviews (maybe just my opinion). He surely has tamed and I sense a bit forced smile sometimes but he is a celebrity and this is how it goes. But he is getting more and more attention which is good.

Anonymous said...

Not animated? He was looking around for the little birdie!

Adam was as charming as usual in this interview.

Anonymous said...

Nice article about last night's event by LA Times. Click the link below to read about Adam. This part of the article grabbed my attention:

Quote of note: Mapa called a picture of his family, shown on one of the big screens, “Vladimir Putin’s worst nightmare,” before addressing discrimination in this country.

“I don’t know about you,” Mapa said, “but whenever I hear that religious people are coming for me and my family, the one thing I can think is: Shouldn’t you be reading to the blind? Aren’t there homeless people in your area who could benefit from a kind word or a hot meal? Could there possibly be a better use of your time and resources than going after the life and liberty of people you’ll never meet, whose lives and freedom will never affect you in any other way?”


Anonymous said...

9:47 what he said about his Bertday was hilarious too.

Anonymous said...

Adam did loose to Danielle I don't see how we was voting day & night between the 3 of us & I am sure all the other glambert was also. Kelly Clarkson is way behind her already---blueeyes

Anonymous said...

I mentioned it awhile ago about a friend of mine who is a psychologist and works with LGBT community; she sometimes does pro bono cases to help those facing problems with acceptance. She said research shows that kids who are raised by same sex couples are more smarter and happier kids than kids raised in traditional couples. It would be nice to have experts to talk about LGBT community on TV or radios. Maybe Dr. Phil can have a panel discussion on his show to open up and clarify this part of human race so people can become more accepting and tolerant.

Anonymous said...

How could anybody resist getting as close as possible to the most exciting, charismatic, charming, well spoken, and overall stunning(!) man alive!!!

Anonymous said...

@blueeyes I voted on that radio poll and for some reason the percentage wasn't changing at all.

Anonymous said...

10:20 we did our best. Don't forget to vote on Out magazine100 Eligible Bachelor it is over on Valentine's Day.

Anonymous said...

When I started voting on the Q102 poll Adam was around 32% and he ended up at 48% so it definitely did move. Danielle's fans just must have been voting more.

Anonymous said...

WOW..some nice pictures of Adam from last night on this website:

Anonymous said...

OMG..this picture of Adam is so gorgeous:

Featured picture please 24/7 Admin.

Anonymous said...

Talk about a crazy fan in the comments at that Tom and Lorenzo article. So embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

Another nice write up about Adam's look and beautiful pictures of him on the carpet:

Anonymous said...

Article on Ryan Seacrest's website:

Adam Lambert Teases ‘Glee’ Performance With Chris Colfer: Photo -

See more at:

leilani aloha said...

Adam as always so adorable, smart, eloquent, handsome, great sense of humor , sweet, positive & more!!!
Simply loves him & can't wait to see him in Glee, hear his amazing voice & new albums!!!

leilani aloha said...

And so witty!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam still doesn't have a label

Anonymous said...

11:02 I thought she was funny she obviously didn't get the meaning of the article. there's one in every crowd or fandom in this case. Lol

Anonymous said...

Except for she comments on every single article I have ever seen.

Anonymous said...

@11:46pm. So what! They are bunch of thieves. I don't want to give 85% of my money to thieves. I wanna give all of it to Adam. Hope he finds a great deal with 25% stake of his work. That's what my husband as a builder charges his clients for his work. These label rats their butts should get audited. I mean their unethical conducts towards artists.

Anonymous said...

Audited? Everything they do is legal.

Anonymous said...

He should just focus on getting more tv and theater work. He has no chance for getting back on radio and without it he will not sell much.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Thanks for being so negative. You really don't expect much from Adam. Do you?

Anonymous said...

I really, really hope that there will be some form of new music from Adam soon..

Anonymous said...

Adam has said new music is coming. Be patient glamhoppers.

Anonymous said...

4 37

I think he is just like all the other idols who lose their record deal and disappear after a couple years. They never get back on radio and they don't have a mainstream career.

Anonymous said...

Awww I just love this interview. Adam looks like a bad little boy with that haircut. I saw a picture of his shoes close up and they are very unique. Thanks for the links to the article peeps.

Anonymous said...

@11:46 PM - & @3:43 AM

With all due respect; how in the world do you know this? Do you have inside information? If so spill? Also, the fan worried about radio play, we shall see won't we? I think it will come with a little help from his fan!!

Adam keeps most things close to the vest until the time is right to reveal. If he decides to go another way to have his music released; that will be revealed at a proper time; when he is ready to do so.

Meanwhile, as some fans have said we should all be patient and enjoy all the great things that are happening to Adam right before our eyes, and still more to come. I for one cannot wait for the Queen and Adam US tour this year.

Being a recording artist is one of the games, but not the only one in town. Adam is an all around wide world entertainer. It all happen the way he wants in due time. Meanwhile, Adam seems to be networking and living a good healthy happy life and making a good living while doing it. I imagine there are many artists who would love to be in his designer shoes, at the moment; "pun intended".

As a loyal fan; I will enjoy what I have, and be patient for whatever the future holds for this very talented, kind and gracious superstar that we call Adam M. Lambert; he deserves it!!

Anonymous said...

6:02, then why are you still here? Move along.

Anonymous said...

@6:37 AM - here/correction

That should be: with a little help from his fans!

Anonymous said...

Adam has made too much of an impact and has made too many good connections to just fade away. His career will be diverse, not just recording albums. His future in show business will continue.

Anonymous said...

Adam is here to stay
The wind beneath his wings
Will propel him up up and away
Even the gods in the sky chariots
Will prick their ears up and say
Hey, did you hear our earthling's
Marvellous ethereal voice
Time for a close encounter of the fifth kind
To check out this earthling's stylish rock craze lol!


Anonymous said...

@6:02 AM

That may be on your wish list for him; but if you face reality that is not happening and never will.
Can't un ring that bell. Adam is already a worldwide superstar, with over two million twitter followers; and as Brian and Rodger of Queen always say, "the man with the one in a million voice". Adam is going no where but up the ladder of success. Sooner or later you will have to learn to deal with these overwhelming fact; if you can't, then, oh well, what else can I say????

Anonymous said...

6 44
All the top idols continue to have some sort of entertainment career. Taylor hicks has investments and a vegas act for example. Reuben and clay have been on other reality shows. Diana did well on broadway. Of course adam will keep going just like they have. But not as a mainstream music act.

Anonymous said...

The tipping point has already been reached. Adam already has a mainstream career. He had the hosts of an entertainment show singing his praises last night. More new music is soon to come.

6:02 am is one of our usual little trolls.

Anonymous said...

You know the trolls have lost when they change from Adam won't have a career to Adam will only have a career in the entertainment business.

Anonymous said...

7 06
I don't think anyone ever thought he wouldn't have a career, just not a career as a pop artist

Anonymous said...

7 06
I don't think anyone ever thought he wouldn't have a career, just not a career as a pop artist

Anonymous said...

10:58pm Thanks for sharing that stunning picture of Adam.

Anonymous said...

7 02
Lol brad bessey has been singing the praises of eli lieb lately and had him on his show several times. You know that huge superstar eli lieb!!!!!

Anonymous said...

As the saying goes, the genie is out of the bottle; no one can put it back in. lol! Precisely, it was AIS8 that let the genie escape. lol! Yea, his name is Lambjinni.


Anonymous said...

Just guessing here, but I'm wondering if Adam is not giving us any specific label info because he is still tied to RCA. I think his official legal RCA obligations aren't quite over yet. Maybe when all that is over with, he can then give us real information about his music plans for this year. Again, this is just a guess. In the meantime, let's just enjoy the Glee ride and the Queen ride and whatever else comes along. That Melissa E. duet sounds great to me, too!


Anonymous said...

Diana was on a Soap also.

Anonymous said...

Brian May said in one interview they had 3 or 4 song s with Freddie, that were already recorded. I hope maybe Adam will get to sing the lead on the rest of the album.

Anonymous said...

Lovely interview. His speaking voice is addicting to listen to over and over. He looked so cute trying not to say anything about Queen. I can't wait for his parts on Glee.

Anonymous said...

The Grammy nominated and all around entertainer, Adam M. Lambert, is doing pretty damn good without radio right now.

Television seems to love him; more episodes of Glee coming; Also Adam, along with Chris Daughtry has been invited by Idol producers to return as mentor's for a two day session in Randy Jackson's new formed work shop, for the incoming Idols before they hit the stage. This is a great opportunity for Adam; and the Idol competitors will be getting pointers from one of best former Idols to have graced that show.

Also, later this month Adam will also be a celebrity guest judge on Rupaul's show.

When his new album comes out, it will be heard one way or the other; we can count on that!

Anonymous said...

7:21 Well said I was just about to post the same thing.

Anonymous said...

7:06 It's so hard to admit your wrong! Don't look now but Adam is a popular pop artist. I hear his songs everywhere! lol

Anonymous said...

would you please say something about your Album ?
Began to doubt that there's something wrong :/

Anonymous said...

Adam M. Lambert is so beautiful to me in every possible way. I feel very blessed and lucky to call myself a fan from the beginning. He has brought such joy to my life; and I am looking forward to much more from this man; even though my treasure chest is overflowing as it is!

Anonymous said...

7 24
If you hear his songs then you don't live in the US

Anonymous said...

We got Queenbert, Glee, Idol, RuPaul, Melissa Etheridge, and I'm sure Adam got other things that he isn't revealing until the right time. Shoshanna Stone tweeted yesterday to a fan of Adam that good things come to those who wait. I'm sure Adam's team knows more than us unknown fans cause our line of expertise isn't in music industry. If knowledge of music industry comes from reading comments by anonymous on blogs music industry would come after blog posters for advise. How ridiculous is that?

Anonymous said...

And if Voice of China / China Music Awards invites Adam again, as in previous years, the viewership is to the tune of 450 chicken-feed career. lol!


Anonymous said...

okay .. he's so beautiful blah blah blah we get it
but i want new music .damnt

Anonymous said...

@7:26 AM

If you will allow me to answer your question; because I don't Adam will see it. You are right to doubt that there is something wrong; as you put it. Because there nothing wrong. If there was, he and his management would be very capable of handling it.

Adam would never want his fans to worry. Just enjoy what he is doing now. He does not look like a man with something wrong; everything seems pretty right from what I can see.

Don't worry the album will come in due time; and I bet you will be one of the first to know.

Anonymous said...

7:11/7:13, it's obvious you are a troll. Give it up and go find something else to do.

Anonymous said...

@7:37 AM- Poster #2

I am taking the liberty of quoting our BB; "be patient little Glamhoppers".

Anonymous said...

Sometimes haters know every single moves of Adam more than fans. I bet they are butt hurt cause they know good things are happening to Adam and that's why they are condescending and negative on this blog cause this site allows them to be nasty towards Adam, his family, his friends, his fans, etc.

Anonymous said...

Adam said new music is coming. If you don't believe him or can't wait a few months for that to happen then it is time for you to find somebody else to be a fan of.

Adam does a lot that we are unaware of until after the fact such as the RuPaul show. There is obviously something going on with Queen. Ivy Levan tweeted about a duet. As with the new music that is going on, we don't get to see the day to day workings of what is happening. We just get to enjoy the finished product.

So calm down and wait for the good stuff that is coming. Trolls can GTFO.

Anonymous said...

you have no right to tell me what to do or be a fan of
Complaining is my way to be a fan so
sorry i'm not happy and rainbow like you .

Anonymous said...

7:59, complaining is your way of being a fan? LOLOLOL. With fans like you......

Anonymous said...

@7:22 AM

Thank you.

What I posted was not so much for one or two people that come on here just to trash Adam; Those don't care about the truth; they are just jealous. No matter what a person says, they just post one ignorant lie after another.

Then they start throwing out other names of how successful those former idols are. They don't seem to understand that there is room for everyone; that the Idol completion is over, and that Adam Lambert, as gracious as he is, would be the first to wish them, all the luck and happiness in the world.

The people that are pretending to be so upset by a lack of an album out right now, don't seem to know what it means to be a real fan of Adam's; so color me suspicious.

Anonymous said...

troll "lol" in the house guys !
hi bitch
now go a way

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my love your poem.

Thanks to those sharing links with great news, videos, and pictures of Adam. He sure got tons of media coverage yesterday for his Family Equality, Glee, Idol, and Queen. I can't wait for all of that and I'm there are more good things that we don't know yet.

Anonymous said...

What the heck does butt hurt mean? I've never heard it anywhere but here.

Anonymous said...

@AdamLambertHelp: TM Top music> "Best Voice": The Winner is: Adam Lambert! -

Great Job Glamily!

Anonymous said...

@Artistsupporter: Yippee! RT @TALCvids: RT @FemaleFirst_UK: Adam Lambert scheduled to stay on Glee until at least April


Anonymous said...

8 02
If people wanted to throw out names of more successful Idols they would be talking about carrie, Kelly, Jhud, daughtry, fantasia. And recently both Phil Phillips and Scotty were way more successful than adam. People are talking about those who are more like adam to give people a realistic view. It's your jealousy that sees it as an affront when people mention other idols

Anonymous said...

@7:59 AM

What do you mean you are not "rainbow" like the rest of Adam's beautiful fans in the rainbow community that Adam is a prominent member of.

Now I get it troll face; so why in the heck are you here?

That rainbow flag will be flying forever!

Anonymous said...

@TALCvids: Will never stop being thrilled hearing "Lay Me Down" by Avicii ft Adam Lambert and Nile Rodgers playing during the @MixologyABC promo! :D

Anonymous said...

butt hurt An inappropriately strong negative emotional response from a perceived personal insult. Characterized by strong feelings of shame. Frequently associated with a cessation of communication and overt hostility towards the "aggressor."

Anonymous said...

@14gelly: NEW to me AMAZING HQ @adamlambert BALI


Anonymous said...

Adam had similar success to David Cook. David sang a new song last year on Idol as an indie artist. There was no interest in signing him to a label, no interest in playing it on radio. He toured a bit trying to drum up some interest but has yet to release a new album. That's what I see happening this year for adam.

Anonymous said...

@8:17 AM - POST #2

Bull crap troll, in your imagination only. You are the only one throwing out these names; so here you go again. This is not a competition
anymore, only in your sick mind.

Only Carrie, Kelly, Adam and Daughtry are the only former idol's that were on the Forbes list of top money making idols two years in a row.

You are the only jealous thing around here trying to confront Adam's fans with this crap. Why don't you go support the former Idol's of your choice if they have fan sites; instead of trying to compare Adam with them? If people want to look them up; they can.

You said people are listing them; no, it is you posting your misinformation over and over again. I think everyone is on to you, no matter how much you protest; your intentions are showing.

Anonymous said...

you misunderstand me
any way i don't care about your flag
or any political stuff
i listen to Adam music because i like it ..that's all

Anonymous said...

8:09, you know my LOLOL was laughing at you saying complaining is your way of being a fan. You know you are ridiculous. You know I am not the lol troll.

Anonymous said...

@8:40 AM

You again, when is this going to stop? We get it; you don't believe it Adam; you are not a fan, keep your negative views to yourself! If someone wanted to know what other Idols are doing; information is available. This is Adam's fan site. He is doing just great; thank you. Try and live in the now.

Anonymous said...


Stop it! Your ignorant is showing. Save yourself from digging daggers to your brain. It's not healthy.

Anonymous said...

8:18 you sure have a strange way of showing you are a fan of Adam. You put him down more than his haters do.

Anonymous said...

8 41

I have never posted misinformation. It's very sad that adam fans can't deal with facts.

Anonymous said...

8:40 am, Adam has way more success and opportunity than David. I do not see Adam going the same way as David.

Anonymous said...

8:51, it's too late. We watched you post non-responses and twist what people said. Then you said you are a complaining fan. You won't get any respect or make any valid points.

Anonymous said...

@8:17 AM #1 - Artistsupport

Great, great news about Adam & Glee. Looks like no wants to let him go over there. I am so thrilled. He said the other night on the Equality Awards Red Carpet when he was being interviewed by "The Insider" tv new show; that he is learning so much about acting.

I am so happy for Adam. He has said the he was interested in all areas of the entertainment business. He seems to be outstanding in every venue he enters. Good for him, and his fans. More exposure!

Anonymous said...

8 57
I am not the same person who said they were a complaining fan. You people are always all mixed up.

Anonymous said...

9:06, you are anonymous and posting in the same style. Use a name if you don't want to be lumped in with the other trolls.

Anonymous said...

8 52
David was more successful than adam in the US. He sold more albums, charted more songs on radio, got on shows like SNL. They both did the same ie not well with their second album. They both got gigs like the Hennessy shows in Asia.

Every idol is different obviously, and adam has stayed in hollywood and worked at being seen as a celebrity while David moved to Nashville. Both are viewed by the music industry as ex Idols who never made a mark with their own music.

Anonymous said...

first @8:17 AM Thanx for the link.

Anonymous said...

9:16, whatever. I know Adam is not seen in the same light as David. Adam has done a wider variety of things and more significant things than David and debuted at number one with his second album. Sounds like you are a lost butthurt David fan. Wander on back to mj's with your silliness.

Anonymous said...

@8:48 AM & 8:42 AM

So you are admitting to being a hater, by calling out another poster as being a hater?

In my opinion, there was nothing strange about the post you were responding to @8:18 AM, but, your original post @7:59 AM, was quite questionable? If it was misunderstood; as you say, which happens on sites all the time, no reason to lash out in hate. Nothing in the post @8:18 AM, that put Adam down, unless you are a hater.

Anonymous said...

9 24
What is so, so childish is people accusing others of being a butthurt fan of another Idol just because they mention them. Idols have lots of things in common that are unique and they are not the same as people who get signed without being on a reality show. If you want to see Adams future look at what other Idols are doing.

Anonymous said...

@9:16 AM

As a former idol from season 8, once screamed out in an unforgettable moment,
"DREAM ON"....

Anonymous said...

Off to work; all Glamberts and Glamhoppers and fans in general; have a wonderful day.

Will put Adam in my DVD car player and enjoy my ride to work!

Anonymous said...

You know even poor old danny gokey has a new single out and is in the studio finishing his new album. He has a promotion deal with a major label to distribute it. I have a feeling that will be the same kind of deal adam ends up with.

Anonymous said...

So many wonderful things happening to Adam right now; just too much for some to take. Ha!
I am just going to ignore them!!!

Anonymous said...

@9:44 AM - Poster #1

Are you some kind of Idol Blogger; coming over here with all this information about other Idol's, I believe in post after post, trying to throw it Adam's fans faces. Whether the information is true or not. If fans here want to know about other Idols, we know how to look them up. These Idol's are nothing alike, so why keep trying to compare them.

Pretending to trash DG, is pathetic. Please grow the hell up and go play somewhere else!

Anonymous said...

maybe i should use "complaining fan"
as a nickname here so people don't mix up

complaining fan..

Anonymous said...

I wasn't trashing danny at all, just giving some facts about what he is doing.

Anonymous said...

@9:56 AM

Who cares? Those that do; can google him.

This is Adam Lambert's fan site. Why don't you go and post information about other's on their fan sites if they have one.

Anonymous said...

@9:44 AM #1& @9:56 AM

I for one don't think you were trashing Danny Gokey; I think you were bringing information; whether true or not; does not matter; in an attempt to brag about him and try to insinuate that Adam is not doing as well. How stupid do you think some people are?

Anonymous said...

Adam looked so beautiful the other night on the Red Carpet, at the Award show. His singing was out of this world at the dinner.

He seems so happy now, with all that is going on in his life. His mom looked absolutely stunning. I bet she is so proud of her son.

Anonymous said...

If you aren't satisfy with what Adam is doing then why do you follow his every move? Why you are here on this fansite degrading Adam, his family, his friends, and his fans? Doesn't your idol/s have their own fansite? If they are successful more than Adam go to their fansite if they have any. Isn't it every time good things happen to Adam you show your hate on every single thread? There isn't any proof of facts in your comments.

Anonymous said...

Scrolled all the nonsense comments. Checked out all great news and pictures. Thanks to those posting all the media coverages.

Anonymous said...

Wow, they way they are fawning all over Adam in that interview on the Red Carpet; how adorable. Cute when she said the producer of the Insider has never come out on the Red Carpet for anyone but Adam. Sweet!

Seems to happen a lot; and how cute and humble is he? Just love him.

Anonymous said...

@10:23 AM

As you should; people should read whichever post wish. I find many of the fans posts very interesting that are supportive of Adam, not just the media coverage. Wonderful that we all have a choice.

Anonymous said...

Oh happy days are here again for Adam, and it seems, much more to come. So excited!

Anonymous said...

@9:16 AM

Hogwash! Are you that Idol Blogger, or David fan? don't know if what you are saying about your David is true or untrue; don't care, go to his site if he has one.

All I know is that Adam Lambert is doing very well; and that is who I care about.

Good luck to all other Idols. I don't think that would want anyone like you running around on Adam's fan sites embarrassing them!

Anonymous said...


I did just what you did. Checked out all the news links.

Anonymous said...

Noticed they did not ask Adam about his new album. Sometimes they get to ask if there are any questions to be avoided.
He did mention about his BD, that he had his closest friends there,
guess Markus couldn't be there, think he might have been in NY. Glad Sauli was considered one of his closest friends, along with his glamily band members, and Glee friends. Didn't have it at Bootsey's or Harry's H. they do have a private vip room.

Anonymous said...

OT: Adam just won the title of "Top Voice" in Contemporary Pop
Congratulation Adam and Fans!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam knows he has some over invested followers. That's why he is keeping everything in his bag. I believe he recorded new music since he lives not too far from greatest recording studios in SoCal. I also believe he has a new label but Adam and his team are waiting for the right time to announce it. Meanwhile we know he is on Glee, Idol, RuPaul, and possibility of touring with Queen this summer. Just hang in there Glamhoppers.

Anonymous said...

@10:47 AM

They probably didn't ask him about it because they keep up with him and has sense enough to know it is not out yet. Also, there were so many other things going on it Adam's life; the have a lot to talk about.

I don't think Adam or management screens his questions; Adam handles interviews very well; and answers honestly, or says politely he can answer that right now. Or cutely pleads the fifth like when he was asked about the Queen. He answers the Album question all the time; no big deal.

Why bring up those two friends of Adam's? I am sure any of them could have bought a ticket and gone if they had wanted to. Adam was with his Mother as he usually is at this annual event.

Anonymous said...

@10:56 AM

BRAVO! You are certainly not alone in your most insightful thinking. As they say, "sure and you are right!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@10:49 AM

Fantastic! Good news just keeps on coming!

Anonymous said...

This interview made me feel very happy for Adam. A few thoughts that are running through my head:

- Adam grew up and he appears more "polished" but he seems even more genuine and charming than before!

- I adore this man for his spirit, charisma, ever changing looks and talent!

- Adam may morph into an all around entertainer versus solely a recording artist. I was surprised too that no questions were asked regarding a new label or a new album.

- He seems to have a very good number of close friends.

Please don't take my word on anything. I'm just an invested fan like everybody else here. Btw. I do not have any problems with the David post. Realistic comparisons keep us grounded. Still, measuring the celebrity status of two very different artists is very complex. One is more of a recording artist versus the other is more of an all around entertainer/celebrity. Plus, within a few years lots of things have changed how people buy and listen to music.

Anonymous said...

@10:28 AM

I do what you do, check it all, positive comments from fans and articles. Skip the crazy and troll comments.

Anonymous said...

10 09
Lol well I think you are pretty stupid if you think anyone is bragging about danny gokey.

Anonymous said...

@11:07 AM

Nice post. Except I take issue with someone posting about another former idol while at the same time comparing them with Adam and seemingly being negative towards Adam; which has been happening on most of these post about other Idols.

If someone has something they want to say about another former Idol; it seems to me they would just, note that is off topic, and don't even mention Adam's name in comparison. Otherwise, red flags begin to fly!!!

Anonymous said...

@11:14 AM

I must be pretty stupid too; after reading your posts, I came to the same conclusion. My question would be, why are you even posting about him on Adam's fan site?

Anonymous said...

@11:14 AM

No, not stupid; as you so intelligently stated; just not fooled easily.

Anonymous said...

IMO, Adam has more of a chance to diversify into other aspects of show business than some of the other former Idols do. He does have that true celebrity persona that others do not have. There is kind of an awe when he is around. He also is becoming more active in his support of the LGBT community. This may be a long-term activity for him and may keep him in the public eye. Adam's struggles prove that having the best voice doesn't mean everything. He's way too different for many people. Mr. Mainstream P2 got real lucky with his first single. Great for him. Let's see how he's doing in five years. He has never solo toured to my knowledge, although he sold a slew of copies of his hit song. Scotty's in country music. Enough said. Adam's got the IT factor that attracts the respect of Nile, Brian and Roger, Avicii and other big names. They "get" it, while the vast listening public does not. I believe Adam will go in different directions, keep recording new music when he can, and maintain a public presence with his voice and personality. He doesn't have to fill arenas each year for me to be his life-long fan.


Anonymous said...

Adam and his team work like Chairman of Federal Reserve. They know how to control valuation and rates in order not to cause inflation or deflation. Adam is working swiftly and steadily toward longevity in entertainment world.

Anonymous said...

Lmao. I didn't bring danny up. I was responding to the person who was remembering his disasterous version of dream on. And, since he was brought up, I just mentioned that even danny is still in the business putting out music.

choons said...

If you're calling people stupid you must be a six-year-old.
If you're an adult well that's just embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

Gawd I'm so sick of bickering idiots. I must be really bored.

Anonymous said...

138 comments and counting. You all just love this kind of conversation.

Anonymous said...

9:55 am, please do use complaining fan as your name here. That way I know exactly how much attention to give your comments. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Folks, don't forget to read on news links posted on this thread. Some major news and beautiful HD pics. about our rock star.

Anonymous said...

I really don't like that nose ring. Takes away from his looks. What's he thinking. I sure hope he.isn't ever.going to be a has been. What a.terrible shame if that happens. As far as being a mainstream star he may have missed the boat somehow. There are too many gay and lesbien stars everywhere to say that being gay has hurt him.

Anonymous said...

I think when all these non-fans comment negatively on Adam articles it just gives us Glamberts more fuel to our fire. Our fire is Adam!! Keep it coming. We can handle it. Fuel us up! That's right.

Anonymous said...

HRC: College football star Michael Sam has made history by coming out before NFL draft. Let's give him a high five for his bravery:

Anonymous said...

LGBT is still an oppressed group of human beings. As my son says if you aren't WASP male, you are discriminated in some ways. Even women are still fighting for their equal rights.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very very much!
Last night, we got the Cory eulogy/Glee episode 3...pretty touching and rather excellent acting/real. So I'll be ringing in Starchild episode 4 next week and then we'll be on par with the direct telecast via satellite thereafter; so far we've been getting 2 episodes back to back, to catch up. Last night they showed Adam on the episode 4 snippet. Though I've watched the Starchild video posted here 43 times lol! I don't know the story-line like what ensued before and after the Starchild scene. Hey Thanks!


Anonymous said...

There are approx. 20 posts by this one resident Adam downer, who is forever present on almost all threads here. He/she just can't stop degrading and comparing Adam to all possible Am Idol alumns...most of whome are quite unknown outside US. Please remembet that WORLDWIDE Adam's fame and popularity is far greater than any of the names mentioned by him/her! And NOT talking about sold records, just who is well known, has the international "IT" factor and is hugely popular all over the world!

Then there is this one poster who just HAS TO answer to EVERY post this resident Adam downer posts, plus a few more who do the same. So that makes at least half of the posts on this thread....

Anonymous said...

Gee, so many posts and not one mention of Sauli, well until now. LOL

Anonymous said...

I just heard Adam again at the Equality Family fund-raiser function, singing Mad World...Whoa, I think Adam perfected it, every note was precise/calculated in terms of emphasis, vibrato, originality, power; like a singing machine. This is perhaps the epitome version of Mad World. And he carries himself in such a sophisticated manner that personifies his ethereal voice and Mad World.


Anonymous said...

@Lam-my. You said it THE BEST. I listen to this new version of MW multiple times.

Anonymous said...

Sauli was mentioned as being Adams closest friend, you haven't read all the posts. No one is closer to Adam than Sauli. They will make it public when the timing is right, just like his label and album. Just be patient.

Anonymous said...

Why do I always have the widest grin while listening to you, Adam???
I just love you!

Anonymous said...

9:41...Thank you!!
This Mad World version has some additional very skilful runs; his stamp of perfection/originality. Love all his Mad World versions which can be used as singing lessons.
