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Adam Lambert Heading Back to Sweden This Saturday

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, March 6, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, March 06, 2014

Adam revealed this in a new interview with ROLLING STONE:

Adam, you're still going to focus on your solo career, right? This is just a side project for now?

Adam Lambert: This is a side-by-side project. As a creative artist, I do a lot of different things. If I'm not busy, I get bored and restless. Earlier this year, I did a stint on Glee. I was in Sweden this last month working on solo material. I'm actually going back to Sweden on Saturday to continue working on that. I like doing a lot of different things. The beauty of that is that something like this is completely inspiring. I'm learning a lot from these two gentlemen. I'm learning from the audience. I think that will help inform and make my material stronger.


Anonymous said...

Excited for Adam's new music!

Anonymous said...

Tons of high quality professional photos from GMA and the press conference here:


Press conference:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Adam has really got it together. All that speculation didn't mean a hill of beans about what Adam was doing!

I only listen to what he says, and he has been telling us all along that he is working on his music. When Adam speaks; I listen and when he speaks; he speaks the truth. All the negative noise that was around about what this man was doing was just that, unsubstantiated crappy untrue, negative noise! We live we learn!!

You go Adam Lambert. So proud to be your fan for life. Such a class act!!

Anonymous said...

There he goes my baby. :)

choons said...

a clip from the press interview

Jadam Nz said...

1.36pm anon, I am with you I never doubted he was working on his new music either. I am so pleased and happy for the Queen Gig. As he said only good can come out of it for experience, inspiration and hopefully a bunch of new fans.
I would think that his new album would be released soon after the Queen Tour finishes or close to it ending to pick up on the buzz.
Just one question people, anyone? Will not having a record label make this possible, I know artists can finance their own music, but a label would be the icing on the cake, don't you think?
I am so happy for all you guys who will get to see Adam wish I wasn't so far away.

Anonymous said...

Well it's obvious he has been working on music this last month. Certainly no one is going to dispute that. The point people have made is he wasnt working on music for the year before that. He basically did nothing for the year after he got home from the WAG tour until just recently.

Anonymous said...

1 36
You seem to want to turn a positive post into a negative one. Why don't you stop bitching and enjoy the day with lots of good news

Anonymous said...

When Adam was in Stockholm, he went to the Avicii show with a Universal rep. Maybe that's a clue that he actually is working with a record label.
Tove Lo, who's one of the songwriters he's collaborating with, works for Max Martin. She's really talented. Listen to her song "Thousand needles" on Lea Michele's album.

Gabi said...

He couldn't have said it better! So proud of our man.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam, learning brilliant musical insights, writing power and tricks from two of the BEST is the chance of a lifetime! Everything he is learning by playing with Brian and Roger will inform his music and writing talent for this upcoming album and the rest of his life. On this tour, the world will hear and see Adam in all his glory


xo laura

Anonymous said...

2:27 and why do you care? Did he miss paying you a rent payment or something. Enjoy the now with the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

2:27, you have no idea what Adam was or wasn't working on during that time period. Stop being so negative on a day of exciting news.

Anonymous said...

There is no indication he is working with Tove Lo, just that he knows her. She just did an interview where she said she is too busy to collaborate with their artists right now because she is finishing up her own work. And she doesn't work FOR max Martin she just did a song with him

Anonymous said...

Great news about Queen and Adam's own music.

So much promo everywhere and we haven't even gotten to the evening celeb shows.

Anonymous said...


I also think that 1:36pm was right on; nothing negative about the post. Sounds like you must have been one of the negative naysayers; just let it go; and watch your foul mouth!

Anonymous said...

2 49
Adam is doing an interview right now and just said his music is new and in the embryonic stage. That isn't someone who has been working on it for a year. He is just starting.

He even started to say he hoped it will come out this year and then changed it to be more positive that it will come out this year.

Anonymous said...

We know nothing of what Adam was doing after the WAG tour but my guess is that he never does nothing, he said in that interview he would get bored. For all we know he might have a label already, just not the right time to tell us. I have total faith in Adam and for right now I am so happy he will be touring with Queen and I hope to get tickets to see this great concert!

Anonymous said...

2:54 ok what is your point? I just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Jadam Nz/2:19 PM

We don't know at this time whether Adam has signed with a label or not. As we now know; we cannot assume anything when it comes to our Adam. We will just have to wait until he or his management informs us about any label information.

I am certainly not worried. He might want to wait until his album is complete; for obvious reasons.

Anonymous said...

2:52pm .... Uhhhh, 2:30pm said "bitchy" and gets called on the carpet from you to "watch your foul mouth!"? Then you'll have to snap at 1:36pm for saying "crappy".

Or, just not take these commonly used, no-big-deal words so seriously. Really. No-big-deal.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@2:54 Even though it's in the early stages I think Adam will work faster to get his album out this time. He learned a lot form Nile Rogers and Avicci in that they don't overthink and just go for it. It seems the timing of after the tour would be great for a single with the album coming out in the fall. Adam had said in a past interview that if his album is not out in 2014 then something would be wrong.So for me I totally believe it will be done.

Anonymous said...

@2:54 PM

If you are a fan; just accept the good news and move on. If you are not a fan; why are you here? Learn to live in Adam's glorious present; or move on to an artist that you feel will live up to your expectations. Perhaps that will make you happier.

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of Adam! He has been working his whole life to have the career and recognition he now has! Adam's talent has been confirmed by legends in the music industry. Most singers never get that kind of credibility. Also, being on a show like Glee, which has had so many big guest stars, is no small feat! Adam is also adored by all the people he works with! He is an uncommon man in such a tough industry where people will claw their way to the top and sell their souls for success. I'm so thrilled for Adam!...nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

If Adam still has any legal ties to RCA, he may have to wait to either finally sign with a new label or at least not announce the new label till all ties are over. Just a guess. He is definitely working on new music, and I agree that helearned a lot from taking so long with TP. I'm guessing this next album will be released in a more timely manner and will take advantage of the Queen tour exposure. From what he has said, it sounds like he intends to releases new music this year. Pray that it's true!


Anonymous said...

@laura- 3:02pm

I read the poster @1:36 and that person was speaking in general of some of the remarks that have been posted recently, and I agree.

To me the poster @2:30 was speaking personally to @1:36, the "foul mouth" comment, seemed mostly tongue in cheek. So we will have to agree to disagree. Like you said; no big deal. I am pretty sure that most posters can speak for themselves and don't need others to defend them. Only they know what their true motives are.

Have a good one! I am headed out
in a "Happy Happy" Glambert mood! So excited for our BB!!

Anonymous said...

Adam trending on Yahoo homepage . . .

Anonymous said...

OK . . .all this good news let's not feed the trolls . . waste of energy . . . the more you feed them the more they write . . .let it go . .be happy!

Anonymous said...

Well Adam is a very hard working man, and he is very smart. I am pretty sure he wants to get that album out a much as we want to hear it, but meanwhile we have so much to enjoy, so much! I have the patience to give him all the time he needs. I will stand by; and still be enjoying all that he has out there; I don't care if it takes longer than he anticipates!

Anonymous said...

@3:42 pm


Anonymous said...

Adam is getting well wishes from all over. He so much deserves this. He looked so darn cute today.

Anonymous said...

If it had been up to Adam; TP would have been released much sooner. But, it actually wasn't, remember? Hopefully this time, it will be closer to his timetable. So many good things happening. Hard to keep up with everything; but I am having the time of my life following this man!

Anonymous said...

So maybe next weekend we get to see a pic of Adam & Anton together, lol!

Anonymous said...

In case you missed it, so much info today, great articles:

Anonymous said...

Lucky Sweden

Anonymous said...

ADAM LAMBERT trending NOW!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

too great a day to comment on those people who are never happy about anything

Anonymous said...

Love you Adam Lambert for sharing your talent with us.

Anonymous said...

Yeah for Adam when asked about troll/haters...."You just can't focus on that crap, especially in today's day and age, the Internet, and everybody has an opinion and a comment. That's not why we do this," Lambert told The Associated Press.

Anonymous said...

NEW YouTube Interview!! AssociatedPress - Queen, Adam Lambert Set to Tour This Summer

Anonymous said...

Just watched P2 sing his new single, pretty good. he seems really different I hope his health is OK.

Anonymous said...

Queen+AL=A good summer cometh.

Anonymous said...

Hi 3:37pm .... I was commenting to 2:52pm about her rather snarky remark concerning the word "bitchy". But, if she was just goofin' around, my apology’s. Smiley faces help me understand that a comment was intended as a joke. Don't want to talk for other's here, just thought the "watch your foul mouth" was intended as printed and rather harsh. Small point. Just wanted to keep things upbeat on this great day! Peace.

xo laura

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@4:49 PM

Thank you for your post regarding the Associated Press, quoting Adam; very insightful. Very seldom do we hear Adam speak to this subject of trolls and haters. He did so, because he was asked.

Good for him for telling it like it is. Adam said, he "can't focus on crap from trolls/haters"; so as his fan, neither will I!

I will focus on that fabulous man I saw on my TV today; I was so proud. Can't wait to see him with Queen!!!

Anonymous said...

2.54 please bring that right now interview over here. Right now would be today the way you put it so please give the link to it or being it here. I heard him say just what you said to an interviewer like early the first of this year or end if last year. He been working quite hard on it since then. Been in Sweden nearly a month and going back there Saturday. Seems to be working hard. Think he progressed from that stage by now. All I know is Adam said we will have new music then we will. Probably late this year.

Anonymous said...

lost much?
you definitely need a gps! :)))

Anonymous said...

i wish all the experts here would tell us how long you think making a record should take. it's not like Rihanna where the label pays millions for people to write songs to be recorded quickly. people take time and experiment put out crap which may be worse than no album at all. so stop the bitching

Anonymous said...

i wish all the experts here would tell us how long you think making a record should take. it's not like Rihanna where the label pays millions for people to write songs to be recorded quickly. people take time and experiment put out crap which may be worse than no album at all. so stop the bitching

Anonymous said...

Hi laura/@5:54 PM

Since this seems to be continuing and the original post at 1:36 was not posted to any individual, I agree with a couple of other posters that it was that person's personal opinion; as a matter of fact Adam used the same word in an interview in the associated press today about "crap" from troll/haters that I just read from a poster at 4:49. So the poster you keep defending that called the poster "bitchy" was uncalled for. I or anyone else cannot speak for the poster, but in reading her post about crap. I see absolutely nothing bitchy about that! Since it appears that both posters may have left the premises; I think it is a little unfair to put words in either's mouth. People can read for themselves it they wish. I am sure these grown people don't need our defense or approval!

Probably is a good time for all to move on and celebrate our main man;
the Glambert himself. Off to listen to Barracuda and give it a few more hits. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

@6:13 PM

Ha, ha ha, Amen to that! You are so telling it like it is. Good for you!!

Anonymous said...


You are so funny.

Anonymous said...


Where is that interview, don't think it exists; sounds like a load of crap!!

Anonymous said...

Adam looked so gorgeous this morning.
So glad he will be enjoying his life recording and meeting new people, new fans; and just loving it. He looked so happy. That album; whenever it is finished with be fantastic; and I will wait as long as I need to. We all do have our own lives!

Anonymous said...


I don't think the post at 5:52pm was snarky at all. Crappy, snarky, bitchy; what is your point! Why are you so invested in defending the person calling other people bitchy. Actually the poster never said they were goofing around; that was someone else who said that. No one has to put smiley faces behind anything if they don't won't to. I personally think the person that called 5:52pm bitchy was fouled mouth, Adam's fans don't deserve that kind of treatment;
just because they tell the truth about the crap haters spew out.

Anonymous said...

OT has any of you seem since this morning how much trespassing gone up about over 100 spots was two something now 153. So Glee plus this getting some trespassing bought as well. All good for our Adam.

Anonymous said...

Good Grief ... this has gotten out of control.

6:26pm and 7:09pm... Howdy!
I wasn't complaining about the word "bitchy". I was talking to poster 2:52pm = 2:52pm! She made the comment "watch your foul mouth" addressing 2:30pm. I don't have any problem with words like bitchy and crappy. Very few do. Just thought 2:52pm was being unnecessarily rude to a fellow fan, that's all.

I'm not putting words into anyone’s mouth, at least not trying to. Please re-read, starting at the beginning, if you wish to get what I was saying.
I think sometimes we just glance over comments and accidentally misinterpret them.

Anyway, no big deal.

And, we're done with this.
Thanks for playing!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@3:53 PM
Maybe! ;) Anton's tweet "C ya soon Mr" might have meant this.

Anonymous said...

3:53 PM

You are so nuts... No one care bout Anton, least of all Adam .

Anonymous said...

Wishing you all the luck, Adam baby.
I always pray for your deserving success.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

Adam will be then seeing Anton again soon ;) he sounded happy and said that there beautiful Swedes in Stockholm, maybe some joint pictures...

Anonymous said...

Anton is moving to SC though, not Cali.