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Adam Lambert Liked nicolewinhoffer's Photo On Instagram

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Anonymous said...

Do you think we will see Adam in these shoes?....JAK

Anonymous said...

What a spread

Anonymous said...

I guess Adam likes ... er um ... her shoes. ;-)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Spread eagle....cough cough

Anonymous said...

Adam likes stuff that is over the top, (or bottom). I bet he saw the shoes first, ha ha. Or did he say "she was wearing shoes???)

Anonymous said...

How does Adam see all these IG's?
They are not all his friends. He must have a lot of spare time, when he cannot sleep, to browse thru them.

Anonymous said...

Did you know that Nicole Winhoffer is Madonna's personal fitness trainer?

Anonymous said...

Well he could see photos that people he is following liked just like we can see what he likes.

Anonymous said...

I cannot see who Adam likes. I only know when LAMBERLUST brings it here, or it is on Adam's twitter. I am not as savvy with the computer, like some.

The Dark Side said...

He wants her shoes!

Anonymous said...

Everyone who really thinks it's about her shoes, stand on your head.

Anonymous said...

Nice crotch shot-oh, forgive me, it is the shoes on which we should comment!!!

Anonymous said...

Very unique photo; Adam does like unique things!!

Anonymous said...

11:42, how many times does it have to be explained that Lambertlust does not bring the posts here? Admin makes the posts.

If you want to see every single thing Adam likes with Lambertlust's giant name on it, go follow him on twitter. Admin only seems to post the more provocative ones for some reason.

Anonymous said...

While I'm sure Adam likes the shoes, maybe he knows the stylist. He frequently likes pics of people he doesn't follow when he does follow and know the stylist.

Anonymous said...

He may know who she is because she is Madonna's personal trainer.

Anonymous said...

Being Madonna's personal trainer has to help.

Anonymous said...

If I could do that stretch, my sciatic nerve wouldn't hurt so much.....JAK