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Adam Lambert on EW Radio

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, March 6, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, March 06, 2014


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting! This is the best interview with Adam I've heard in a long long time ❤️๐Ÿ‘

Anonymous said...

LOVED this interview! I'm in LA and have already decided to pay whatever scalper price I have to pay to see them at the Forum. So excited!!!!

Anonymous said...

Prices are gonna be very high.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:24 - I don't care! I paid a fortune for 'great' seats to some of Adam's concert and I will pay whatever is necessary to see this iconic event. I figure sometime you just have to say 'what the fu**' and it'll be worth every dollar I spend.

Anonymous said...

10 minute interview is up : Adam Lambert announcing Queen tour on Dirty Pop with Lance Bass. March 6, 2014

choons said...

Steaming Swedish meatballs!! haha
and Loved hearing Adam discuss music in detail - the tone, texture and colour that Freddy brought to a song - Adam hears things we don't.
He was so relaxed and gabby and funny.

Anonymous said...

Thanks again, Lambertlust for the link to Adam's interview with Lance Bass. The volume was really low, but it was a great interview. Interesting note: Adam said it was his idea to do "Barracuda" on Glee and Ryan Murphy loved the idea. Yay! I loved it too!

Anonymous said...

@Lambertlust, I'm lways grateful for all you do for Adam!
Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Good interview but it would've been easier to hear if the interviewers hadn't talked over each other and Adam.

Anonymous said...

YES!!!:) We love you ADAM!!:)

We can't wait to see you here in TORONTO 7/13!!!!:)

Great interview!!:)


Anonymous said...

Adam gives the best interviews, esp. when he has time to talk and enjoy some clever give and take with the interviewers. He is so smart and clever. Gets every joke. Quick on the uptake. I hope that he'll be doing more interviews during the tour. It would be frosting on the cake if he actually made it onto one of the major nighttime talk shows. They would be pleasantly surprised at what a great guest he is. Adam needs to be re-discovered in many ways. I feel it happening.


Anonymous said...

Agree. Also the interviewers could perhaps think and remember that @this day and age it is all about the world getting smaller smaller...they have now listeners all around the world - so talk a little less faster (lol!) and a lot clearer (plus not on each other)! Thank you! (but I do get the excitement of all parties involved, even Adam was 'too quick' to answer", he he!)

Anonymous said...

Listening to Adam is always a hoot - and aftet listening to this my intuition tells me there's something else waiting for him in Sweden than making music and Swedish meatballs...heh heh!
Adam, ILYSFM!!!