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Latest New Tweets from Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, March 31, 2014

Posted at : Monday, March 31, 2014


Anonymous said...

I love you so much Adam! Thank you for being you!..........nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

As a minority myself that I have been severely discriminated against in my ancestry of thousand years homeland and again some what mildly discriminated in my permanent host country that I love so much; I totally understand and feel it in my heart what Adam is saying and feeling. We all should celebrate our differences.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert‏@adamlambert·8s
Goodnight loves! ;)

Anonymous said...

Loved Adam's twitter talk with us tonight. Happy he said his album is going well and excited about it.I love his honesty on twitter,what an amazing person Adam is!

The Dark Side said...

What Adam doesn't understand is that he is one of the most gorgeous male artists in the world today. I don't think females mean to disrespect him by wishing they had a chance with him. They see it as a compliment. Adam should know by now it all comes from love. Unfortunately, this gets mixed in with anti remarks and I think thats where the sting come from. Glamberts are united in being 100% behind Adam, even if a few delusional remarks get through to annoy him.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a wake up call for realness. He is tired of our fantasies and ignorance.

Anonymous said...

So glad to see these new wonderful post; checked in and out when I had time during the day; so glad some of the other post are almost gone! So glad that Adam has such a beautiful soul. He deserves all the love and support that he receives from fans!

Anonymous said...

8:43 pm, you are the one that doesn't understand what Adam just explained to you. You are so insulting and disrespectful and don't even realize it.

Anonymous said...

Darkside, read this again"

"Adam, take it as a compliment, that they like u that much" Well if they do, they should realize it's sorta indirectly offensive. #realtalk

Anonymous said...

Go, Adam!

Glad to hear the new album is going really really well. Can't wait to hear it!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert · 1h
It's still cookin girl, I can't tell u what ingredients I'm using- you'll just have to wait to taste it when it's good n ready @Kalebert_

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert · 52m
What I CAN say about the album is that is a completely post-modern affair. Very sonically diverse and very honest.

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert · 46m
Genre is irrelevant. "@Shantilux: @adamlambert post-modern pop? post-modern rock? post-modern funk??”

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert · 42m
Goodnight loves! ;)

Anonymous said...

It's like saying to your friend, you are so beautiful and talented but so sad you are black, or woman, or Jewish, or Muslim, or Asian etc. It's discriminatory and it hurts.

Jadam NZ said...

10.22pm that is a good way to put it, now I see clearly, what Adam means.

leilani aloha said...

Adam is simply AWESOME !!!
A talented gorgeous looking soul inside & outside with an AMAZING voice!!!
That's why we just simply loves Adam for being Adam:) just stay the way u are!!!

leilani aloha said...

Adam is simply AWESOME !!!
A talented gorgeous looking soul inside & outside with an AMAZING voice!!!
That's why we just simply loves Adam for being Adam:) just stay the way u are!!!

leilani aloha said...

sorry for double posting:(

Anonymous said...

I love Adam for who he is just the way he is. And for however he may cut his hair.

Anonymous said...

Bla bla bla typical adam spewing his bullshit

He is the one who makes it all about being gay. He should be able to ignore a few remarks probably from kids.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't mean to be insensitive - I adore Adam for exactly who he is - but if he doesn't want to be victimized he should just not act as as victim. I think he still doesn't "get" how hot he is and how desirable he is for many straight women who simply want to indulge in their fantasies to have a chance at him. I think in many cases the "too bad he's gay" is not meant to be offensive. Of course there are always idiots who say stupid things but Adam needs to learn to ignore those.

Anonymous said...

So great that Adam sets the record straight: The problem is not with being gay, but the ignorant view of being gay.

Anonymous said...

I'm not in Adam's shoes of course, but from my perspective as a straight female the "too bad he's gay" remark is likely just another way of saying "I wish I was a gay guy". Adam is gorgeous and sexy and he is a lot more than a brilliant singer. People have reactions to him beyond his art.

Intriguing news about his music though. What does "postmodern" music sound like??

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter if you didn't intend it to be offensive. If it is offensive to someone you need to stop saying it to them. Until you have walked in a minority's shoes, respect what they say.

Anonymous said...

Lots of ways to describe how you feel when you get a "back handed compliment' how I felt when my neighbor said "I feel so bad about the fact you'll be going to hell, you're such a nice person." .?????. Stunned, I said "what makes you think I'm going to hell?"

Her reply, "because you are not Catholic!"
I wanted to reply "neither was Jesus" but I realized it would have been futile. It's very insulting to feel or say "I love Adam even though he's gay....that's a slap in his face."

Anonymous said...

having loved and supported Adam for these past almost 5 yrs., I can say that I am weary of any and all 'gay talk'..and, I do agree that he has a hand in the continuance of it..I just wish that he would not even respond to statements like "it's too bad that he is gay"..cause it just perpetuates this myth..I know he loves his fans dearly, and he does need to realize that some of them are a little naive in that they believe they cannot fantasize about him if he isn't attracted to females..hey, doesn't bother me..I LIKE that he is gay and I fantasize about him often..not hurting anyone and it brings me pleasure..

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm sure if only he knew he was disturbing the sexual fantasies of deluded women, he would keep his mouth shut, no "gay talk." Sheesh! So sorry you are weary of being reminded of the fact.

Anonymous said...

1:27, not addressing the myth perpetuates the myth. How can people learn that what they are saying is misguided and offensive if no one ever tells them?

Anonymous said...

If you were Adam, you too would bristle if you were told "too bad you're gay". You'd see that it's their problem, not yours, that you're gay, that is, unless you also bought into this perception. If you also happpen to be a talented, special human being, is that not enough? How could this comment not be defining you by your sexual orientation, or victimizing for being perceived as lacking somehow?
By being unapologetic, asserting his gay pride, and showing the truth behind unwitting comments, basically "schooling" us, Adam holds a mirror to our face to confront ourselves and our prejudices. For this discomfort, we should thank Adam, because this is when we grow personally and as a society.

Anonymous said...

nice to see Adam having that little twitter party,and posting.peeps,please don't pick everything to death( some want to try to figure out everything and every little word,etc.)Just know that things are going well w/his new music now,and he sounds happy.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam might not be in Sweden anymore, cause it was about 5 AM there, when he wrote those messages.

Anonymous said...

If Adam was straight, what is the chances of a fan dating him? Huh
its easy for me, i don't bother myself with his sexuality or relationships, I don't find him that attractive.
Now, his voice and music is what really gets me going.........i love it

Anonymous said...

"TOO BAD HE IS GAY" Is offensive!!!

If people keep themselves to be ignorant so help us all indeed!!!

Our Rock has Spoken again!!:)


Anonymous said...

If straight women fantasize about Adam, so what? It aint a crime.

Anonymous said...

2:41, its not the fantasizing that is the problem. It is saying too bad you are gay to someone. It is an ignorant and offensive way to try to compliment someone.

Anonymous said...

Darn, I love the guy! He says it all!

Anonymous said...

Gay and proud! Accept it and love it.

Anonymous said...

Gay and proud! Accept it and love it.

Anonymous said...

Don't gay guys say "so sad he's straight" about good looking straight guys . . come on get real

BTW . .I like AFL for his talented voice . . anything more is just frosting on the cake

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is that after 5 years he still needs 'to school' his own fans...

(haters, attackers, shit stirrers, trolls and other misfits beyond schooling)!

Always stay true to yourself!!!

Anonymous said...

4:39 are you telling Adam his feelings are invalid?

Anonymous said...


How about a thread of it's own about the tweets Adam made of his new music & SOON-ish, pleeeeezzz!!! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Adam is 100 per cent perfect. Love him just the way he is..talented and beautiful inside and out.

Anonymous said...

much ado about nothing! It is a natural feeling...when Tom daley came out as bi, i felt that pain, bff cried her eyes out.
But, i agreed, its insulting to tweet'too bad you are gay' regardless the intention, i feel Adam should see it as the straight ladies expressing their dissapointment and just ignore the plain homophobic ones.

Anonymous said...

2 07
Well adam isn't here to school us, he is here to entertain us. He doesn't communicate with his fans all that often and he ought to use the opportunity to talk about other things.

If we are made uncomfortable by him we can just stop following him. He should be cultivating fans. He needs us, we don't need him.

Anonymous said...

5:49, if you don't like it you can move on but Adam has every right to say it.

Anonymous said...

5:49 AM, Adam gets all kinds of things tweeted to him and posted on his IG. He should say what he thinks about the offensive ones and you can stop following him if it makes you uncomfortable.

Anonymous said...

Lol he can say whatever he wants. But it's a perfect example of why he isn't successful and has very few career options moving forward. He makes everything about being gay instead of about the music.

Anonymous said...

5:49 is the resident Adam down talker.
To 'cultivate' him/her isMission Impossible!

Suddenly using "we" and "us", are we?! LOL!!!

Just speak for yourself! If Adam makes you feel uncomfortable, one more reason for you to leave this site.

Anonymous said...

I have always loved Adam from the first note he sang on Idol. I thought his vocal talent and amazing stage presence were truly unique among all the other contestants seen on the show. Call me naive, but I never thought about whether or not he was gay. It did not enter my mind at all. I just loved him as a performer. When the RS interview was published, I was not shocked. It did not matter to me except for the fact that he wanted to stop all the rumors and gossip about his sexuality and there it was for all to read. Adam knows who he is and what he wants. His message of love, understanding, acceptance and respect are important in today's world. Yes, he is gorgeous, handsome, sexy and all the other superlatives we can apply to him, but for me he is the most talented vocalist in the music industry today so excited about life and his music. I am excitedly looking forward to the third album and hope that it finally brings Adam all the recognition and success that he so deserves esp. here at home without any references to the word gay and his name in the same sentence.

Anonymous said...

'Another lol'; just IGNORE, please!

Anonymous said...

6:20, Adam rarely brings it up. He has repeatedly said it is only part of who he is. It is usually other people bringing it up. Its part of the era we are in that it is so frequently asked about to anybody open about their orientation.

Anonymous said...

Adam has said, "sexy is sexy." He says he finds some women sexy, too. He lives a gay man's life far more openly than many gay men do, esp. famous ones. It's natural for him. He is not afraid of being himself. This sets him apart from some others. He shouldn't have to change the way he lives his life. He have opened the eyes of millions when it comes to LGBT issues. He sure has opened mine. He is naturally sexy. He can't help it. We react as fans to that sexually and are excited by him. It's natural. It's part of who he is, far beyond the music. I think he realizes that fans don't mean to be offensive. But by talking about it, he teaches us a lot. BTW, I think over the past 5 yrs., the gay issue has been brought up in conversation far more often by others than by him. He's become proud of his LGBT support, though. He knows how important it is. I love these new tweets. He tells us what he relly thinks. And the new music news is very exciting! Sounds like we're in for a real treat!

Love you, Adam!!!!


Anonymous said...

6 26
Well he brought it up last night for no reason.

Anonymous said...

6:30, rarely is still rarely.

Anonymous said...

And as far as his album goes, terms like genre is irrelevant, sonically diverse just means he still doesn't have a clue about being an artist or having a cohesive sound. It's code for I had a bunch of different writers write me songs and I just recorded whatever they came up with.

glitzylady said...

Adam said a long time ago that he feels that one of the things he can do as a celebrity is to help educate people... For instance, lending his name to the "It Gets Better Campaign" "Marriage Equality", and other organizations.. Or Charity Water, etc.., to educate and help in a number of ways...

To put it another way (certainly on a lesser scale but just to put it on a "personal" level for us here, who are fans of this beautiful and talented man..): How would you feel if someone said to you: "Gosh, I like you, but too bad you're an Adam Lambert fan...".

I suspect you/we would perhaps feel a few things: hurt, frustration, and probably a little anger.. And you may very well feel the urge to "school" that person....

I believe we, at least some of us, as fans have stood up for Adam more than a few times. It's certainly understandable that he has finally had enough of the "I like you but too bad you're gay...." comments that he undoubtedly sees every day as he scrolls through his twitter mentions, etc.. I suspect most of those comments are not really homophobic per se, but are more thoughtless than anything else, ie stating them without a thought about the fact that he may very well see them, and just wishing he was straight, so they'd somehow have some sort of "chance" with him, (as if....) but hearing that day in and day out must just get plain old tiring.. and perhaps a bit hurtful..

It certainly is NOT "too bad" that Adam is gay...

Just before Adam got on twitter yesterday, I was listening to a local radio station, while driving.. The song "Same Love" by Mary Lambert came on. That song is so beautiful, and as I was listening, I was thinking that just a few years ago, we would not have heard any references to same sex love on the radio.. And I do believe that Adam is one of those who has made it being himself, without apology...

So yes, Adam is "schooling" us, his fans, and the world at large.. He sings to us, he entertains us.. and the least we can do is respect the lovely human being that he is, and not thoughtlessly say "too bad you're gay, because....."... Most of us don't.. but fair warning to those who do... by the man himself..

Just my thoughts......

Anonymous said...

6:34, then why are you here? Go find another artist who meets your standards.

Anonymous said...

@5:49; @6:20; @6:32
LOL's up, ignore, ignore, ignore!

Anonymous said...

I remember a straight gay who adam tried to kiss at a European after party during glam nation said adam said to him that it was a pity he wasn't gay. Haha was that offensive adam? Not really just an off hand comment like the comments some girls might make about adam. To use Adams words its not that deep. He ought to save his schooling for truly offensive and homophobic people and spend his time working on his career and keeping his fans interested. If you don't want it to be about the gay then stop talking about it

Anonymous said...

6:46, still not giving up with your trolling?

Anonymous said...

There is no end to people running every aspect of Adam's life. It would be lots easier if they would learn how to sing then we could all see how perfect they are. They would be sure to be famous if they just sang good.

Anonymous said...

@6:51 Maybe you don't know what @6:46 is talking about, but I remember it. The guy posted pics and fans were spreading them on twitter. It happened in Germany.

Anonymous said...

Right, it was in Germany. The guy worked for another band and was pretty cute. He posted about it on his facebook I think

Anonymous said...

think alot of straight young lasses are lashing out at his orientation. they want a bite of the Lambo pie. When you disrespect someone, that is when it is crossing the line. If he is ever interested, he would make the move. Pushy behavior on social media these days.

Anonymous said...

All kinds of Lols and 'fans' belittling (or acting all hurt) about Adam's tweets, boohoo!

NONE OF US HERE/FAN SITES OR ON TWITTER KNOWS the TRUE amount of carbage Adam hears, sees or witnesses every day, has witnessed throughout these years, especially the last 5 years with more popularity and fame/name for himself!

With fame (and the Queen connection, too) more and more of the 'mainstream' and probably also the more narrowminded seeing him & hearing about him in all kinds of media... the amount of ignorant talk is most probably growing, not diminishing... The change is coming, yeah, but too slowly imo.

Anonymous said...

the first anon 6:46 agree. If u don't want it about the orientation, then don't make it the topic of conversation. Love is Love Sexy is Sexy. Straight women find AL sexy. is that an offense to him?????? If so, Sorry!

Anonymous said...

7 18
Well he needs to learn to ignore it . People need to pick their battles. The media has been overwhelmingly on Adams side so he doesn't have much to complain about

Anonymous said...

6 46 is not trolling, wth
What you're saying is true.
Works both ways.
Adam means well and must have wanted to shake off some steam, but if he can make a statement about straights not being gay,
others should be able to make the same but the other way around comment about him.
Whats good for the goose !!!!
I'm sure many fans think the same , just wouldn't blatantly tweet about it.
Why cant Everyone be Honest?????
He is to a fault, fans should be too.
Wishing or wanting to date him, if that is the thought........ is very much a compliment and not offensive.
I've read real Hate on blogs/sites about orientation far worse than wishing a person was straight.

Anonymous said...

@7:21 AM
thank you god

Anonymous said...

the women that would sleep with him would be off the charts if given the chance. they feel offended when he says cherry pie isn't his preference. He might try it, but not his preference. That is when they go off the deep end and start ranting on Twitter.

Anonymous said...

@6:34; @6:46 just ignore!
Lol, a straight gay... Lol is getting too excited! IGNORE!

Anonymous said...

Such ignorance.

Anonymous said...

I have never belittled or objectified Adam. Some Glamberts objectify him and very often the same fans belittle him and his work. Perhaps they have experienced the same (objectified women like to objectify men). I totally see red when they criticize his music. I don't get why they are fans if they don't like his music?

Anonymous said...

7:21am, you need to walk in his shoes before you say that.

Anonymous said...

I would think it would be the way a person is saying wishing he was Str8
I mean if it came out as a light hearted comment, then by all means just laugh it off.
Aint that deep.

Same as blacks calling each other the N word, its okay for them to tease about it, others talk the talk and its discriminatory.
Double standards world wide
its all in the manner of speak
is how I believe.

Anonymous said...

Girls saying they wish he was straight mean it as a compliment just like adam saying he wished the straight guy was gay. It's a dumb comment but not homophobic or mean. He just comes off as thin skinned. And his self righteous comment about not being a victim is just embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

it's like wanting a steak dinner and getting stuck with a lousy hamburger. When you are an object of desire, the animalistic behavior begins. 5 years into it? Should be used to it by now. Enjoy the buffet layed out before you.

Anonymous said...

I think what's really bothering him is the constantly criticizing fans. It must be annoying as hell. If you don't like his music (Trespassing album) fuck off.

Anonymous said...

I think this rant is not necessary. Of course women would want to be with him and "wish that it could be so" He is gorgeous. HOWEVER, I would say 99.9% of fans also embrace Adam for his talent,charisma,and his personal orientation DOESN'T MATTER. Not sure what set this off,but moving on like one fan.... so how's the new music coming????When can we expect your tour Adam?????How r u REALLY doing.

Anonymous said...

Wow. So many still don't get it.

Anonymous said...

@7:59 Would you care to share your knowledge?

Anonymous said...

I think Adam struck a nerve. The people who have been saying it are now embarrassed and rather than look at their own thinking and behavior they are brushing it off as Adam being thin skinned and making a big deal out of nothing. They really need to stop and think and not blame the victim.

Anonymous said...

Honesty is ignorance for some. so so sad. let the pity parties begin....

Anonymous said...

Reading the comments here I would say your percentage is WAYYYY off!


This can't be call a FAN site... Travesty is what this is!

Anonymous said...

How could Adam get a thicker skin? Adam, and Gaga, both have overprotecting fans. I think Gaga has a thin skin too..

Anonymous said...

Ignore is for ignorance. Just imagine if we ignored women's rights, children's rights, animal's rights, black rights, Asian rights, Hispanic rights, religious rights, etc. you don't understand when some make discriminatory remarks until you experience it. Do you ignore when people say women are horrible drivers when insurance statistic shows that women get into accidents less than men and countries that don't discriminate with women driving they have less accidents than countries that don't let women drive.

So sad that you are gay is a wrong statement and I'm glad Adam enlighten people not to say it. It's hurtful statement and should be erased from people's mind.

Anonymous said...

If I were Adam I would attempt to divorce myself completely from all the Glambert communication.
The nuts and frustrated delusionals far outnumber the well balanced fans. At one time I found the term Glambert defined good natured admiring fans. Now I no longer want to be one of the gang. It's cutthroat and too often downright nasty. The few bright spots are overpowered by the spotlighted bullies. In other words - it's just not fun anymore.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the person was directly attacking him. She just wishes she had a shot with him. Some women tend to fantasize about what they can't have. He should get it by now.

Anonymous said...

@8:02AM hahaha right on! A lot of blah blah blah about how people JUST DON'T GET IT! Really???c'mon
for the most part it seems like there are a lot of intelligent fans on this site.
EVERYONE gets their undies in a bunch sometimes,but just don't have as big a platform to express it. Adam is a talented and gifted man,and he has adoring fans. The rest is just well... his business.

Anonymous said...

I've been around nearly 5 years and I can't identify myself as a Glambert. I feel like too many Glamberts have their own agenda. Besides, I think the fandom names are irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

Imagine how frustrating Adam must feel when some of his own fans act like being Gay somehow makes Adam less than a human being. After five years, Adam has every right to wish his fans would get over the "fantasy". He has spent years trying to save lives by telling Gays that being Gay is a good thing, and be proud of who you are. Embrace it and love your life. Saying Adam is gorgeous and hot is not a bad thing. It's crossing the line to say, "Too bad he's Gay". That's just offensive along with: too bad you are fat, thin, black, Spanish, old, etc. The words might not be coming from a bad place, but that does not matter. It's the words themselves that cause hurt and pain. Adam is trying to educate those who do not understand, he should receive love and respect for this....nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

8:46, maybe you touched on the example that some of the people here will get. What would they to somebody saying you are a great Adam fan. Too bad you are so old. Now maybe they will see how insulting it is regardless of how well intentioned the compliment part was.

Anonymous said...

In the old days being a fan was better, and more simple. If you stopped liking the music, you stopped being a fan. Now it's the fanfiction that keeps other than fans hanging around in different fandoms. They are like plague, imo.

Anonymous said...

Adam must be as thick-skinned as a rhino. When I think of all the crap thrown at him in the last 5 yrs., it boggles my mind. He usually just ignores hatefulness or responds to it quite articulately. I think he sees a lot on Twitter and sometimes it just gets to him. Give him a break, for Pete's sake. He doesn't bring up the sexuality topic, generally. Sometimes you just have to respond. If people in the gay community just "ignore it" or just "let it go" all the time, nobody would learn anything. The ignorance would continue. Adam is a good teacher without trying to be one. Just a few words from him really says a lot. I don't call it a rant. It's an honest response to something that affects him on a daily basis all the time. He knows that "if only you weren't gay" is based on affection for him and reflects a natural sexual attraction. He gets it. I see no reason why he can't say what he thinks. And he wasn't rude, IMO.

Adam loves his true fans. He appreciates how loyal we are through thick and thin. He is not a typical popstar. I love him for his unique-ness. I've never found a celebrity so fascinating to follow. He's not a saint or a sinner. He's a man working on his life and career as best he can. And he faces more than the normal amount of negativity from the public. I think he handles it all quite well.

Excited about the new music. Apparently there are a few here to know exactly what he's been doing because they were right there with him in Sweden the whole time. LOL. Sorry about the sarcasm.


Anonymous said...

Be sure to watch Glee tonight.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:55
thank you!
Lots of folks ain't true fans, they don't really care his music,they care about his sex life, his friends and other petty deets!
I kinda understand Adam but with all sincerity, if he continues to look as hot as he does, those comments will continue rolling....

Anonymous said...

*I meant overprotective @8:15

Anonymous said...

I think Adam wears his heart on his sleeves. I also think that he's quite impulsive and like many of us probably not always in a highflying mood. Something must have struck a nerve yesterday when he was browsing through twitter. I'm an ardent fan but can't really feel too sorry for him. Adam has earned himself a celebrity status, he is adored by many, and he is in the public eye. Adam stands out in many ways and he is a very sexy guy. I sure hope he gets that by now as he himself contributed to this image. Of course he causes reactions and even his own fans to express opinions that are not always politically correct. He has to get over it. Victimized? Really? Hmmm.... Don't get it. Sorry. Would he rather go back to how things were 5 or 6 years ago? Probably not. As one fan reminded him yesterday, it's time to focus on music now and from my point of view not make his sexuality an issue (again). I'm really excited about Glee tonight. (I'm wondering if Chris Colfer ever expressed sentiments similar to Adams.)

Anonymous said...

What a pack of idiots on this site, trolls and glamberts alike.

Anonymous said...

10.20 wow that was certainly an intelligent comment not!

Anonymous said...

Adam has had a very successful five years because he multi talented and can do so many things and has done them what a talent he is. The Glee cast said he was outrageously talented. Now Queen who say he a one in a billion talent and the only one to sing their sings. Working on a great new album with big producers in Sweden for two months already. He had plenty of success not all about Cd's but world wide he sold quite a few of those to. Not one thing lol the resident troll as ever said has been ever true yet it keeps spreading its nasty untrue BS for two years that's what is ridiculous. As Adam said this will be a hood year. Nothing any troll on here says will stop that from happening. I can just imagine the crap h sees on twitter judging from he crap here. He has every right to voice how he feels. He knows his fans are attracted to him but just respect the fact he was just voicing an opinion he is gorgeous, sweet and talented and he does no make it all about being gay he rarely voices his opinion. Love you Adam ! That was this will be a good year corrected!

Anonymous said...

I didn't read thru the whole thread, but I'd just like to say I love the way Adam thinks.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Just maybe what struck a nerve is that he gets more clicks from the girls than the guys.
just sayin~

He's got to love everyone in the fan base, they love him from head to to and if their love reflects some sexy wants that's the way it is.
Its all in the interpretation of things.
Adam knowing what he's told us in the past should go with it.
Without his fans he where?
The intent of wishing I think wasn't meant to hurt feelings.
Had the word "sad" been left out maybe it wouldn't have pinched a nerve so badly.

Anonymous said...

oh brother!

Anonymous said...

10:20, you are correct. Amazing how some of his fans can't have an ounce of sympathy or tolerance for his viewpoint.

Unknown said...

Adam's addressing the "too bad he's gay" qualifier to his awesomeness brings us to a quibble over semantics, encased in a lesson yet to be learned.

First, I think Adam is calling out the popular sentiment for its unwitting effect: It stings. It says that no matter how good we say he is, it is not enough. It's dismissive and "ignant".

Adam must have foreseen the backlash: he's being "overly sensitive"; he's taking an indirect compliment the wrong way; he's the one victimizing himself. And, if he really wants it to be a non-issue, he's the one dredging up the "gay" issue.

Adam is not obtuse; he gets the source underlying the "compliment", the need to indulge fantasies, more accessible if he were not gay. By the same token, as Adam explains, the words hurt. But not just for the obvious reason that they are thoughtless. To leave it at that misses Adam's point and intent. Let me explain. Throughout his career, Adam has been made to feel less than adequate--he had to be more than good, and excelling, his best of the best was not enough. Underscoring this is the reaction of a newly won Adam fan, on learning Adam placed second in a singing competition, "Who won, Jesus Christ?" That's how good Adam is, and yet must still struggle every step because of a world that is only beginning to open up for him.
With these recent tweets, I believe Adam needed to impress us this lesson of his indignation: that unless he is viewed without the lens of his sexual orientation, he is not being treated as an equal, he is less than. In anyone's book, this is discrimination. From the reactions to the tweets, it is clear we have ways to go in grasping the concept of equality that Adam dreams about for a post gay world. His tweets give us an uncomfortable peek at what lay "underneath", and if we're open to what he's teaching, there is hope yet for a vision of a better world.

Anonymous said...

@Unknown 11.30PM
Wau, just wau!
Thank you so much for your post. Burning the midnight oil... you must be writing for living... Man, you saved my day and night (so tired from all the ugliness and BS)!

Anonymous said...

Hi 11:30pm, I'd like to add my admiration to 2:55am's comment. Well stated.

For straight girls, Adam is so swoon- worthy I think wishful comments are made. So interesting to hear how some - maybe not so deep - comments come across to a man that's had to deal with ALL the ramification of living as a gay child, as a young adult and, now, as a man. We think he's dreamy, and we want him, simply as that.

I think using the word "sad" doesn't refer to Adam, it refers to the fact that we will never have the object of our fantasy’s. At least I hope that's what posters to Adam's twitter mean. There is nothing "sad" about being gay. As a matter of fact, in some ancient cultures, gay men were considered very special, the perfect blend of male and female, like God is.

xo laura
ps... I am using the "royal" we above. I know not EVERYbody thinks he's dreamy. Haha.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:30 PM
Beautifully and perfectly said...

In my humble opinion, your words should be available for all to read , so that they may more fully understand where Adam's gentle and informative words came from: his heart and deep within his soul.. "This is who I am! And I love being me!!"

Anonymous said...

@2:10 glitzylady
I'll second that, post @11:30 "available for all to read"!
So many still don't get it...