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LATEST TWEETS: Big Announcement on Thursday!!!!!!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, March 04, 2014


Anonymous said...

yes!!!! Can't wait for Queenbert announcement!!! Woohoo!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Adam will surprise his Glamberts one way or the other.......
Intense Forward Motion, YAY!

Anonymous said...

BTW, saw pic of Demi's new hair do - finally she's looking her age, young & fierce! No wonder Adam luvs it!

Anonymous said...

Tonight's Glee songs ft. Adam's one in a billion voice available on iTunes:

Anonymous said...

5:26, and shaved on one side :)

Anonymous said...

@5:26pm can you post pic. of Demi's new hair do?

Anonymous said...

Just finished watching Glee! Adam was so gorgeous I could hardly stand it. Great voice, cool looks, sexy tuxedo. Looks like Pamela Lansbury is history. Wonder what's gonna happen on the April 1 episode to "say goodbye" to Elliot?? Love seeing Adam actually acting. He has a nice touch.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't stop smiling and staring closely on my TV tonight while I was watching Adam stormed everyone with his talent indeed!!!:) He just acted naturally and his voice is incredibly insane!!!:) FIERCE!!:)

I can't wait for more exciting event from our Rock God!:)


Anonymous said...

It would be great if he would pop back in now and then. I hope they make his exit open ended. Glee has a lot of great singers, much better than on commercial radio, and still Adam's voice soars.

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited I can't stand it! I've already downloaded all the songs from iTunes but I'll also buy the whole episode when it's available on iTunes. I bought all the episodes Adam's been on :))

Now to sit by the TV and wait for our Rock God to appear...sigh


Anonymous said...

Eber's tweet to Adam about "Barracuda"

Miles Tougeaux ‏@milestougeaux 19m

@adamlambert nice job. You've wanted to perform that one since you were like 9.

Anonymous said...

Eber's response to a tweet asking when Adam would put out his new album.

Miles Tougeaux ‏@milestougeaux 19m

@april76smith I'm guessing fall. But that's just my guess.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed watching Adam on Glee,O.K. who am I kidding,I was freakin drooling and smiling till my face hurt. His acting is amazing and I loved his hat. When he was singing Gloria he looked like he could have had a role in Fiddler on the Roof. Plus we got sexy barracuda Adam and James Bond Adam in his tux with Demi and Kurt!Adam not only needs to sing his own music but get some acting roles in the future too!

Anonymous said...

5:41, I'm not 5:26 but here are pics of Demi's new hair style.

demetria lovato ‏@ddlovato · 2h
Last selfie of my shaved head photo shoot. 💗💗💗😝 #NEONLIGHTSTOUR

demetria lovato ‏@ddlovato · 4h

Anonymous said...

Loved watching Adam on Glee tonight. It seems like he is having so much fun with this role of Elliott. I am going to miss watching him once he exits the show. Can't wait to hear Adam's announcement on GMA this Thursday. At least we will get a chance to see him live if only for a few minutes.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing Demi's pics. Love her new look! She looks like a rocker and very young hairdo.

Anonymous said...

I hope Elliot pops in and out of the plot, too. Can't stand the thought of losing him.


Anonymous said...

I am very happy to see Eber's tweets, esp. the one about Adam's new album maybe coming out in the fall. Even if it turns out to be a little later than that, at least we know for sure that Adam IS working on a new album and that it IS being released (hopefully) this year. Adam HAS been working on new music, for sure. That means a label of some kind. Fingers crossed.

Barracuda was fantastic!


Anonymous said...

Yuch! Don't like Deis do.

Anonymous said...

Adam's new BF Anton confirmed on twitter that he is moving to the US and also gave a short interview to a Swedish tabloid about his relationship with Adam....

Anonymous said...

Anything Adam does is cool with me,

Anonymous said...

Adam may be doing a commercial for a guy makeup line. At least that is how I am taking a tweet.

Anonymous said...

Adam was so fantastic on Glee. My friend, (male) who is kind of a new Glambert, said as soon as Adam takes that mike and starts singing, he takes the show to a whole new level and that, "Adam is in a league of his own". Now where have we heard those words before???? Yes, he sure does and he looks so darn gorgeous doing it....I wish he had time to do more episodes. It's been so wonderful looking forward to seeing him on my TV. Well, one more to go.


Anonymous said...

Which guy is Anton?

Anonymous said...

8:13 PM, I saw that interview too. The one were Anton said he didn't even know who Adam was and then described the two tweets as their sole contact.

Anonymous said...

Where is his picture with Adam.

Anonymous said...

They already met 2012 when Adam was on promo tour, google helps getting all the info ;)

Anonymous said...

@9:26 PM

I read that "Nöje" -article from 5th of March too.

It's funny that if they have met, why does Anton say that: "Jag har aldrig träffat människan tidigare" = "I have never met that person earlier" and "Jag visste inte ens vem han var, så det vinns inte jättemycket at säga direkt" = "I did not even know who he was, so there is not very much to say directly"..

@9:18 PM: Anton Hysen is a Swedish soccer player who is moving to USA. He met Adam in some Swedish club. He says also that :"Vi träffades en sekund, jag känner inte killen." = "We met a second, I don't know the guy."

The headline of the article is: "Anton Hysen about his relationship with Adam Lambert".

The magazine tells how they wrote after that on Twitter. Anton sent three tweets and Adam one saying it was nice to see.

There is the news about the new "boyfriends".

Anonymous said...

@9:21 PM
I'm not sure if there were any pics of them, only the tweets that caused the fuss.

Anonymous said...


Link to the article or you just made it up using Google Translator to write your wishful thinking in English to translate it to Swedish.

Anonymous said...

9:53, why aren't you asking the troll at 8:13 to provide the link to the article?

Anonymous said...

We don't believe any of these junks you are posting until you post links to articles. Aren't you tired of your lies?

Anonymous said...

9:53, I'm not 9:44 but it was easy for me to google and find it.

Original page:

Translated page:

I've never met the man before. I do not remember what the place is called where we met. I did not even know who he was, so there's not a lot to say directly.

Anonymous said...

I live in S. CA, when will be the time to hear Queens and Adams news. is it televised or radio

Anonymous said...

Why would Adam start following Anton on twitter if they only met for a few seconds, come on, the article is smoke screen ;)

Anonymous said...


Watch Good Morning America on abc channel 7 This coming Thursday between 7-9 am.

Anonymous said...

10:02, any time you have questions about when or where, Adam Lambert Events is the place to check! Links and world clocks there.

March 06: TV, US Announcement Adam makes an announcement on Good Morning America. Good Morning America is a morning talk show on ABC, the show runs from 7am to 9am PT/ET. [Source | Website | GMA live | TV Guide | World clock]
March 06: Event Announcement – press conference Queen and Adam Lambert to make an announcement this morning from New York (Madison Square Garden) at 10:30am ET. [Source - more information | More information | World clock]
March 06: Radio, US Queen and Adam interview on Sirius XM Classic Vinyl “Live & Unscripted with Ron Bennington” at 6:00pm ET. [Source | Website - more information w rebroadcast times | World clock]

Anonymous said...

10:06, your lame trolling has been exposed. Give it up.

Anonymous said...

That is a proof that Adam is a mega star, trolls and tabloids can't get enough of him. Tabloids for hits use his name to write twisted articles and trolls to satisfy their delusions by twisting and making lies from pictures and tweets.

Anonymous said...

I'm 9:44 PM: Thanks 10:02 PM! I would have linked that myself but I'm still so hopeless with my new phone. So, big thank to you!

Anonymous said...

@9:53 PM

I (9:44 PM) don't need a Google translator. I speak Swedish. But there was typo in my content: should have been "finns" not "vinns".

Anonymous said...

And again! I hate this phone! Should be comment, not content. (10:39 PM)

Anonymous said...

Adam is supposedly interested in a Swedish footballer????? If this rumor is true, Adam must really like this guy because he doesn't like football!!

Anonymous said...

Waiting Adam!
If this dude is Adam's new b/f (or not) it none of our business! Glamberts should be nice as always and stop harrassing Adam's friends on twitter..
Check this handle @badwolfff..such a lowlife

Anonymous said...

Adam was wonderful on Glee . love the shot with him in suit holding drink . . . singing was amazing as always . . Queen announcement coming . . . let's enjoy it and stop feeding the trolls . . let's stay positive.....

Anonymous said...

I watched GMA this morning and did not hear them mention Adam's name in any promos for tomorrow's show. So I hope that he is actually going to be on the show. They had on Leah Michele with two songs from her new album and also for an interview before she performed. One more year of Glee and that's it for the cast and show. I wonder how they will have Elliott exit the storyline. I love seeing him on the show and only have watched it to see him, so it will be sad to have him leave. He was like a breath of fresh air to bring him on with his stellar vocals and charming personality. The entire NYC storyline is so much better than the Ohio student one which has been rehashed so many times and is just becoming boring and sometimes cruel with Sue and Becky's actions and comments. Ryan Murphy should develop a show now with Adam in it, not necessarily a lead but part of an ensemble cast. But I suppose Adam's main focus is still music and hopefully we will hear something about a third album very soon.

Anonymous said...

Please God let him say something specific about his third album!