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NEW PICTURE: Adam Lambert in Paris

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, March 1, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, March 01, 2014


Anonymous said...

There is something about black and white photos......Strip away the color used to define most and true beauty is captured.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy Europe, BB!
Fell in love with Paris, the most romantic place on earth!!!

Anonymous said...

Paris is the city of love.
Is Adam in love again?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know who the guy is with Adam?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the guy is French? He looks quite young.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if he is hooking up with another non-English speaking guy. Great. And black and white hides the ring so that is good. Adam needs someone to tell him to quit going so Boy George in his styling. He has gone nuts.

Anonymous said...

I am sure he is just another fan, who is thrilled to have his picture taken with Adam. It happens every day. The black and white, makes Adam look years younger too.

Anonymous said...

Ignore @12:22 AM & @12:31 AM!

Anonymous said...

you remained me of crappy teacher who used to do the same thing to have her students attention .. she failed

Anonymous said...

it's look likes the guy is the star and Adam is the clingy fan

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so different.Part of it may be the black and white,over exposed pic,but the buzzed hair on the sides of his head,well,now we can see how VERY short,almost bald,it is.I think the guy is just a fan.Sorry,but I hate his hair like that.Love Adam-hate the buzzed hair;JMO;that buzzed hair and touring w/Queen won't be the same.I hope he'll let it grow out some by then and color the sides darker.I even like his bleached blond look better( cause it was longer),but loved his hair about the time the pix were taken for the Trespassing album;on Glee last week,his hair was nice,too.BB has such beautiful hair-wish he'd let it just grow.A big fan~

Anonymous said...

Where is Anton the new BF?

Anonymous said...

Is that Laurie woman in Twitter reliable source? She claims that Adam has said on his private Facebook that he has a boyfriend. I'm not in Facebook. How do you get to see someone's private accounts?

@2:42 AM
Waiting for him in Stockholm. Tweeted some hours ago to Adam and asked how Paris is? But there seems to be a promise that they will see again 'cause the earlier tweet was "have fun now & ill c ya soon Mr ;)" .

So, let's be patient. They'll let us know when time is right.

Anonymous said...

Ignore 1:28AM.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that these kiddie pics with very young dudes always make Adam look like he is doing something he isn't supposed to? It shouldn't be any different than it is with pics with young girls - but it is and I know I am not alone with my thoughts.

He likes young dudes but will it go on like this forever? Will he be dating teenage guys in his fifties, too?

Anonymous said...

3:02, you mean the biggest cray Laurie? She doesn't have access to his private account. I haven't seen anything anywhere like that so she is just making up stories again. Ignore her. She is cray.

Anonymous said...

2:16 AM
Quit your moaning ad nauseam about Adam's hair. No amount of complaining about it will make Adam bow to your incessant whinges. There are infinitely more important things in the world to be concerned about than Adam's shaved sides.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

3:24, that is only happening in your peverted mind.

Anonymous said...

@3:24 AM

Anonymous said...

Ignore 3:02, 3:24#1

Anonymous said...

My, 3:26 AM, thanks go to 3:24 AM #2, not #1.

Anonymous said...

12:14 am, looks like the guy is in Paris for Fashion Week. Maybe he saw Adam at a show and we will get pics of Adam at the show soon.

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous hunk of man. Those lips and eyes will be the death of me yet. ;)

Anonymous said...

That's the same jacket Adam was wearing in Aspen. Wish the pic was in color because the coat looked great with Adam's eyes.

Anonymous said...

This is 3:02 AM.

My Anton -comment meant to be some kind of sarcasm, but I seem to be bad on that. Sorry! Ignore it as 3:28 AM told. I'd like to delete my post but how does it happen?

Anonymous said...

at 3:26 AM

So Adam is not into teenage guys and I am pervert to think so? Or everybody is ok with the fact that he dates guys that are a lot younger than he is himself and I am a pervert to think otherwise?

Anonymous said...

3:32 AM, as an anonymous comment you will have to email Admin and ask her to delete it. Due to the number of haterscand trolls here it us probably best to not even joke about some things. Thanks for setting the record straight.

Anonymous said...

@3:24 AM #1

We all know he likes to date younger guys. He must have said it somewhere? But this is just a photo with a fan. And he has older and younger fans and is photographed with them. This guy just happens to be quite young.

Anonymous said...

3:35, you are so off point on so many things.
#1 that is just some random fan getting a pic with Adam.
#2 you have no idea how old this guy is. He could be late twenties.
#3 Adam doesn't date teenagers.

Most importantly, you are a crazy pervert if you think Adam is dating teenagers.

Either that or you are a troll trying to stir up shit.

Either way you are the one with the problem.

Anonymous said...

@3:39 AM

Thank you! I must be from now on more careful what I get out of my mouth (or rather type).

Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

3:47, you are welcome. I should have been more careful with my typing too. It's full of typos ;)

Have a nice day as well :)

HK fan said...

Everytime I stay off here a few days I think, well, hope that things will have changed when I come back...but no such luck:(

Anonymous said...

4:30 AM, I hear you. Wish we could get Admin to do something about it.

Anonymous said...

So everyone here says this guy with Adam is a fan, not a love interest. HTF does anyone know that? Stop making things up, people!

Anonymous said...

We do get Fashion Week pics!!

KTZ is the designer of the tunic hoodie Adam wore for the Divas show and a couple of other things we have seen Adam wear.

KTZ Fashion week Party Adam Lambert American Idol Contestant Edem & I @$!* #Paris #fashionweek

Anonymous said...

Aww, cute in that pic. Looking forward to more fashion week pics!

Anonymous said...

at 4:39 AM

Where's the hair?

Anonymous said...

Cute guy. Young but might be too tall for Adam who likes 'em short.

Anonymous said...

You all have unbelievable imaginations, it's really interesting. This s what I see.
1. Adam is in Paris ?
2. His har is shorter on the sides
3. He's taking a picture with a fan
I'll continue to read these posts to see what you come up with. It's endearing.

Anonymous said...

I like the pic from the KTZ fashion show. Adam's beard is looking very gingery.

Anonymous said...

Nowadays Adam is not provoking the sex talk e.g. on twitter, but he used to do it frequently, for many fans, this the reason to follow him, unfortunately

Anonymous said...

What an ugly bunch of disgusting comments. as usual

Anonymous said...

Sarcasm is something that should be left to professional writers, very difficult, especially if you're not doing it in your mother tongue, native language. Wish (especially young people in social media) would get this. Creates only misconceptions and ill will.

Anonymous said...

I'm not being mean, but is that a guy or a girl in the pic with Adam

Anonymous said...

7:05, he is a French guy going to Fashion Week.

Anonymous said...

I hate his shaved sides..but he apparently loves we just have to deal, and at this point IDGAF what he does to his hair..doesn't change anything about him..but his look..and I suppose it does not require much maintenance apart from constant cutting/shaving..he is just so damned cute and, as my mother used to tell me when I hated my haircut.."it will grow back" really is a non-issue after all...I wonder if the announcement will contain more news than just the tour information..seems to me that they would not have to use MSG to announce an upcoming tour..all will be revealed on Thurs...

Anonymous said...

I wonder if he shaves the sides when he is traveling. Doesn't he need to color it, if it grows in. Less maintenance ?

Anonymous said...

Yay! Glee Trio songs are available in Singapore. Take a sneak listen here but make sure you listen to/watch the official sources when they come out.

OMG, Barracuda is so good!

ok #glamberts I've posted Barracuda here!… :)))

Anonymous said...

Ignore AM's@ 2:11, 2:16,2:42,3:02,
3:21, 3:24,3:25,3:35,
4:38, 4:52,4:57,5:38.

Just be aware that he, she, or they; are all apart of the Adam Lambert hating Troll Brigade. If you notice; every time Adam's popularity and opportunities rise, he, she or they spring in to action. Their mind or minds are so perverted that they try to channel it on to Adam and his fans; handle them any way you wish as a free thinking human being; just be aware; they are jealous of and seem to despise Adam; accusing him of very awful things. Their wish is to sully this fine young man's reputation. A young man that have faced obstacles all of his precious life. He has come through far worse then this trash.

Thank God for the supportive fan base that Adam has; he can weather any storm; because his change is finally coming. The Glamberts will be here to make sure no dark clouds intervene in our International Rockstar's path to prevent him from his ultimate goals and dreams. Just flush this anonymous hateful, jealous crap that he, she or them are spewing; and keeping supporting Adam the best way each of us as individuals can!

Have a wonderful day Glamnation and keep the faith; all good things to come; and it is happening as we post!!

Anonymous said...

Find all four Glee Trio songs from @sherylteo here:

Be sure to give hits and buy when it is available in your area.

Anonymous said...

I am so proud to be an Adam Lambert fan. I just love this
this fandom. Thank you Adam Lambert for just being!!

Anonymous said...

Could someone tell me the Admin's email address? I'm so dumb that I don't find it. I would like to delete my comment.

Anonymous said...

Adam coming up on Glee again Tuesday; can't wait, the promos looked so exciting. I think I heard that Adam will have at least three, maybe four songs. Wow, I guess I will be viewing my head off on you tube the following week. So happy for BB, and us.

Anonymous said...

Yea, I saw where Adam was in a tux on the upcoming Glee episode; "be still my heart"!!!

Anonymous said...

so when did dating a guys a few years younger turn into "alot younger'. sauli was a few yrs younger.none of our business anyway, just like to hear his music and see what he is up to traveling the world

Anonymous said...

@8:13 AM

I agree with your post, although you can't unfortunately, reason with trolls; their mindset is to destroy Adam Lambert's reputation only!

Anonymous said...

8:23 am, here is the address. It's hard to find on this site. For future reference it is under Privacy Policy.

Anonymous said...

We have haters and trolls on this site. Trolls don't necessarily hate Adam, their primary goal is a reaction and they will use anything to get it.

Bottom line is both are annoying and I wish there was moderation on this site to deal with them.

Anonymous said...


You are right, Adam's private life is none of our business; but that wonderful talent sure is. Can't wait to hear and see all the wonderful things BB has in store for us.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:14 AM - we are smart enough to know what to ignore. Save yourself a lot of typing and quit being an aggravating town crier. We don't need you. Just join in the fun and forget about the comments you disapprove of.
You give them too much importance. Relax. Please!

Anonymous said...

8:24 AM, it is four songs. See 8:16 AM.

A couple of the songs are group numbers but it will be fun to see those on TV. You can really hear Adam on Barracuda though, his duet with Lea..

Anonymous said...


Thank You!!! Your post touched my heart strings. Thanks for the reminder of why we are all here!!!

Anonymous said...

@8:14 AM

Please just ignore that troll at 8:54 AM. Your post evidently struck a cord with them; like "ouch". They speak for no one but themselves. Evidently, they are not to smart to think that just one person feels that way about them. You hit the nail on the head and I guess it was at 8:54's head.
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I see what is really important to people here; arguing.

Anonymous said...


You do not speak for me. You seem to protest to much. I wonder why?

Anonymous said...

This is 8:23 AM

Thank you 8:49 AM!

Anonymous said...

@9:06 AM

Are you sure you are not a part of it? Just saying, some people throw out things, then complain about the responses. What should be important to people here; are important positive and informative posts regarding Adam. come on make your informative posts count instead of complaining.

Anonymous said...


We don't need you; who are you to tell an Adam fan what to post or do; just mind your own business. Post for no one but yourself; you certainly don't speak for me.

Anonymous said...

Thank you at 8:14 AM, loved your post. Seems as though you ruffled a few troll feathers.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so beautiful to me; he is just gorgeous in every possible way. Hard to take my eyes off of those pictures of Adam. I guess if I meet him in person; I would just faint. I wonder how many people here have actually met Adam in person; If you have, please share your encounter, I would love to hear it; please!!

Anonymous said...

I love you Mr. Adam Mitchel Lambert. You Glam trotting, international superstar you, with the one in a billion voice; take that will you?

Anonymous said...

9:22 AM

Sorry, never met Adam in person, but would one day love too. I love to hear about fan encounters too.

Anonymous said...

8 14
Lol you are worse than the trolls with your never ending lectures. An old fool

Anonymous said...

Beware of trolls like @9:32 AM, trying to gain favor with Adam fans by trying to use reverse psychology; these are trolls who feel beat and threatened and think that there is just one person who disagrees with their sick thoughts. Calling fans, old and fools; this person is pathetic. Not acting very nice as you can see. I guess at 8:14 AM must have struck a cord. I personally think it was a thoughtful post. But, you at 9:32, with your name calling self need to stop being the same old fool that you claim others to be. Different fans will continue to call you out; until you leave; or learn some respect!

Anonymous said...

Adam has the most exciting life. I am just so happy for him. Remember folks, Adam did say that 2014 would be full of surprise; and he was not lying. I have a feeling that this is just the very, very, beginning; we just have to fasten our seat belts folks!!!

Anonymous said...

I too, would love to see Adam in person. I hope I will get to one of the concerts. Waiting to see where they will be held.

Anonymous said...

We Glamberts are a passionate bunch !!!!!! I mean that in a good way.

Anonymous said...

Nobody seemed to care to stop arguing for Glee music. Will you stop arguing for this??

Adam Lambert Sverige @AdamLambertSwe
When @yaribanez met @adamlambert in Stockholm he told her the new album will be out soon =) (she got too starstruck to ask more<3) #soon


Anonymous said...

@9:26 AM

You are not the only one who loves Adam Mitchel Lambert; bet I love him more, ha, ha. Ok, I don't mind sharing. Isn't he just a dream come true. I think he did a fantastic job on Glee the other night. But, can't wait until Tuesday.

Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

Even if it is Adam's version of soon this is exciting! New music is on its way!

Anonymous said...

9 45
Lmao I see you are an old fool as well. You think that was a thoughtful post? You don't see the exact same lectures posted here every single day? Are you personally so clueless that you can't tell when someone is trolling and just ignore it? You don't see how that clutters up the posts and contributes to negativity?

Anonymous said...

someone here wants to be the hero of this site .. in her *real life* she dreamed to be a advocate but because she doesn't mind her own business she got distract and then couldn't make it
and now she's here trying pick up her lost dream on A virtual world

Anonymous said...

@9:52 AM

Fans are not arguing. I am reading lots of wonderful posts. The others, I ignore.

But, thank you so much for the news. But, I for one believed Adam himself when he said he was working on an album a while back; he does not lie about things like that; I did not doubt him for one minute. But, nice to hear that he verified it again with a fan! Thanks for the info regarding "soon"!

Anonymous said...

Adam is such a busy man; hope he does get some enjoyment in. Life needs to be balanced as much as possible. I am so happy for Adam; seems as though many of his dreams are beginning to come true.

Anonymous said...

Some people are fans but are unhappy with his style choices lately. Let them state their view without calling them trolls or non-fans. I don't love everything or every decision someone makes but I can state my opinion. I think he is going in the wrong direction with piercing a perfect face or shaving his sides. Sue me. I have an opinion but still admire his talent. You are judging us. Shame on you. Freedom of speech exists still.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha!
feels like being in kindergarden on a sunday
All for the Love of ADAM!!!
Have a beautiful sunday Glamberts!!!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately @9:55 & @9:57, he or she is the same old butt hurt trolls that @9:45 am and other posters called out. Thanks, I noticed that the crazy talk about Adam has stopped for awhile; because now that most fans are on to he, or she or them; they are too busy trying to defend themselves from the truth about he, she or them. Let's keep them busy!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

your problem is not with trolls or negative people . it's with realistic fans
you want us all to be delusional like you .
other way you will jump to a blindness defense .

Anonymous said...

At 10:03, careful; before you put yourself in the same vain as some of the posts listed in an earlier fan post. I don't think you would like to in any way identify with them if you are a true Adam fan; much of it was vile in my opinion. Those that post about liking a hair style or such in a civil way, was not the problem. Maybe read some of the post again and you would not be so close to defend on such a broad scale. Shame on you for not noting the difference!

Anonymous said...

There are more pictures on other sites of Adam with guys from the fashion show. Adam in same clothes.

Anonymous said...

the age seems to be an issue to you .
its okey to be old honey you're not the only old one , most of Adam's *us* fans are . and i think he deserve better than you y'all.. really
and i'm 9:57
9:55 is someone else

Anonymous said...

@10:08 There you go again, you are not a trying to pick on @8:14; looks as though they really got to the heart of things with you. It was a very informative post. Spoke to truth in my opinion. Speak for yourself, you are not a we. Perhaps if you clean up your act; you would not need to constantly be defending yourself. Sorry, but you and your many defending post of yourself seems to be the only delusional one around here. Please speak for yourself and stop pretending to be so many people.

Anonymous said...

This is to funny @10:18's post to poster 10:07. The poster at 10:07 was just responding to a troll that was calling Adam's fan old. Low and behold, I do believe it was poster's at 9:55 and 9:57 and @10:18. Does not matter because everyone is on to your behavior. No one is a we on here; so just speak for your many selves. The only we; is we Adam fans love him.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that everytime a picture is posted here of Adam with a guy, some people assume he is dating them?? I have lots of pics taken with lots of people. Does it mean i am dating all of them, or does it just apply to Adam?

Anonymous said...

i think you're 8:14 and trying to praise your self by multi comments and i don't need to defending myself . it's not a real world know that do you ?

Anonymous said...

Adam, Adam, Adam; how can you be so fine? How can you be so controversial just for being so talented. Why do you attract so many detractors, why, Adam; when you figure it out; get back to me. Meanwhile, I am going to enjoy your music and your beautiful pictures. I promise to stay out of your personal life. I promise to just enjoy your talents and your beautiful sprit. Meanwhile how you get to be so fine?

Anonymous said...

10:17 AM, is it the one at 4:39 AM? that's another problem with all the trolling and bickering here - the good stuff gets lost.

Anonymous said...


And most of it garbage.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:36
No Idea what 4:39 showed. I was asleep. This is 2 colored guys in bright clothing. Is it the same?

Anonymous said...

@10:33 AM

This is @10:19AM, I can assure you that I am not the gracious post at 8:14, I personally think the poster said what they have to say and left the building; can't blame them if that is the case; after that what more to say? Really don't care what you think. But, I believe I was not the only one who was touched by the person's sentiment; from reading some of the other posts. Adam's fans are good people, so not surprising to me.

I posted @10:19 only; I just do not like bullying tactics from someone pretending to be many people.

Now I will be leaving the building, real life to attend to!
Have a happy Glambert Day!!

Anonymous said...

We we we we we we
Don't tell me what to say
P.S I looooove you Adam but those people who called themselves fans of yours are really jokes lol

Anonymous said...

10:48 AM, black would be the better term to use.

Anonymous said...

Yea, this pic and this thread reminds of film noir..

Anonymous said...

OMG "Two colored guys" !!!!! Where or in what century were your raised. Please apoligize.

Anonymous said...

I maybe called snarky or troll here all the time
But "colored guys" ? Really

Anonymous said...

I am not a fan of film noir..

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the term 'colored guys'. Meant no harm, I am from the other era, meaning I am in my 70's. OK I stand corrected, I appologise.

Anonymous said...

Just came here again after a number of hours. Admin, please put this thread to bed.

Anonymous said...

I love it when trolls get on here and cry an whine about being called trolls.~getting my popcorn now~ lol

Anonymous said...

Oh really! What is this? I had to scroll through many nonsense comments. Only noticed couple of worthy news comments. The rest scrolled through.

Anonymous said...

The last word on this thread should be ADAM

Anonymous said...

All we know that Adam likes much younger boys than he himself is. Sorry, but I think it`s pretty sad that probably he will like them still in his fifties... That`s rather grotesque image to think.

Anonymous said...

Just to set the record straight. Adam DOES NOT have a personal Facebook. The ONLY Facebook in his name is the one linked to his Official Fan Site. And he does not even post on it - it is updated by his management people. All other Facebooks (in his name) are FAKE.

Anonymous said...

Just trust Adam he knows what he is doing,have faith in him.

vicki in ohio said...

Amen to that 4:43!

daydreamin said...

Anon 3:36 Adam has said he does NOT like much younger boys.

daydreamin said...

Anon 9:22;I was so extremely lucky to meet Adam 3 times, all at radio promos. I live in Calif so I guess I am fortunate in that regard. This thread may be dead so I will check back to see if you are still around and want the scoop. I also have some video when he entered the room.

Anonymous said...