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Nope you certainly don't want to mess with The Glamberts!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, March 31, 2014

Posted at : Monday, March 31, 2014


Anonymous said...

Normally quotes come with a source.

Anonymous said...

yup ,we're freakin rude , ain't something we should be proud of tbh...

Anonymous said...

Here is the source.

Adam Lambert: Now 50% More Fabulous

Anonymous said...

Lambertlust doesn't credit sources just steals.

Anonymous said...

this fandom is wonderful not perfect and so improved from five years ago.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to the article -- even tho it's from 2012. It was very positive and complimentary - plus I hadn't seen it before. So thanks.

Anonymous said...

its a really old article. from a few years ago. big fucking deal LL didn't credit the source. Who the fuck cares. Not every single thing has to be sourced and credited. I appreciate LL for posting these cool Adam things to twitter, and thank you to the admin for ignoring all the LL haters on this blog and continuing posting his stuff here. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Why post a two year old article on here?

Anonymous said...

11:03, actually the real world and most of the internet works that way, source needs to be shown.

Anonymous said...

11:09 PM, lambertlust routinely tweets really old stuff. Too bad Admin doesn't check how old it is before posting it here.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all you do @Lambertlust.
I appreciate it so much.

Anonymous said...

Lambertlust must have the thick skin celebrities profess to have by now!
I appreciate all Lambertlust and EVERY contributors...including admin!
Back to the thread topic, which makes me cringe btw, sorry if i don't defend 'our' man, personally, I prefer naysayers eat their words when things turn out well!

Anonymous said...

maybe lambertlust should start his own site

funbunn40 said...

@lambertlust, Thanks so much for this link. I had missed it and appreciate all of your links and time spent sharing them with us. We Glamberts are fierce when there is gay bashing, blatant misinformation and juvenile meaness. Nothing wrong with not liking a specific song, etc. We all have our own tastes, but some have to put others down because of their own obvious insecurities which are uncalled for and just reflects on the one trying to be hurtful. Adam rightfully remains kind and respectful,above it all, not going to that level. Just another reason why so many of us have such a high regard for him and all that he's accomplished. We stand up for him for good reason.

Anonymous said...

@11:31 totally understand ya! I find it ridiculous what peeps call defending Adam, it sometimes comes out as childish and funny, tbh.
Each time i read a troll's comment, i choose to IGNORE, they don't matter, yeah i appreciate constructive argument and playful banter that this Site rarely brings.

Anonymous said...

Lambertlust is a true fan indeed!!!:) We will protect our own !!!:)

Hell No!! to the HATERS!!!:)


Anonymous said...

"playful banter"... well, that's something sorely lacking from this site most of the time... *sigh*

Anonymous said...

This is becoming more like a Perez Hilton site every time I check in.

Stir the pot posting.

Really? So what if an old excerpt is reposted? It's relevant. It's about Adam. It's still true. It doesn't define every fan,but it does hit home....especially a couple of years ago when Adam was fodder for the bashers of anything. Personally...I think things have changed...not so much negativity on most sites where Adam is concerned.

And then there's 'here'. This IS supposed to be a fan site,isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Troll back
Just loves Adam

Sits at her/him keyboard and just can't wait to chime it

He/she just loves Adam to pieces

Why else would he/she be here 24/7

Love and Light Troll

Anonymous said...

Oh and he/she loves Lamberlust too . . . always commenting on his posts . . just can't stay away

We know you love Adam and Lamberlust . troll

Anonymous said...

I think the majority of Adam's fans are devoted, supportive and pretty sane. Sure, we defend him strongly when necessary, but most of us are not crazed maniacs. Adam is not some average-guy type. He's been controversial. His best fans love him for it and aren't afraid of it.

Thanks, Lambertlust, for this post (although old, not everyone has seen it). You are a great fan who wants to share your love for Adam. It comes from a good place. Keep us informed. Some here can scroll if they prefer.


Anonymous said...

Someone was asking. Yes I do have my own blogger site. I posted Adam's entire twitter party earlier.

Anonymous said...

Thought this was a thread for Adam not a free for all Lambertlust diss.

Anonymous said...

This was a thread about Glamberts, wasn't it Adam?!?!